• 博斯头脑想着勃朗特的只是猜测而已

    It is mere surmise that Bosch had Brant's poem in mind when doing this painting.


  • 斗篷拿出一个瓶子了一口。颤抖消失了。

    When Burns took a little bottle out of her cloak and had a drink, it ceased.


  • 不过刚刚称赞了恺撒·尔吉亚,他的事迹包括了所有阿加索·克利罪恶行为

    Yet he has just completed the praise of Cesare Borgia, whose deeds included all of the kinds of evil actions typical of Agathocles.


  • ·穿着背带装;肯尼迪夫人戴着无边礼帽超大太阳镜;史蒂夫·乔布牛仔裤着彩色弧形太阳镜

    Larry King has his suspenders; Jackie Kennedy had her pillbox hats and then her oversize sunglasses; Steve Jobs has his jeans; Bono has his tinted wraparound glasses.


  • 看来,博斯·科普头骨的那个大脑要比我们自己的大脑差不多25%。

    The Boskop skull, it would seem, housed a brain perhaps 25 percent or more larger than our own.


  • 但是虚拟键盘打字仍然感觉奇怪。认为大部分人们物理键盘则不会使用虚拟键盘。

    But typing on it is still awkward, and Bosley doesn't think most people use the virtual keyboard since a physical one is readily at hand.


  • 认为他看来年轻用户希望个人电脑甚至手机上配备物理键盘。

    Bosley, for one, thinks younger users do want real keyboards on PCsand even on cell phones.


  • 比如恺撒·吉亚在1502年的第二会面他的朋友比亚焦·纳考一本《希腊罗马名人传》。

    During his second encounter with Cesare Borgiain 1502, for example, he asked his friend Biagio Buonaccorsi to send him acopy of Plutarch’s Lives.


  • 身材魁梧的索夫很难与其前任谢尔盖·尼舍夫有所不同

    The burly Mr Borisov could hardly be more different from his predecessor, Sergei Stanishev.


  • 这个事故发生周五梅克叫拜楼祷告,在北方摩洛哥一个位于拉巴特东南140公司(97)的地方。

    The incident took place during Friday prayers at the Bab al-Baradeen mosque in Meknes, a town in northern Morocco located 140 km (87 miles) southeast of Rabat.


  • 这个家庭前来悼念也是伊拉克阵亡威廉姆·如果没有牺牲,现今已经32了。

    This family is visiting the grave site of William Beardsley, who also died in Iraq and would have been 32 years old today.


  • 生活学校布鲁姆·艺术区的间小作坊,它把自己形容头脑的药剂师”,打算给“日常疾病开出文化处方”。

    Thee School of Life, operating out of a small shop in the arty district of Bloomsbury describes itself as a "chemist for the mind" that plans to dispense "cultural solutions to everyday ailments".


  • 《绝地归来》珀维扮演渥克战士

    For Return of the Jedi, Purvis played the Ewok warrior Teebo.


  • 汤姆汀和汤姆公寓中国食物

    Justin, Tom and Rob are at Justin and Tom's apartment eating Chinese food.


  • 多达·多纳维多在《绝地归来特别马克·里博乐队罗迪亚乐师

    Doda Bodonawieedo was a Rodian musician added to the Max Rebo Band for the Special Edition release of Return of the Jedi.


  • 马尔维克冷酷样子很像电视剧《广告狂人》中浪荡的罗杰·特林现实生活梅尔的岳父大人。

    Bert van Marwijk has the steely look of Mad Men lothario Roger Sterling. In real life he is van Bommels father in law.


  • 作为切尔西粉丝卢卡库极度渴望队伍留下自己印记但是场比赛的首发并不足以打动

    Lukaku, a Chelsea fan, is desperate to make his mark on Andre Villas-Boas's team, but believes it will take more than one start to catch the manager's eye.


  • 到此为止,由《歌》信托自梵文玛德《伽梵歌》第二结束了。标题为萨恩可雅瑜珈:灵魂不朽永恒实在。

    Thus ends the Sri Bhagavad-Gita Trust translation of Simad Bhagavad-Gita, chapter two entitled: Sankhya Yoga: The Eternal Realty of the Soul's Immortality.


  • 选举中失败了,你却赢得了弗·代尔居民注意,也赢得博斯韦尔我的注意。

    You lost the election, but you won the attention of the residents, of Riverdale, of Boswell, and of me.


  • 生活学校布鲁姆·艺术区的间小作坊,它把自己形容头脑药剂师”,打算给“日常疾病开出文化处方”。

    The School of Life, operating out of a small shop in the arty district of Bloomsbury describes itself as a 'chemist for the mind' that plans to dispense 'cultural solutions to everyday ailments'.


  • 接收器安装距阿雷西碟盘500尺高格利高圆顶上。来自:康翠全美保险总监协会- 阿雷西天文台美国国家科学基金会设施

    The multi-beam in its place inside the Gregorian dome, 500 feet above the Arecibo dish. Credit: Courtesy of the NAIC - Arecibo Observatory, an NSF facility.


  • 这样就结束歌》信托瑞玛德《伽梵歌》的第十,维琥缇-维拉瑜珈标题为:根本真理无限壮丽辉煌。

    Thus ends the Sri Bhagavad-Gita Trust translation of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita, Chapter ten, entitled: Vibhuti-Vistara Yoga: the Infinite Glories of the Ultimate Truth.


  • 十四女孩子博斯科姆比溪谷庄园看门人女儿佩兴莫兰当时正在周围的树林采摘鲜花

    A girl of fourteen, Patience Moran, who is the daughter of the lodge-keeper of the Boscombe Valley estate, was in one of the woods picking flowers.


  • 亚当在当参议员期间,还成为哈佛学院第一个修辞演讲伊尔教授哈佛学院的大学堂兼职授课。

    While he served in Senate, Adams took the lecture in University Hall to begin his part time job as Harvard's first Boylston Professor of rhetoric and oratory.


  • 生活学校布鲁姆艺术区的一间小作坊,它把自己形容头脑药剂师”,打算给“日常疾病开出文化处方”。

    The School of Life, operating out of a small shop in the arty district of Bloomsbury describes itself as a "chemist for the mind" that plans to dispense "cultural solutions to everyday ailments".


  • 丹·西米奇全球奶酪唯一生产商——位于塞尔维亚首都贝尔格莱德西边50处的扎撒维卡农场完成全部生产过程。

    Slobodan Simi is the world's only producer of donkey cheese - he does it all on his farm in Zasavica, 50 miles west of the Serbian capital Belgrade.


  • 由于受伤后卫迈克尔·中锋格特詹宁一直协助良好开端

    With injuries to guard Michael Redd and center Andrew Bogut, Jennings has been instrumental to the strong start.


  • 生活学校布鲁姆艺术区的一间小作坊,它把我自己形容头脑药剂师”,打算给“日常疾病开出文化(Culture)处方”。

    The School of Life, operating out of a small shop in the arty district of Bloomsbury describes itself as a "chemist for the mind" that plans to dispense "cultural solutions to everyday ailments".


  • 生活学校布鲁姆艺术区的一间小作坊,它把我自己形容头脑药剂师”,打算给“日常疾病开出文化(Culture)处方”。

    The School of Life, operating out of a small shop in the arty district of Bloomsbury describes itself as a "chemist for the mind" that plans to dispense "cultural solutions to everyday ailments".


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