• 昨天晚上詹姆斯世界媒体发表录像行为一份道歉

    Last night, st James's Palace issued an apology for Harry's behaviour in the film, obtained by the News of the World.


  • 实际上我们倒退然后录像这个

    Actually, let me back up and do this in video.


  • 袭击过后几天国家电视频道仍然一直新闻首要时间报道,不断播放警方神秘泄露袭击时的安全录像

    Several days after the assault state television channels were still leading their news with it and playing security camera videos of the attack mysteriously leaked by the police.


  • 相信看过狮子丛林捕捉猎物录像

    I'm sure you have seen videos of lions hunting in the wild.


  • 研究录像行人特征之后,团队把目光聚集人们四处走动规律然后它们转化试探法发方程序

    After studying the patterns of pedestrians in videos, the team zeroed in on the rules the people used to get around and then converted them into heuristic formulas.


  • 据说,当马沙尔录像看到群年轻男女此地的游泳池中嬉戏时,怒火中烧。 毕竟希望此地形成的“抵抗性文化相去甚远

    Mr Meshal was said to have fumed at the sight of a video that showed girls and boys cavorting in the resort’s pools, a far cry from the “resistance culturehe would like to foster.


  • 录像中,鳟鱼水缸游动,这时一组涡流先后的两侧靠近。

    In one video, a trout swims in a tank as eddies come toward it, first from one side and then from the other.


  • 法瑞尔凯克凯属于那种大部分不现身主人,把主要时间用于一起制作电影尽管麦克凯每天都来点个卯,法瑞尔偶尔录像客串。

    Ferrell and McKay, who spend most of their time making movies together, are largely absentee owners, though McKay checks in daily and Ferrell stars in the occasional video.


  • 录像可能巴基斯坦瓦济斯坦地区,据霍斯16(10),那儿巴拉美军基地内部将自己引爆。

    It was probably filmed in Pakistan's North Waziristan region, 16km (10 miles) from Khost, where Mr Balawi blew himself up inside an American army base.


  • Wallace其实成堆事要六个写了200条博文拍摄了45录像发了7000条微博还要参加无数酿酒厂的推广活动

    Wrong, Wallace said; it was actually a ton of work. In six months, he wrote 200 blog posts, shot 45 videos, sent 7, 000 tweets and attended numerous events to promote the winery, he recalled.


  • 某些情况下频频死机造成不仅仅暂时麻烦有些美国人甚至丢失了储存数字录像Tivo几个月重要电视节目

    In some cases, the frequent crashes have caused more than just temporary hassles, with some Americans losing months of important shows they had saved on their TiVos.


  • 张图片取自完整摄影录像,它电影开拍之个狗仔藏树丛拍下的,该录像2007年中旬出现互联网上。

    That picture is part of an entire video shot by onlookers in a bush during initial filming of the movie that appeared on the Internet in the middle of 2007.


  • 几种不同体操动作已经录像演示了

    Several different calisthenics were illustrated in the video.


  • 大学时代写过一些短篇小说一部长编小说,玩过摄影8厘米影片,也试验录像纪录片自己的错失学到了不少。

    In university, I wrote short stories and a novel, I experimented with photography and 8 mm film, I made experimental videos and documentaries. I learned from my mistakes.


  • 如果哥伦比亚决策纲要”中的案例学生看到访谈录像录像拉斯描述了这项富有挑战性的工作。

    If this case were a Columbia decision brief, students might see a video interview in which Pollace describes the challenge.


  • 环保调查机构最近公布的报告,环保人士过去私下拍摄了录像记录老挝的木材是如何被运到越南家具厂的。

    The report says an undercover video shot by activists during the past two years shows how logs make their way from Laos to Vietnamese furniture factories.


  • 牢记建议随后几天,我录像读小说着看特别的迎客之礼。他们会怎样迎接我呢?

    So I kept in mind his recommendation and spent the next few days watching videos, reading, and waiting for the special welcome.


  • 研究后,工作为阿克拉姆zaatari工作,一部摄影录像项目助理工作。

    After my studies, I worked in the fields, as well as working as Akram Zaatari's assistant on a number of his photography and video projects.


  • 大学行为装置图片录像,但其实国画系的。

    Majoring traditional Chinese painting during his stay in college, he has surprisingly dealt with performance, installation, picture and video.


  • 镜子或是录像检查自己。

    Check yourself out in a mirror or on videotape.


  • 录像-科尔阿什利-科尔吉也高尔夫球杆,科巴姆训练基地起了高尔夫,关于他们镜头可不算少。

    The introduction of them was enough for Joe Cole, Ashley Cole and Wayne Bridge who all picked some up and started hitting golf balls all over Cobham.


  • 奥巴马白宫篮球场接受了广播公司艾伯特采访,期间谈论了很多有关篮球话题采访录像周二八点EDT频道播出。

    Obama was interviewed about a number of basketball subjects by broadcaster Marv Albert on the White House basketball court. The interview will be shown Tuesday night at 8 p. m. EDT.


  • 奥巴马白宫篮球场接受了广播公司艾伯特采访,期间谈论了很多有关篮球话题采访录像周二八点EDT频道播出。

    Obama was interviewed about a number of basketball subjects by broadcaster Marv Albert on the White House basketball court. The interview will be shown Tuesday night at 8 p. m. EDT.


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