• 文河河水漫过堤岸后,什鲁斯伯里市遭遇了洪水袭击

    Shrewsbury also suffered flooding after the River Severn burst its Banks.


  • 启东建筑队伍在内蒙古满洲里市建筑已有20多年经营历史

    Qidong City construction market has been operating for more than 20 years of history.


  • 1809年,达尔文出生于英格兰(西部)什鲁斯里市一位富裕医生之家。

    Born in Shrewsbury, England, in 1809, Darwin was the son of a wealthy doctor.


  • 满洲里市位于内蒙古自治区东部中国最大陆路口岸毗邻俄罗斯蒙古

    Manzhouli City, located in the eastern part of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is China's largest land port, adjacent to Russia and Mongolia.


  • 八个国家资格参赛,所有比赛安排德耳塔的奥哈拉、欧勒、瓦里市

    Eight countries have qualified for the tournament, which is being hosted in Oghara, Oleh, Warri and Ughelli, all situated in the country's Delta province.


  • 英国教会黄铜纪念碑展示中世纪社会百态最佳画廊而萨里市玛丽教堂欧洲历史悠久。

    The brass memorials in British churches provide the best portrait gallery of medieval society. Europe's oldest is in st Mary's church in surrey.


  • 英仙座流星英格兰南部威尔特郡尔兹伯巨石阵新石器时代纪念碑上面的越过明星上形成条纹

    Photo and caption by kieran dohertyA Perseid meteor streaks past stars over the neolithic monument of Stonehenge in Salisbury, wiltshire, southern England.


  • 满洲里市土地定级工作MAPGIS平台利用了MAPGIS强大的绘图功能空间分析模块

    The land gradating work of Manzhouli, has taken MAPGIS as the platform, used its strong drawing function and special analysis module.


  • 史前巨石柱英国名胜古迹颇负胜名。位于靠近英国索尔兹伯平坦而多风索尔兹伯平原上。

    Stonehenge is the best known of a number of such ancient places in Britain. It stands on the flat, windy Salisbury Sousbray Plain plane, near the city of Salisbury, England.


  • 三个多星期之后共和党领导人统一达成一项权力分享协议北爱尔兰法院大型汽车炸弹爆炸时,没有受到伤害。

    Less than three weeks after unionist and republican leaders in Northern Ireland reached a power-sharing deal, a large car-bomb exploded outside a courthouse in the town of Newry. No one was injured.


  • 本文满洲里市环境空气现状进行了分析,预测了大气污染趋势提出环境空气综合整治对策以及大气污染控制治理措施。

    The article analyzed the current status of air environment in ManZhouLi city and forecasted tendency for air pollution. suggested countermeasures of synthetic treatment program on air pollution.


  • 北卡罗来纳希科里市发生了一宗神秘案件,当地一家名叫“船长厨房”的餐厅两个现金收银机被盗。而警察的破案时间却短得破了纪录

    Hickory, North Carolina, cops were able to solve in record time the mystery of the two cash registers purloined from the Captain's Galley restaurant.


  • 你好非常感谢印度西孟加拉邦西里市联想专卖店为购买联想电脑提供了细致周到的服务也非常愿意分享我的愉快的购机体验。

    Hi Mr. Philip, I just want to congratulate you that i am very happy and satisfied with the service provided by lenovo here in siliguri, west bengal.


  • 我们利兹一个小村子

    We live in a small village just outside Leeds.


  • 继续西边100弗拉格斯塔夫前进。

    I pushed on toward Flagstaff, a hundred miles to the west.


  • 白沙瓦以东40瑙谢拉成群巴基斯坦人聚集政府技术学院一个营地

    Crowds of Pakistanis swarm together in a camp at the Government College of Technology in Nowshera, 40 kilometers east Peshawar.


  • 根据普林菲尔德发布宣传材料斯普林菲尔德酒店游客多于住在邻近顿的游客。

    According to promotional material published by the city of Springfield, more tourists stay in hotels in Springfield than stay in the neighboring city of Harristown.


  • 邵阳大约60公

    It's about 60 kilometers from Shaoyang City.


  • 不久前的一天,艳阳高照,一万三千只鸡·布朗位于得克萨斯州希纳40英亩向风的露天农场自由活动着。

    On a recent sunny day, 13,000 chickens roam over Larry Brown's 40 windswept acres in Shiner, Texas.


  • 个月坎布大厅举办了关于种族等级公共论坛十月哈佛大学肯尼迪学院再次就此话题研讨。

    Two months ago, Cambridge held a public forum on race and class at City Hall. It will hold another dialogue on the topic in October with Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.


  • 离开之前科学家决定通过抽样检测海拔博尔德的空气,在旅程中将用来检测空气硝基氯含量设备进行检验

    Before leaving, the scientists decided to test the equipment they would use to detect airborne nitryl chloride on the cruise by sampling the air in Boulder, a mile above sea level.


  • 原告指控士满疏于告知公众展开天线公开环境审核侵犯了居民正当法律权利

    The plaintiffs accused the city of failing to provide public notice and conduct public environmental reviews of the antennas, violating residents' due process rights.


  • 几个小时之后经过了更多干旱山地我们到达了大不,参观了著名大巴扎,有件事可记。

    Hours later, after more dry mountains, we arrive in Tabriz and head for its famous bazaar to pick up a few things.


  • 中东强劲走势可以居高不下油价来解释不过过去12个月部分外国投资者进一步放宽。

    The strong performance of the Middle Eastern markets can chiefly be explained by high oil and gas prices, though some have also opened up further to foreign investors over the past 12 months.


  • 马萨诸塞州纽波波特,一家名叫安娜·杰奎医院上月起开始实施一条规:凡应聘者必须接受尼古丁摄入状况的测试

    Under a new policy believed to be the first of its kind for a hospital in Massachusetts, Anna Jaques Hospital in Newburyport last month began testing prospective employees for nicotine use.


  • PB 150钢制结构制造苏格兰动力输出装置控制系统制造检测于OPT位于美国新泽西州边宁顿工厂

    The PB150's steel structure was fabricated in Scotland, and the power take-off and control system was built and tested at OPT's facilities in Warwick and Pennington in New Jersey, US.


  • 乔治·华盛顿中学离我家大约纽约最大最好公立学校之一

    George Washington High school, about a mile and a half from our apartment, was one of the city's largest and best public schools.


  • 乔治·华盛顿中学离我家大约纽约最大最好公立学校之一

    George Washington High school, about a mile and a half from our apartment, was one of the city's largest and best public schools.


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