• 得到一个机会,斯皮尔伯格执导的一部电影担任主角

    He's just landed a starring role in Spielberg's next movie.


  • 埃克伯格说:“通过现场电话拨入电视节目互联网结合我们希望我们学校建立一种兴奋感和参与感。”

    "Through a combination of live call-in television and the Internet," says Eckberg, "we're hoping to build excitement and engagement in learning in our school."


  • 不过对于其他人来说我们生活扎克伯格世界

    But for the rest of us, we're living in Zuckerberg's world.


  • 扎克伯格的世界我们不再通过搜索获得新闻而是朋友告诉我们新鲜资讯,告诉我们他们喜欢的电影钟爱的品牌,甚至去美味的寿司

    There, rather than search for a news article, you wait for your friends to tell you what to read. They tell you what movies they enjoyed, what brands they like, and where to eat sushi.


  • 因此,以后他们每周桑德伯格的六居室房子共进晚餐次。

    So for six weeks they met for dinner once or twice a week at Sandberg's six-bedroom home.


  • 探究斯·伯格周围地区之后,约翰儿子们翻过桑迪山脉,在布莱克拉格下面勘察土地他们决定在这狭长的山谷定居下来

    After exploring the area around Shirley's burg, John and his sons rode over Sandy Ridge to survey the property below Black Log Mountain. It was here in a long narrow valley they decided to settle.


  • 萨维林他们大学宿舍,注册了脸书公司,然后又一直帮助打理。自从扎克伯格承认萨维林脸书公司有关系,现在已经差不多年了

    It has been almost five years since Zuckerberg has acknowledged Saverin as having anything to do with the company, which Saverin incorporated and managed for Zuckerberg from their college dorm.


  • 但当发现阿斯伯格综合症以后,生命所有缺失图片开始纷至沓来共同组成了一幅完整的图画。

    Once I discovered that I had Asperger's Syndrome, all of the pieces of my life started coming together to form a coherent, recognizable picture.


  • 不过罗利市北卡罗莱纳州大学工程学教授·西尔弗伯格认为如果圣诞老人已经学会时空冲浪的话,或许还是得担心这一点。

    Or perhaps he does, if he has learned to surf the waves of space-time, believes Larry Silverberg, an engineering professor at North Carolina State University in Raleigh.


  • 扎克伯格周二会议这个改变意味着保护一个用户朋友私人联系信息

    Zuckerberg said at the conference on Tuesday that this move was meant to protect the private contact information of a user's friends.


  • 我们许多申请助学贷款出现欺骗,”伯格并且他们中其他的人期待公正

    "We have scores of applications for financial aid that appear to be fraudulent," Feinberg said, and those are being forwarded to the Justice Department.


  • 故事隐含了伯格大学时代生活,大学伯格曼和其他年轻人一起追求一个漂亮女孩子。

    The story revolved around Bergman's years at a university, in which he — among other mencompeted for the heart of a beautiful girl.


  • U 2乐队会是本周五格拉斯顿伯音乐节的焦点。在下个他们完成3600巡演之后,全球30个国家将有七百万已经看过他们演出

    By the time U2, who headline the Glastonbury Festival this Friday, finish their 3600 Tour next month, seven million people will have seen them play in 30 countries.


  • 桑德伯格引述了一项调查调查显示夫妻工作家庭妻子所做家务活是丈夫的倍,为抚育孩子付出的努力更是达到了丈夫的

    Sandberg cited research that shows that in households where both the man and the women work, she does twice as much housework and takes on three times as much childcare as he does.


  • 虽然没有明确指出,不过很明显耳朵这个角色阿斯·伯格综合症或是自闭症的倾向。

    Although it hasn't been addressed on the show, Sheldon clearly has some degree of Asperger's or autism.


  • 今天见到,让不由地想到了《我走我路》(由鲍威尔皮斯·伯格执导经典英国电影)的温迪·希勒

    Meeting her today, it is hard not to be reminded of Wendy Hiller in Powell and Pressburger's classic British film, I Know Where I'm Going!.


  • 认为桑德伯格自己不能充分认识这个问题因为赞助者那受益良多:“桑德伯格非常幸运地遇到了·萨默斯。”

    She believes that Sandberg is insufficiently aware of this problem because she has benefitted from sponsors: "Sandberg, to her great credit, had Larry Summers."


  • 计算机科学家罗伯·费格斯当时坐在波士顿一家灯光昏暗酒吧突然一阵强光闪耀,照得他眼前发黑——原来是一个朋友拍照照相机闪关灯发出

    Computer scientist Rob Fergus was sitting in a dimly lit Boston bar when a sudden burst of bright light blinded him-the camera flash accompanying a friend's photograph.


  • 空转无效不要相信但是听听我的机械师美国康涅格,布奇波特地区经营汽修厂罗伯.梅勒是怎么说的吧。

    Don't take my word about idling being ineffective, but do listen to my mechanic, Rob Maier, who runs Maier's Garage in Bridgeport, Connecticut.


  • 虽然没有明确指出,不过很明显耳朵这个角色阿斯·伯格综合症或是自闭症倾向。

    Although it hasn't been addressed on the show, Sheldon clearly has some degree of Asperger's or autism. How did you prepare to play such a character?


  • 现在已经48岁的默德·伯格太太后的一直行尸走肉般活着。

    Four years after Eric's death, Ms. Muldberg, now 48, walked around like a zombie.


  • 至右分别是:主演《大地惊雷》的杰夫·奇斯、主演《社交网络》的杰西·艾森伯格、主演《国王演讲》的科林·菲尔斯、主演《美错》的、主演《127小时》的詹姆斯·弗兰科

    From left are Jeff Bridges for 'True Grit', Jesse Eisenberg for 'The Social Network', Colin Firth for 'The King's Speech', Javier Bardem for 'Biutiful' and James Franco for '127 Hours'.


  • 年前马克·扎克伯格自己大学宿舍创办了Facebook

    Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook in his college dorm room six years ago.


  • 喜欢格言35老友兼合伙人杰弗•卡岑贝格(JeffreyKatzenberg)如是说。 他们二人连同斯蒂芬斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)一起创建梦工厂

    Mr Geffen is also fond of the maxim, says Jeffrey Katzenberg, a friend for 35 years and his partner, along with Steven Spielberg, in the creation of DreamWorks SKG.


  • 俄勒冈州立大学代表队队员弗洛安·凯普森伯格(FlorianKapsenberg)正在位于u -Haul通讯拖车控制室操控漫游者。

    Oregon State University team member Florian Kapsenberg steers the rover from the team's control station in the back of a U-Haul trailer.


  • 俄勒冈州立大学代表队队员弗洛安·凯普森伯格(FlorianKapsenberg)正在位于u -Haul通讯拖车控制室操控漫游者。

    Oregon State University team member Florian Kapsenberg steers the rover from the team's control station in the back of a U-Haul trailer.


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