• 第二我们驱车33到了锡耶纳(那儿,阿别墅是个很不错落脚之处)。

    The next day we drove 33 miles to Siena (the Villa Arceno is a great place to stay while you are there).


  • 不过该车设计者韦恩·(先前1970年前缘襟翼沃克斯豪的设计者)应当受到大部分指责

    But designer Wayne Cherry (previously responsible the droop-snoot Vauxhalls of the 1970s) deserves most of the blame.


  • 切尔女士车轮学校工作了记得第一辅导学生

    Ms. Chilton has worked with School on Wheels for more than six years. She still remembers the first student she tutored.


  • 照片24岁切尔穿着传统白色婚纱,已经66岁的戴浅黄色的假发,身穿黑色丝质衬衫黑色西服套装,露出顽皮的笑意,已经第三结婚了。

    She was 24, and wore a traditional white gown. Phil, who was then 66, and marrying for the third time, opted for a straw-coloured wig, teamed with a black silk shirt, dark suit, and an impish smile.


  • 托夫表示肯定纳波·塔诺继续他们工作。

    Chertoff says he is sure that she will continue the legacy of success.


  • 伯爵夫人显然没有意识违背任何规矩悠然自得地坐在切尔身旁沙发角落目光看着

    But the Countess was apparently unaware of having broken any rule; she sat at perfect ease in a corner of the sofa beside Archer, and looked at him with the kindest eyes.


  • 一些具盛名女主角——克拉莎、伊莎贝·切尔爱玛·包法利安娜·卡列尼娜——都是男人想象产物,这一点并不新奇

    That some of our most canonized heroines—Clarissa Harlowe, Isabel Archer, Emma Bovary, Anna Kareninaare products of male imaginations is not surprising.


  • 回信地址德州切尔·德斯。

    The return address was Childress, Texas.


  • 施耐德·切尔车轮学校一名市场顾问

    Sinead Chilton is a marketing consultant for School on Wheels.


  • 虽然如此,皮切尔先生仍旧赞赏先生的方法指出在一些时候有用。

    Nonetheless, Mr.Pychyl enjoys Mr.Perry's approach and suggests it may sometimes be useful.


  • 然而的一看上去完美把所有的事情都交给信任属下如盖特纳萨默之流去做,却使自己的同盟国会迷茫。

    Yet all in all, he seemed perfectly willing to leavethings to his trusted lieutenants, Geithner and Summers, puzzling someDemocratic allies on the Hill.


  • 幸运的是,那时遇到了一个30岁林业工作者加代·桑兹·维拉(GadielSanchez Rivera)——他被称为曹(Cho)。同意向导

    Fortunately, it was at that point I met a 30-year-old forestry worker called Gadiel Sanchez Rivera - known as Cho - who agreed to take over as my guide.


  • 加布,她的眼睛笑容

    Gabriel: I love everything about her, her eyes, smile.


  • 德·古提回忆录出生,我出生在这唤起。这本回忆录是他2003年的作品《我看到了拉马拉》的续篇。

    Mourid Barghouti evokes them all in his memoir, "I Was Born There, I Was Born here", which continues the story begun in his 2003 work, "I Saw Ramallah".


  • 当地媒体报道,英国王子女友切尔茜的恋情已经破碎。切尔日前宣布有意返回非洲同家人一起生活

    Prince Harry's relationship with Chelsy Davy is said to be in tatters after she announced she wants to return to Africa and her family, local media reported.


  • 为了扮演好队长纳,马特·达蒙特地来到登氏橄榄球俱乐部接受斯特·威廉姆斯的高强度训练。1995年,威廉姆斯曾南非橄榄球联赛名运动员

    To prepare for his role as Francois Pienaar, Matt Damon took intensive coaching at the Gardens Rugby Club under Chester Williams, who himself was a player in the South African rugby team of 1995.


  • 他们卧车包厢安顿停当,火车甩开市郊无边无际树林,凄清的春光中。这时交谈反而切尔预料的还要轻松

    Once they were settled in their compartment, and the train, shaking off the endless wooden suburbs, had pushed out into the pale landscape of spring, talk became easier than Archer had expected.


  • 西部世界》使出浑身解数打造演员阵容,请安东尼·霍普金斯,埃文·蕾切尔·伍德埃德·,詹姆斯·马斯登杰弗·赖特参与演出

    Westworld will be pulling out all the stops for its own cast, bringing on Anthony Hopkins, Evan Rachel Wood, Ed Harris, James Marsden, and Jeffrey Wright.


  • 当阿切尔点燃一支烟时维埃目光炯炯说:“您先生为了能够正视生活,即使住阁楼也值得,对吗

    " He fixed his vivid eyes onArcher as he lit another cigarette. "Voyez-vous, Monsieur, to be able to look life in the face: that's worthliving in a garret for, isn't it?


  • 切尔点燃一支烟时维埃目光炯炯地说:“您先生为了能够正视生活,即使阁楼值得对吗?”

    "He fixed his vivid eyes on Archer as he lit another cigarette." Voyez-vous, Monsieur, to be able to look life in the face: that's worth living in a garret for, isn't it?


  • 博季诺夫则拣了后卫失误个便宜,可惜射门获得,后者随后帕罗助攻尼的射门做出了扑救。

    Valeri Bojinov took advantage of a defensive error and slammed a shot that was palmed away by Toldo, who had to react again to Giorgio Chiellini's touch on Matteo Paro's effort.


  • 但是埃德认为俱乐部财政实力董事会贡献意味着预见未来,一照常进行

    But Mr Edelman believes the financial strength of the club and the dedication of the board means it will be "business as usual" for the forseeable future.


  • 不要·罗岛上教堂找寻它们,也不要再去看圣马可教堂镶嵌工艺,那些有害事物趁机溜回来

    Don't go to the church of Torcello to find them. Don't go to the mosaics of San Marco. In time all these harmful things will come back.


  • 不要·罗岛上教堂找寻它们,也不要再去看圣马可教堂镶嵌工艺,那些有害事物趁机溜回来

    Don't go to the church of Torcello to find them. Don't go to the mosaics of San Marco. In time all these harmful things will come back.


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