• 每个人真真假假的俗碌碌

    Everyone is busy in mundane events in the true or otherwise.


  • 胡乱塞急急走了

    She shoved the book into her bag and hurried off.


  • 信件翻,匆匆不管不地扔得满都是

    She was rummaging through the letters, scattering them about the table in her heedless haste.


  • 因此沃利——因此,渴望尽早这个碌碌世界去,尽早走上这个世界道路

    'therefore, Wally therefore it is that I am anxious you should be early in the busy world, and on the world's track.


  • 孩子们尤其缺乏耐心,我有时为了保持房子安静,我甚至都没有耐心等到结束急急孩子们赶上床去。

    I lack patience quite often and expect a lot of my kids. I sometimes can't wait for the day to end so I can put them to bed and just have a quiet house.


  • 今天看上去极度疲劳。 他匆匆地往公文箱塞满文件,准备回家

    Today he looked utterly exhausted, rushing to pack his briefcase full of work to take home.


  • 冰箱储存你喜欢的健康外带食物,会比快餐店匆匆进食美味多了。

    Stock your freezer with healthy versions of your fave take-out treats — ones that are delicious enough to keep you driving right past the fast-food palace.


  • 碌碌几个月当中有那么几天几个小时真是死人

    Sometimes I was absolutely terrified, but those were just a few hours, in a few days of months and months of busywork.


  • 贝塔姆说完后返回电脑网络浏览器退出Facebook网站急急回了14个积压他的收件箱工作电子邮件

    Bertram then returned to his computer's web browser, logged out of Facebook, and hurriedly responded to 14 work e-mails that had accumulated in his in-box.


  • 下车时候注意一个男人匆匆银行出来

    I noticed a man running out of the bank when I got off the car.


  • 母亲手势以及屋子全家上下匆匆走来走去的情形,隐约地感到一件不同寻常的事就要发生了,于是门口,站台阶等待

    I guessed vaguely from my mother's signs and from the hurrying to and fro in the house that something unusual was about to happen, so I went to the door and waited on the steps.


  • 地铁挤满了人,上班一路上整个大约上百个碌碌公交者压扁了。

    The subway was so packed this morning, I got totally squished by about a hundred busy commuters on the way to work.


  • 还是他们匆匆生命奔波已经忘记了美的存在

    Or do they run around in the rush of life's busy years, have forgotten the existence of the United States?


  • 数学可是老大难厌倦不已但是暑假妈妈每天碌碌上班数学

    Mathematics E but I didn't make me tired, but mother busy every day during the summer vacation, was going to work and to teach me learn math.


  • 曾经行走匆匆希望躲过无尽的寒意,在深秋,在炎炎夏日,撑着都是惆怅感觉,人

    Who walk in the rain, hurried and very much hope that survived the endless cold, in the late autumn, in the summer heat, carrying an umbrella, are melancholy feeling, or King.


  • 所以他们全都这位朋友后面急急地朝前走去了。海狸速度令人吃惊他们森林浓密的地方走了一个小时。

    They therefore all hurried along behind their new friend who led them at a surprisingly quick pace, and always in the thickest parts of the forest, for over an hour.


  • 暮色降临时,幽灵似的急急点起媚兰显得更虚弱了。

    When twilight came on and Prissy, scurrying like a black wraith , lit a lamp, Melanie became weaker.


  • 很多学生夏天最后日子不是出外去游泳池或者商业区玩耍,而是在阅读写作- - -在回到学校之前匆匆完成作业

    Instead of savoring the final days of summer by hanging out at the pool or the mall, many students are reading and writing - cramming to complete assignments before heading back to school.


  • 碌碌一年人们工作难得相聚

    During the year, it is difficult for people to meet, as they are usually busy working or studying.


  • 下车的时候注意一个男人匆匆银行跑出来。

    I noticed a man when I got off the car.


  • 可是有那么糟糕。今天早晨说吧地铁挤满了人,上班一路上整个大约上百个碌碌的乘公交车压扁了。

    But it is! Take this morning for example. The subway was so packed this morning, I got totally squished by about a hundred busy commuters on the way to work.


  • 免不了面对众多风雨疲惫生活这个碌碌世界

    Will inevitably have to face a large number of wind and rain and fatigue, living in this busy world.


  • 巫婆长着千,一下就看见了继女,正跟着自己爱人罗兰匆匆地远去。

    The witch flew into a rage, jumped to the window, and as she could see far into the world, she saw her stepdaughter hurrying away with her sweetheart Roland.


  • 今年匆匆就过去了感到自豪的事坚持单词328

    This year went by rapidly, the most honored during the year is that I began my plan to learn English words for 328 days and now I am still on learning.


  • 不久前的一天妻子匆匆进来对我:“院子看看,看着老天爷上,赶紧去吧!”

    The other day my wife came in hurriedly and said, "Come into the yard. Quick! For goodness sake hurry!"


  • 不久前的一天妻子匆匆进来对我:“院子看看,看着老天爷上,赶紧去吧!”

    The other day my wife came in hurriedly and said, "Come into the yard. Quick! For goodness sake hurry!"


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