• 克利斯·朵立即吸引住了,起初也说不清为什么,他只是感到维异常面熟

    Christophe was immediately attracted to Olivier, although at first he was not quite sure why. Olivier's face was only hauntingly familiar.


  • 想起马刀,而此刻,正在车道慢慢移动,正向下喷他的身上。

    With his car rolling away on the track and water spraying down on him, o 'leary remembered the Puma knife in his front pocket.


  • 房子只是中等阶级水平或者更低些但是所房子通过各种各样的住户依靠维的指引克利斯·夫才开始发现法国真正灵魂

    The house was only middle-class or less; but in that house and its inhabitants, and with Olivier's guidance, Christophe began to find the real soul of France.


  • 篇论文主张克纳所描写丑陋尤其是小说女人丑陋的形象南部女子气质文化有关。

    And in that essay she argues that o 'connor's grotesqueness, especially the grotesqueness of the women figures in her novels, is all wrapped up with the culture of southern womanhood.


  • 现在,摆在面前埃及冥王西斯小型描漆木质雕像,只有,它被摆放展厅第一个房间的玻璃橱窗

    The statue in front of me is a small painted wooden figure of the god Osiris, just over half a metre high, in a glass case in one of the first rooms of this engrossing exhibition.


  • 还有布拉德利·惠特福德,扮演自私但是本性善良的乔希·赖曼副手的忠诚毫不亚于里奥

    And then there's Bradley Whitford, as the egotistical but good-natured Josh Lyman, Leo's deputy, who is as everybit as loyalistic as Leo.


  • 卡万戈三角洲方圆几千平方但是在广袤卡拉哈沙漠简直杯水车薪。

    The Okavango covers thousands of square miles, but it is really just a thin sheet of water stretched across the sands of the Kalahari.


  • 加盟后,二人分工迅速决定杨元庆掌管董事会把握战略方向,阿梅负责公司运营

    The division of labour was immediately decided: Mr Yang runs the board of directors and sets the strategic direction and Mr Amelio has operational control.


  • 迪由虽然没有重返华盛顿的意向,迪由里奥主义倒可能卷土重来

    Mr DiIulio shows no desire to return to Washington. But DiIulionism may return there nonetheless.


  • 普拉掉头回到小屋条目册,以便提醒要把钱送到洗车店一边办公室保险柜

    Carpluk headed back inside. She deposited o 'leary's money into the register, triggering an alert that it was time to take the money to the office safe on the other side of the car wash.


  • 比尔·,约翰·多伊奇米基·坎特,鲍勃·赖克,黑兹尔·劳拉·泰森亨利·西斯内罗斯要离开了

    Bill Perry, John Deutch, Mickey Kantor, Bob Reich, Hazel OLeary, Laura Tyson, and Henry Cisneros were all leaving.


  • 克利斯·发现维是个真正朋友,就共住公寓

    Finding a real friend in Olivier, Christophe took an apartment with him.


  • 即将到来的一,要这些紧迫事件上取得重大进展不可能的,所以巴马应该在2011年抓住机遇集中那些富有积极意义的事情上。

    In the coming year, major progress on these pressing issues is unlikely, so Obama should take the opportunity to focus on the positive in 2011.


  • 就如帖子提及的那样,幅邮件(大多数)是顶用的。

    As Leo rightly mentioned in his post, long emails (mostly) don't work.


  • 艘舰身长419英尺由美国亚拉巴马州莫比尔地区斯图造船公司设计制造的,它能连续海上航行10.000(19.000),并且可以不足20英尺的浅海海域航行。

    The 419-foot vessel was built at the Austal shipyard in Mobile, Alabama, has a range of 10,000 nautical miles (19,000 km) and can also operate in water less than 20 feet deep.


  • 电影充斥电脑绘画那些表演动画”的电影例如《北武夫甚至从头至尾都是虚构的。

    Movies are stuffed with CGI and, in such "performance animation" films as "Beowulf, " overwhelmed by them.


  • 夫的愿景甲骨文公司工作时形成的,当时他是公司老板·埃的铁哥们。

    Mr Benioff's vision was shaped at Oracle, where he worked closely with its boss, Larry Ellison.


  • 西班牙一些昂贵葡萄酒出自上里奥哈·阿拉韦地区

    "Some of the most expensive wines in Spain come from the Rioja Alta and Rioja Alavesa regions," Pancho Campo, the founder and President of the wine Academy of Spain, says.


  • 琼尼·文斯取代里奥·费迪南德出现首发位置上,只是他依旧被维奇前锋史蒂夫·完爆。

    Jonny Evans, starting instead of Rio Ferdinand, was bullied by the Norwich striker Steve Morison.


  • 印度萨邦世界艾滋病日前游客们在观看艺术家苏达山派特耐克创作的沙雕。

    Visitors look at a sand sculpture created by sand artist Sudarshan Pattnaik on the eve of World AIDS Day at Puri, Orissa, India.


  • 科摩是意大利一个主要湖泊,在卡雷诺阿尔杰尼之间面积56平方(146平方),深达1358英尺(414)。

    A major lake of the country, Lake Como covers 56 square miles (146 square kilometers) and reaches a depth of 1, 358 feet (414 meters) between Careno and Argegno.


  • 怀抱抽泣,无法自已。

    She sobbed uncontrollably in O'Leary's arms.


  • 西班牙机场高速公路运营商法罗·里奥集团(Ferrovial)股价上涨1.7%,至8.07欧元,此前法罗·里奥集团公布今年前9个月利润达到3.15亿欧元,相比之下去年亏损1.91亿欧元。

    Ferrovial SA advanced 1.7 percent to 8.07 euros after the manager of airports and highways posted a nine-month profit of 315 million euros, compared with a loss of 191 million euros a year earlier.


  • 帕拉的Carajás矿山码头铁路升级为可承载330车型火车3花费45亿里奥

    The railway from the Carajás mine in Pará state to the dockside is being upgraded to carry 330-car trains, each 3km long, at a cost of 4.5 billion reais.


  • 位于凤凰城东南42(67.59公)处的封闭社区里奥·贝尔德一个高尔夫乡间俱乐部度假村,距麦克道山区公园只有分钟的路程,游客可以步行骑自行车去

    Rio Verde, a gated community 42 miles northeast of Phoenix is a golf country club resort. It is just five minutes from the McDowell Mountain Regional Park where visitors can hike and bike.


  • 废品集市袅袅炊烟穿过诺科河41岁的易茨美尼亚··罗斯正在帐篷迎接名游客的到来。

    As the smoke from the Cambalache's fires blew across the Orinoco, Ismenia la Rosa, 41, welcomed a visitor to her tent, while cradling her newborn son, 6 days old and still lacking a name.


  • 马基雅本可以在维德的《变形记》(4.460)找到西西弗斯。

    Machiavelli would have found Sisyphusin Ovid's Metamorphoses 4.


  • 马基雅本可以在维德的《变形记》(4.460)找到西西弗斯。

    Machiavelli would have found Sisyphusin Ovid's Metamorphoses 4.


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