• 市场,我看到一个小女孩坐一辆购物车上。

    In the market, I saw a little girl sitting in a shopping car.


  • 一个胜利难以得到,失败了却尖锐批评的市场他们最好不断赢得奖励

    In a market where success is harder to come by and failure will be judged harshly, they had better keep winning prizes.


  • 甚至街边市场不同棚亭都会涂成不同的色调,从淡淡的苹果绿使用最多些的松绿

    Even in a single street market, different booths are painted different shades, from the lighter Apple Green to the darker Larch Green, which is most popular.


  • 这个快速扩张的的市场一个主要网络采用一系列年纪最小为4儿童设计的儿童手机,而且声称的手机更加安全和更加智能

    Now, in this rapidly expanding market, a major network is about to adopt a range of kiddie-phones designed for children as young as 4, with claims that its handsets are safer and smarter.


  • 有一次市场不出(最近搬来的)邻居

    Once, I didn't recognize a (fairly new) neighbor at the market.


  • 往常一样春节零售商带来了商机而且今年就连美国食品威士忌酒承办商都报告说,他们一个日益增长中国市场获得强劲的销售

    As usual, the holiday was a boon for retailers, and this year even American purveyors of food and whisky reported strong sales to a growing Chinese market.


  • Lahore一个拥挤市场发生的爆炸至少导致了49死亡

    At least 49 people were killed by bomb blasts in a crowded market in Lahore.


  • 一个小的市场很少竞争对手消费者基数每个开发者更大的机会到钱,Freeman

    With a smaller market, fewer competitors and a reasonably large customer base, each developer has a higher chance for making a quick buck, Freeman said.


  • 描述了市场一个40多岁陌生男人如何走上前来是否有适婚的女儿

    He describes how a stranger, a man in his mid forties, approached him in the market asking if he knew of any marriageable girls.


  • 另外DellHP这样供应商来说,通过纵向一体化进入IT业务其他领域为他们一个成熟市场寻找新的成长机会提供了条件。

    Furthermore, for providers like Dell and HP, spreading vertically into other parts of the IT business also offers the best hope for growth in a market that is, overall, maturing.


  • ipad蚕食低端笔记本特别是上网市场同时,必须意识买它大多数为了寻找一个备用的、便携机器而已

    While the iPad has cannibalized the low-end of the laptop market, especially netbooks, you have to keep in mind that most of those buyers are looking for a second, more portable machine.


  • 英特尔商业市场运作不是技术背景老板虽然作为一个公司待了31年的有丰富经验的人,他几乎不能认为是不懂技术

    He is the first boss of Intel to have a business and marketing rather than a technical background (though, as a 31-year veteran at the firm, he is hardly a technological novice).


  • 超级市场可能一个冰柜发现大量的素食 它们可以用微波炉来烹调.你可能会尝试它们(我喜欢Amy牌的).小心 就像大部分便利食物 它们家烹饪的食物要 而且大部分不是非常健康.也可能找到一些相当健康的食物.不论价格如何 一般来说 最好有一些便利食物冰箱 以备不时之需.

    Beware that, like most convenience foods, these are more expensive than home-cooked stuff, and most likely not as healthy. But you can find some fairly healthy foods there too.


  • 一个市场

    One with the market.


  • 每个,都一个星期六早上,绿点食品市场卖主聚集布鲁克林弥赛亚教堂

    One Saturday morning each month, the vendors of the Greenpoint Food Market converge on the Church of the Messiah in Brooklyn.


  • 一个巨大的市场大量用户没有发现这个时候创业来自于市场的驱动。

    In a great market -- a market with lots of real potential customers -- the market pulls product out of the startup.


  • 要想赞美最大限度地利用我们之间差异只有一个方式就是差异中致富差异打造富有活力市场

    And the only way to celebrate and make the most of our differences is to get rich out of our differences, create vibrant markets out of our differences.


  • 这些市场称为“哈”,每天不同地方——前一天村子次日森林再接着草原上——每天市场上卖的东西一样的。

    Known as haats, these markets are held in different places each dayone day in a village; the next in the forest; another day in an open meadowbut each time it is the same.


  • 到百万美元不是宏伟计划肯定一个市场有限机会努力争取才能得来的。

    A million dollars is not a lot of money in the grand scheme of things, but it certainly is if you're trying to earn it in a small market with limited opportunities.


  • 作为一个经济学原理应用诸如歧视犯罪家庭等领域诺贝尔奖得主,方案引入了市场机制

    Fittingly for a Nobel laureate who pioneered the application of economics to areas such as discrimination, crime and the family, his answers involved market mechanisms.


  • 债券市场不同行业一个交易员特定的。

    Each trader is specialised in different sectors of the bond market.


  • 一个自由市场,银行利率所有其它消费品价格一样,应该各家银行自己决定,由市场决定。

    In a free market, interest rates, like the price of any other consumer good, are decentralized and set by the market.


  • 上个月炙热上午位于阿富汗南方的旁遮普省(译者注:巴基斯坦省)一个市场人们遮荫凉棚吸着水烟,议论着一些糟糕消息

    UNDER a shady awning in the bazaar of Punjwai, in southern Afghanistan, one searing morning last month, the men were smoking a hookah and chewing over some bad news.


  • 不论是中环市场也好,小胡也好,龙塘的一个石墙上也好,一个都书写整齐清楚。

    Each has the same eye-pleasing composition and carefully rendered characters, whether it's in the Central street market, a Mongkok alleyway or on a stone wall in Kowloon Tong.


  • 一些期货市场数量可以任何一个时刻变成这个商品整个股市市值35或是40

    In some futures markets, she says, the amount of money in play at any one time can be "35 or 40 times" the value of the entire stocks of that commodity available in the world.


  • 另一方面由于人口统计学数据,增长最迅速的一类人群就是青少年人们发现这些青少年群体中的女孩所有商品来说,都一个巨大的市场衣服化妆品、夹趾拖鞋等等

    On the other hand, because one of the fastest-growing demographics was teenagers, teen girls were discovered as a market for all kinds of things: clothing, makeup, thongs, etc.


  • 接下来几个月Amref计划发给每位手机农民消息一个计算器他们镇上市场进行参观

    In the coming months Amref plans to issue farmers with mobiles, with a noticeboard and a calculator, and take them on a visit to a town market.


  • 如果我们市场上,小摊”,Goldberg,“那么我们挣,再一个容易了。”

    "If we first build a following at the markets and online," Ms. Goldberg said, "then we can get the money to open a storefront that much more easily."


  • 如果我们市场上,小摊”,Goldberg,“那么我们挣,再一个容易了。”

    "If we first build a following at the markets and online," Ms. Goldberg said, "then we can get the money to open a storefront that much more easily."


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