• 艺术家里吉奥卡特兰接近周围一切都流行文化历史灵感

    Ready for a crazy installation?Artist Maurizio Cattelan pulls inspiration from nearly everything around him in both popular culture and history.


  • 114日“里吉奥·卡特兰:所有将会纽约古根海姆博物馆开幕,届时会展出这位意大利骗子全部作品

    Nov. 4. Maurizio Cattelan: All will present the complete works of this Italian trickster at the Guggenheim Museum in New York.


  • 这位奥斯卡获奖演员正在洽谈扮演帕特齐亚·蕾加妮(Patrizia Reggiani)-- 一名1995年指使他人杀害前夫时装巨头里吉奥·古奇(Maurizio Gucci)而被判入狱的女子

    The Oscar-winning actor is in talks to play Patrizia Reggiani, the woman jailed for ordering the 1995 killing of her ex-husband, fashion magnate Maurizio Gucci.


  • 维奥莉特1917年420日的日记简短记录着布承认此事

    Violet's diary entry for April 20, 1917 records Brigit admitting to the affair.


  • 吉特·汉伦克利夫兰丈夫女儿生前决定把她的照片发到网上

    Bridget O'Hanlon and her husband, who live in Cleveland, decided before their daughter was born that they would not post her photos online.


  • 虽然方吉奥厄尔尼诺更加受人尊敬年代获得冠军,但是舒马赫去拥有天赋经验狡猾或者说卑劣,这些东西获得了成功

    Juan Manuel Fangio and Nino Farina won titles at even more venerable ages and he has the talent, experience and artfulness, some call it low cunning, to make it a success.


  • 唐培酒窖总监理查德·吉奥弗洛依这个夜晚灵感来自于“纯粹快乐”,可是还是为穿着那个时代服装侍者所提供的温馨服务现代感到惋惜,因为路易十四时代,客人需要自己取餐的。

    Richard Geoffroy, Dom’s chef de cave, said the idea of the evening was “driven by pure pleasure,” though he lamented that the waiters, in period costume, weretoo modernin their attentive service.


  • 另一个当地居民,吉福德用辩证的眼光看待伊斯特河核电站。

    But another local, Rick Gifford, looked philosophically at Oyster Creek.


  • 先前八月战争逃离南奥塞梯3万格鲁吉亚现在回迁格鲁吉亚地区成片的难民营

    The first of some 30,000 Georgians who fled South Ossetia during the August war are now moving into box-like cottages in an archipelago of refugee camps spread across northern Georgia.


  • 先前八月战争逃离南奥塞梯3万格鲁吉亚现在回迁格鲁吉亚地区成片的难民营

    The first of some 30, 000 Georgians who fled South Ossetia during the August war are now moving into box-like cottages in an archipelago of refugee camps spread across northern Georgia.


  • 历史文献表明佩鲁贾片地区(吉亚科莫·马泰奥广场(Piazza GiacomoMatteott)下方),存在着一个古旧的伊特鲁亚(etruscan)城墙,在历史学和考古学方面都重要的文物。

    Historical documents show that in this part of Perugia (below Piazza Giacomo Matteott) an old etruscan city wall exists, which is important historically as well as archeologically.


  • 晚餐时(吃是大米饭蚕豆)他们总会谈论运气好的日子一起捕获大鱼或是谈论美国棒球伟大的狄马吉奥

    Over their evening meals of rice or black beans they would talk about the fish they had taken in luckier times or about American baseball and the great DiMaggio.


  • 这位强大武士不仅为共和国最高办公室出谋划策,也是斯·温杜组织绝地特遣队成员,去吉奥诺西斯营救被困在分离势力堡垒的俘虏。

    The mighty warrior not only advised the highest office of the Republic, but was also part of the Jedi taskforce assembled by Mace Windu to rescue captives from the Separatist stronghold on Geonosis.


  • 我们真是幸运第二已经出场了吉奥诺·西斯人,现在又加入达洛人。

    We've been lucky in Season Two in that we've had the Geonosians, and now we have the Mandalorians.


  • 皮尔鲁吉·基奥1975年生于意大利南部一个小城,罗马

    Pierluigi Riccio was born in 1975 in a little city in the south of Italy, now I live in Rome.


  • 上周星期六斯科拉打得有效率了,完全超越斯普巴西,为阿根廷赢得一张奥运会入场券。他如此引人注目当然也有吉诺比利和奥贝托缺阵的原因

    Scola was more effective Saturday, too. Then Scola outscored Splitter and Brazil, guaranteeing Argentina an Olympic berth, impressive because both Ginobili and Fabricio Oberto weren't involved.


  • 因为大部分时间都在艰难前进,成为皮尔斯·伯食品公司一部分英国大都市糖果公司,然后是迪亚·吉奥,一家饮料巨擘

    For much of the time it struggled as it went from being part of Pillsbury, a food company, to Grand Metropolitan, a British conglomerate, then to Diageo, a drinks giant.


  • 贝洛首都米纳斯吉拉斯州一个国家大于法国中产阶级家庭喜欢在热闹的商店服装巴罗·普雷托。

    In Belo Horizonte, the capital of Minas Gerais, a state larger than France, middle class families like to shop in the lively clothing district of Barro Preto.


  • 星期六,穆自2002年开始的令人惊讶主场不败记录吉琼体育破掉了,但是球迷还是站在一方的。

    On Saturday, Mourinho's astonishing home unbeaten league record, which stretched back to 2002, was broken by Sporting Gijón, but the congregation were right behind him here.


  • 巨大吉奥诺·西斯行刑竞技场锁链锁在根柱子上,头可怕野兽释放出来处决他们

    The trio was chained to pillars in a massive Geonosian execution arena, and three horrible beasts were unleashed upon them.


  • 乔治·迈克尔本名乔治奥斯·吉亚科斯·帕纳约托,出名伦敦地铁演唱,后于1981年安德鲁·瑞吉组成威猛乐队。

    Born Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou, he once played music on the London underground train system before forming Wham! With Andrew Ridgeley in 1981.


  • 巴吉·奥举行了隆重的婚礼人们欢呼雀跃,为他们祝福

    Kitri and Basilio marry in a splendid ceremony as people rejoice and offer their blessings.


  • 暴雨强风迫使英国官方取消星期六早晨开始吉纳尔山地马拉松赛。

    Heavy rain and strong wind force British officials to stop the Original Mountain Marathon after a Saturday morning start.


  • 吉奥就拿上星期来说吧,看到你。

    Sergio: Like last week I saw you letting Brian kiss you.


  • 乌迪内-进球球员塞尔·吉尼奥:“今天比赛进行得艰难这么的天气比赛可不容易。”

    UDINE - Goalscorer Serginho said: 'it was a difficult game today, it's not easy to play in such heat.


  • 尽管吉拉·蒂诺似乎最后被唤醒了因扎吉夏天转会来的奥维拉继续努力前面进球

    Although Alberto Gilardino seems to have finally awoken, Pippo Inzaghi and summer signing Ricardo Oliveira continue to struggle in front of goal.


  • 尽管吉拉·蒂诺似乎最后被唤醒了因扎吉夏天转会来的奥维拉继续努力前面进球

    Although Alberto Gilardino seems to have finally awoken, Pippo Inzaghi and summer signing Ricardo Oliveira continue to struggle in front of goal.


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