• 然而我们地势很高,而广场汽车旅馆处于其下面的平地。

    Our house was on a hill. Perry Plaza was on flat land below.


  • 选择一个3英尺多平方米场地,控股单位英镑四个木制金属职位进入地面3英尺角落广场

    Choose a 3-foot-square site for your holding unit and pound the four wooden or metal posts into the ground 3 feet apart, at the corners of the square.


  • 毗邻海尔国际机场的奥海尔美食广场非常座位

    At O'Hare's food court near the international terminal, it's tough to find a seat.


  • 房子整个上午都忙乱皮卡迪利广场

    It's been like Piccadilly Circus in this house all morning.


  • 有些青少年购物广场闲逛。

    Some teenagers were hanging out at the mall.


  • 就连伦敦西区中心莱斯特广场堆满塑料袋袋子装满发臭垃圾

    Even Leicester Square, in the heart of West End of London, was piled with plastic bags full of smelly rubbish.


  • 显然屏幕的皮卡迪利广场出现很多电影所有人都知道

    Obviously Piccadilly Circus with the big screens is in so many films. Everybody knows it.


  • 记得有一,学校广场

    I remember one day, in the school there was a square.


  • 我们穿过事实上已经废弃了市场广场,来到一家名为“Ambiente”的酒吧,酒吧酷的居室气氛刷成红色的。

    We head across the practically deserted market square toward "Ambiente," a small pub with a cool living room-like atmosphere and walls that are painted red.


  • ——广场的人堆度过新年

    Spend New Year's Eve in Times square.


  • Sharma带领游客们穿街巷来到这个广场。眼前景象如同狄更斯笔下《雾都孤儿》的再现。

    He leads the tour into a small square, and a scene that could be straight out of Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist.


  • 监狱位于广场东侧,曾一家修道院。监狱现有1500名囚犯其中80%因贩卖毒品入狱。

    The prison which located in the eastern side of the plaza is a former monastery and houses around 1,500 prisoners, 80 percent of whom are in for drug offences.


  • 监狱位于广场东侧,曾一家修道院。 监狱现有1500名囚犯其中80%因贩卖毒品入狱。

    The prison which located in the eastern side of the plaza is a former monastery and houses around 1, 500 prisoners, 80 percent of whom are in for drug offences.


  • 搭建在全美各地城市广场帐篷王国、街道上如潮水般涌动抗议人群,4千多人被警方逮捕——这些都是我50多年人生生平头一次看到的景象。

    Tent cities in the public square in cities all over America, crowds of marchers in the streets, over 4000 arrests nationwide—in my lifetime, and I'm past 50, that's new.


  • 深夜Maliki广场的小店卖的仙人掌面的也一块吃哦。

    Have cactus fruit at the late night stalls on Maliki square and do not hesitate to eat the seeds.


  • 少数年轻人跳到斯德哥尔摩塞格广场喷泉不过街头没有出现狂欢跳舞庆祝的场面。

    A handful of youngsters jumped into the fountain on Sergels Square in Stockholm, yet there was no wild partying or dancing in the streets.


  • 这些交易包括布鲁克林大桥自由女神像、格兰特麦迪逊花园广场大都会艺术博物馆

    Among his offerings were the Brooklyn Bridge, the Statue of Liberty, Grant's Tomb, Madison Square Garden and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


  • 广场焦虑症患者很难任何公共场合有些安全感特别是人多拥挤的地方。

    People with agoraphobia often have a hard time feeling safe in any public place, especially where crowds gather.


  • 无数的人广场上露营,蜷局睡袋毯子

    Hundreds are camped out in the square wrapped in sleeping bags or blankets.


  • 哈罗德拿起话筒,莫德像在广场啄食一样开始拨号每个被拨动的按钮发出夫人每次拨号订餐时发出曲调一样

    He held the telephone while Maude pecked at the buttons as if they were large square seeds. Each button made a note that sounded like the song Mrs. Dialed each time she ordered food.


  • 拿破仑于1812年前往俄国途中曾经这儿逗留过,住建于1613年的四层别墅,从屋可以俯瞰瓦卡鹅卵石铺就的广场

    Napoleon sojourned there in 1812 on his way to Russia, spending the night in a four-story villa built in 1613 that dominates Vacha’s cobblestone square.


  • 上周麦迪逊广场举行的音乐会上,观众开玩笑说鼓鼓的肚皮不是因为妈妈了。

    During a concert at Madison Square Garden last week, Perry joked to the crowd that her "bloated belly" wasn't because she's about to be a mom.


  • 不用说开车各个商场汽油了,还有商场美食广场买垃圾食品的钱。

    Not to mention all the money spent on gas, driving to different shopping places, and the money spent on fattening food at mall food courts.


  • 雨果·沃尔德整个家族家长,众多的侄子、外甥、姻亲广场街上稍差的公寓大厦

    Hugo Waldman was the paterfamilias of the whole tribe-nephews, Cousins, and uncles-in-law who lived along the Concourse in lesser palaces.


  • 喷泉儿童游戏,在巴统长达五英滨海林荫大道上漫步,这条大道上并排棕榈树吊床以及游乐广场

    FOUNTAINS dance, children play and families stroll along Batumi's five-mile seafront boulevard, lined with palm trees, hammocks and playgrounds.


  • 孩子们坐好了,列车启动,下一站是解放广场意识到头巾要下来,伸手系好,棉纱掉了出来,灌到脖子或许孩子的妈妈注意到相对浅色的头发,便来自哪儿,美国,我说。

    As the layers of cotton gauze fell away, I felt air on my neck. The mother of the boys, noticing, perhaps, my comparatively light-colored hair, asked me where I was from.


  • 孩子们坐好了,列车启动,下一站是解放广场意识到头巾要下来,伸手系好,棉纱掉了出来,灌到脖子或许孩子的妈妈注意到相对浅色的头发,便来自哪儿,美国,我说。

    As the layers of cotton gauze fell away, I felt air on my neck. The mother of the boys, noticing, perhaps, my comparatively light-colored hair, asked me where I was from.


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