• 兰德手绢放进夹克衫

    Brand folded it in his handkerchief and placed it in the inside pocket of his jacket.


  • 令人惊讶是,干旱地区拥有着世界最大一些河流系统澳大利亚墨累-达令河、北美奥格兰德河、亚洲印度河非洲尼罗河

    Arid lands, surprisingly, contain some of the world's largest river systems, such as the Murray-Darling in Australia, the Rio Grande in North America, the Indus in Asia, and the Nile in Africa.


  • 这些海龟第一释放靠近被救海域海龟,距离路易斯安那州岛屿西南大约40的海域。

    They are the first group to be released into an area near where they were rescued, about 40 miles southwest of Grand Isle, Louisiana.


  • 被问及是否不久将来会36岁丈夫拉塞尔·兰德孩子出生时,27岁:“绝对没有!”

    "Hell, no!" Perry, 27, told everybody, when asked if there were children in the near future for her and her husband, Russell Brand, 36.


  • 兰德这样写道:“次,格雷戈·贝特森进行讨论,两人都沉湎思考意识功能什么,或者意识到底有没有功能(指自我意识)时,我提出了这个问题。”

    Writes Brand of his riddle: "I asked the question of Gregory Bateson at a point in our interview when we were lost in contemplation of the function, if any, of consciousnessself-consciousness."


  • 遗弃小狗中的一员,被RSPCA脏乱的环境救出,RSPCA的志愿者利奥、埃丽现主人朱莉·兰德

    Ellie was part of a litter of five puppies rescued from harsh conditions by the RSPCA, says Julie Lander, an RSPCA volunteer and Leo and Ellie's owner.


  • 如果萨雷·利的球队保持、取得比他们过去两个赛季第四更好的成绩,那么就理所应当作为核心展开比赛

    If Cesare Prandelli's side are to match, or even better, their fourth-placed finish of the last two years, it goes without saying he will have a central role to play.


  • 许多返墨的万分恐慌迷失方向一些了队伍加入到了反方向河偷渡入美国的移民,结果就错了国家

    Many became disoriented and panicked, and some were mixed in with immigrants going the other way across the Rio Grande and ended up swimming to the wrong country.


  • 仅这点就已经我们兴奋了,更不用说其他演员了——包括拉塞尔·兰德阿尔弗雷德·莫艾伦·卡明。

    That alone has us all a-tingle, let alone the rest of the castwhich includes Russell Brand, Alfred Molina and Alan Cumming.


  • 兰德群岛项目也会发生这样的事吗?该项目拥有150台巨型涡轮机以及118长的公路绝大部分是建厚厚的沼泽地上。

    Is that the case on the Shetlands project, which will have 150 giant turbines and 118 kilometres of roads, most of them on deep bog?


  • 艾伦·兰德出演1957年的影片《爱琴海夺宝记》时,索菲亚·罗兰不得不搭戏掩盖他身高的不足。

    When Alan Ladd starred in the 1957 film Boy on a Dolphin, Sophia Loren had to walk in a trench alongside him so filmgoers couldn't tell she was taller than him.


  • 兰德客观主义哲学智慧理性还有成就自己的道德联系在一起,因此她笔下的主人公联系在一起。

    In Rand's Objectivist philosophy, intelligence, rationality, and achievement are all associated with her own ethics, and therefore with her protagonists.


  • 兰德一开始脸颊注射玻朗尼。

    Brandt begins by injecting Perlane into her cheeks.


  • 29日又发生了6.6级的大熊地震,(因发生大熊湖而得名)这次地震震中在离大坝14.5一个不知名断层,是受到兰德断裂影响而产生

    Then on 29 June 1992 the m 6.6 Big Bear Earthquake occurred about 14.5m (9 miles) from the dam site on a unnamed fault in response to the rupture on the Landers fault.


  • 法航发言人吉特·巴兰德BrigitteBarrand)说:“法国航空遗憾宣布,法航约热内卢巴黎的447航班没有消息。”

    "Air France regrets to announce that it is without news from Air France flight 447, flying from Rio to Paris, " Brigitte Barrand, a spokeswoman for the airline, said.


  • 像这样高层农场没有真正建成英格佩恩顿动物园Paignton Zoo)一个液体耕种、精细灌溉的菜园已经运营数月了。

    Such a high-rise farm has not yet been built. But in Devon, England, the Paignton Zoo has maintained a hydroponic, controlled-irrigation garden for several months.


  • 今早8过,希欧四岁姐姐兰德发现躺在位于市中心两英远的威利区(WhalleyRange)的间公寓,已不省人事了。

    Theo Molemohi, two, and his sister Yolande, four, were found unconscious at a flat in Whalley Range, two miles south of the city centre, just after 8am today.


  • 跟报社埃德、新闻十频道的贾森、七点报道节目的希瑟第二新闻小组的兰德分别通了电话,然后又给基地设施处的了个电话。

    I call Ed at the paper; Jason, Heather, and Randall at NewsTen, ActionSeven, and NewsTeamTwo, respectively; then Larry from Facilities.


  • 伍尔芙说丽蒂茜娅是摩尔·斯(Moll Flanders)萨克雷女儿安妮·(Anne Ritchie)的混合体,一评价相当中肯。

    Woolf described her as a cross between Moll Flanders and Thackeray's daughter Anne Ritchie, which comes quite close.


  • “新生(NewBorn)”,七个英尺钢制字母被漆成五彩缤纷的样式,它们即将安放在什蒂纳的格大酒店附近。

    'New Born', the installation will announce when it is finally lifted into place, in seven steel letters 6ft tall, painted in multiple colours, to be set up not far from Pristina's Grand Hotel.


  • 兰德那本名为《共同进化杂志开始收集各种各样共同进化的故事

    In his magazine coevolution Brand began collecting stories of coevolutionary games. One of the most illustrative examples of alliance making in nature is the following.


  • 后来,不论科克兰德宿舍楼吃午饭,还是在莱佛特宿舍楼晚饭的时候,或是办公时间接待同学的时候,甚至国外遇见毕业的哈佛校友,还不断被问到问题

    Then the questions continued when I had lunch at Kirkland House7, dinner at Leverett8, when I met with students in my office hours, even with some recent graduates I encountered abroad.


  • 德克萨斯州计划的医疗补助对象扩展到40万人以上

    Texas is targeting more than 400, 000 Medicaid beneficiaries in the Rio Grande Valley.


  • 2003年8月几名窃贼假扮游客进入苏格拉姆兰,盗走了李奥纳多的名作《纺车圣母》后乘一辆白色的大众高尔夫逃之夭夭。

    In August 2003, thieves disguised as tourists visiting Drumlanrig Castle in Scotland ran off in a white Volkswagon Golf with Leonardo's "Madonna of the Yarnwinder."


  • 1992年6月28日,大坝45地层断裂,引发兰德地震(7.4级)。

    On 28 June 1992, the fault rupture on the Landers earthquake (m 7.4) located 45km (28 miles) away shook the dam.


  • “尽管如此,仍然愿意相信微软仍然机会再造辉煌。”贝卡表示

    "I still want to believe there's an opportunity for them to become a great company again, " said Rebecca Norlander, who left Microsoft in 2010 after 19 years on the job.


  • 现在看上去就像学校男生!”兰德说,手注射器都快要飞出去了

    'You look like a schoolboy now!' says Brandt, syringes flying.


  • 现在看上去就像学校男生!”兰德说,手注射器都快要飞出去了

    'You look like a schoolboy now!' says Brandt, syringes flying.


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