• 斯达克和她同事分析了驯鹿放牧对营养贫乏的芬兰北部地区带来的土壤更新影响。他们认为长远来看,在里放牧驯鹿会没有牧鹿的地区失去更少和增加植物垃圾

    They determined that in the long run, areas grazed by reindeer lose less carbon, through plant litter, than areas without reindeer.


  • 影片中这位警长正在追逐一个来自德克萨肯纳的卡车强盗,从德克萨斯到乔治亚一直追了600英里一路上暴跳如雷,但格里表演来没有过份夸张,只是让人物内心那种猛烈的挫败感溢于言表,他的这种演绎手法太恰如其分了,想想看,看着别人怒火攻心,而自己却置身事外,真够滑稽的。

    He’s chasing the Bandit from Texarkana, TX, 600 miles to Georgia, and he is PISSED the whole way! Gleason is not over the top in this performance.


  • 祖母汤姆甚至里克尽管没有看出看出来相似性

    My Grandma Thompson even called me Little Rick, though I did not see the similarities that she saw.


  • 同时我会电影《走出非洲》,影片中的丹麦妇女卡伦·布里·克肯尼亚当时属东非。她在当地孩子们建起了学校

    But at the same time, I could also see the movie Out of Africa in which a young Danish woman, Karen Blixen, made her home in Kenya, then British East Africa, and built schools for children there.


  • 黑暗日子里,本•伯南克、汉克·保尔、蒂姆·盖特纳希拉·贝尔把握了大局,大胆快速地采取了行动

    In the darkest of days, Ben Bernanke, Hank Paulson, Tim Geithner and Sheila Bair grasped the gravity of the situation and acted with courage and dispatch.


  • 与此同时挪威探险家罗阿尔德.阿蒙梦想的首次到达北极的桂冠弗雷德里克.库克罗伯特.佩里夺走暗自目光投向南极

    Meanwhile, Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen, whose plan to reach the North Pole first had been thwarted by both Frederik Cook and Robert Peary, had secretly turned his sights on the South Pole.


  • 出现闪灵电影杰克·尼克尔在卢克酒店走廊时候,令人恐怖。

    When they appear to Jack Nicholson in the corridors of the Overlook Hotel in the film "the Shining," it's freaky.


  • 有人杀死了莫利克拉克,有人安眠药放在牛奶了她。

    Someone killed Molly Clarkson. Someone put sleeping tablets in her hot milk and killed her.


  • 的真名其实里卡多•伊泽克•多斯·桑托斯·雷特,但是却有一个全世界都耳熟能详昵称卡卡

    His real name is Ricardo Izecson DOS Santos Leite, but he is known to the world by his catchy nickname: Kaka.


  • 电视里节目主持人杰瑞米·卡拉克,理查德·哈蒙德詹姆斯·周围是成群的少男少女观众。

    Schoolboys and teenage girls flock to public appearances by its presenters, Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May.


  • 这个思想首先为佛落里州立大学心理学家安得斯·艾利克拥护说法为:任何个人大约1万小时练习,方能成为专家

    This is the idea, first espoused by K. Anders Ericsson, a pyschologist at Florida State University, that it takes about 10,000 hours of practice before any individual can become an expert.


  • 针对克罗备忘录里,桑德这么的。

    What Sanderson wrote in his own notations to Crowe's memorandum was that!


  • 当时,此项技术的发明者里克·理查德(RicRichardson)正在使用软件协助各种音乐人如inxs乐队电子键盘上演奏音乐。

    Back then, inventor Ric Richardson was helping musicians including the band INXS to use new software for playing their electronic keyboards.


  • 澳大利亚人沙恩-威尔莫特训练老鼠成为冲浪好手。 威尔莫特想让这3只分别名为哈里、邦肖普斯蒂克斯的老鼠参与澳大利亚喜欢的冲浪运动中来。

    Shane Willmott trained his three mice -- Harry, Chopsticks and Bunsen -- to enjoy Australia's favourite sport with special mouse-size surf boards.


  • 阿克塞尔希望继续筹集资金加纳打井。他计划学校里发起一个供水筹款俱乐部

    Axelson said he wants to continue raising money to build Wells in Ghana. He plans to start a water fundraising club at his school.


  • 首先我们主人弗里特利克先生叔叔图书馆的感受。

    First, our host, Mr. Fridriksson, asked my uncle if he enjoyed his visit to the library.


  • 的真名里卡多·伊泽克·多斯·桑托斯·雷特,但是却有一个全世界都耳熟能详昵称卡卡

    His real name is Ricardo Izecson DOS Santos Leite but he is known to the world by his catchy nickname: Kaka.


  • 24名20岁以下年轻人有幸追随辍学名人足迹比尔·盖茨、拉里·埃里马克·扎克伯格

    With luck, some of the 24 under 20 will follow in the footsteps of other notable stop-outs such as Bill Gates, Larry Ellison and Mark Zuckerberg.


  • 黉舍时,便是优异的活动队员并且好面体育教员善于斯诺克

    In school, Allison was a very competitive team sport player and almost pursued a career as a physical education teacher, but snooker was the game she excelled in.


  • 《哈利·波特火焰杯》里受万人喜爱里克罗伯特·饰演系列中的塞德里克原来曾另一演员扮演。

    Robert Pattinson is the Cedric we remember and love from Goblet of Fire. Except Cedric made another appearance in the series but was played by another actor!


  • 埃里十三岁时进入联队十五岁时斯诺言克天地里就开始了像样比赛

    At thirteen Allison got into a league, and at fifteen she was seriously competing in the world of Snooker.


  • 地道的德克·萨斯人出生于距达拉斯以东75英里一个仅有200人的小镇阿尔巴。

    A native Texan, Dawson hails from Alba, a town with a population of 200 that sits about 75 miles east of Dallas.


  • 研究人员希望继诺贝尔奖获得者詹姆士华特弗朗西斯。科里克亚瑟。科恩伯格之后DNA结构复制领域有所重大发现

    The researchers built on fundamental discoveries on the structure and replication of DNA made by Nobel laureates James Watson, Francis Crick and Arthur Kornberg.


  • 研究人员希望继诺贝尔奖获得者詹姆士华特弗朗西斯。科里克亚瑟。科恩伯格之后DNA结构复制领域有所重大发现

    The researchers built on fundamental discoveries on the structure and replication of DNA made by Nobel laureates James Watson, Francis Crick and Arthur Kornberg.


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