• 采用液压系统加载钻进极大缩减了成时间

    A hydraulic system is used for loading drilling force so as to greatly reduce the hole forming time.


  • 采用液压系统消除材料回弹工作压力根据工件材料大小设定

    It avoid the material rebounding with using hydraulic system, working pressure can be set according to the material and dimensions of the workpiece.


  • 卸料系统采用液压集中控制迅速可靠

    Unloading system adopts hydraulic station centralized control, the rapid and reliable.


  • 试验证明这些措施采用不仅提高液压系统效率而且使挖掘机操纵性得到明显提高。

    It has been proved in experiments that these methods not only improve the efficiency of the hydraulic system, but also the controllability of excavator.


  • 亚利桑那州尤马外景时,沙子堵住了液压系统影片工作人员不得不采用棒子电线完成这种生物的镜头。

    The sands of the Yuma, Arizona location shoot clogged up the system, and the film crew had to resort to using poles and wires to animate the creature.


  • 海尔采用可变液压操纵设备作为A380飞机飞行操纵系统驱动襟翼这种理论第一应用航空领域

    For the A380's flight control systems, Liebherr has adopted equipment with variable hydraulic control to drive the wing flaps, the first time this principle has been used in aviation.


  • 液压系统采用先进二通系统进口高性能电子技术实现了主缸压力流量闭环控制

    The press takes use of advanced two-way cartridge valve system and imported electric pump technology which can realize double closed loop control of pressure and flow rate.


  • 液压系统采用蓄能器可以最大限度吸收液压冲击减小负载变化胶带冲击提高胶带使用寿命。

    In the hydraulic system USES the accumulator, may the absorption line shock maximum limit, reduce to the variation of load to the adhesive tape the impact, enhances adhesive tape's service life.


  • 机械传动部分升降部分采用世界先进液压系统保证节约能源同时更提高使用安全性

    The mechanical driving and lifting parts use the most advanced hydraulic system in the world, which can guarantee energy saving and improve security of use simultaneously.


  • 液压系统采用进口电磁密封件确保机器稳定性使用寿命

    Hydraulic system adopted electromagnetic valve and seal components, ensure the stability and working life of the machine.


  • 采用液压转向系统钢圈压配式实心轮胎具有报警功能的新型中央仪表板

    The tractor adopts fully hydraulic steering system, steel ring press-fitted solid tires and central control panel with alarming function.


  • 数字式流量采用数字控制方式,调节系统流量以达到液压系统调整目的。

    The digital flow rate valve regulates digitally system flow rate to implement speed regulation in hydraulic system.


  • 介绍乳化液采用二级压力控制液压系统节能效果分析

    This paper introduces the hydraulic system of emulsion pump using towstep pressure control, analyses its energy conservation effect.


  • 汽油驱动版本采用液压系统,稳定性操作简单无需维护

    Gasoline powered version adopts full hydraulic system, high stability, simple operation without maintenance.


  • 液压控制系统中,采用传统PID控制策略难以达到高精度要求

    In a system of the hydraulic control, it is difficult to reach the request of high degree of accuracy using the traditional PID strategy.


  • 液压系统采用伺服比例控制技术简单实用,满足了生产要求

    The servo-proportional control technique is adopted in its hydraulic system. The system has reached production requirement with simplicity and practicability.


  • 分析了液压系统现场故障发生特点,针对特点提出采用快速诊断仪器。

    The character of hydraulic system site malfunction was analyzed, and the application of fast analysis appliance was put forward.


  • 液压流体动力流体运行系统管道采用取样方法

    Hydraulic fluid power. Fluids. Methods for bottle sampling from lines of an operating system.


  • 简要阐述提升装置液压系统组成采用-位置反馈控制思想实现工件移动定位

    The article describes composition of hydraulic control system of lifting device, and adoption of moment-location feedback control to perform displacement and positioning of work piece in correct way.


  • 液压系统采用集成式插装控制动作灵敏可靠渗漏

    Hydraulic system adopts integrated cartridge valve control, flexible action, reliable, no leakage.


  • 该文介绍了一种新型数字式液压操纵系统系统采用并联方案,高速电磁先导控制级,通过节流阀进行操纵系统压力、流量控制。

    It is a parallel connection system and this system USES the high-speed valve as a pilot valve to control the twin throttle which controls the pressure and the flux of the hydraulic control system.


  • 因此系统与利用滑板缸有杆腔液压力的方案相比,液压力得到了充分的利用,另外通过采用锁型顺序减少能量损失,使得系统效率得到了提高

    So the system can fully utilize the hydralicpower, otherwise the use of the lock sequence valve reduces the loss of energy, and improves the efficiency of the system.


  • 液压系统采用特殊同心双缸升降风洞顶门,采用同步技术液压锁闭技术来实现风洞顶门升降。

    The system makes use of the special concentric dual cylinder to lift and drop the wind tunnel door with the aid of synchronization and hydraulic locking technologies.


  • 先导操纵装载机液压系统大多采用先导压力选择阀作为主要的先导液压元件因此出现一些这些元件引起整机故障

    Most loader hydraulic systems with pilot control use pilot valves and pres sures election valves as main pilot hydraulic components so some machine failure caused by those components may occurred.


  • 具体说明制动系统组成,以及采用两级液压制动装置比例控制液压制动装置。

    The composition of the brake system, the two-grade hydraulic braking equipment and the proportionally adjusting parts adopted in LRV, are explained.


  • 液压传动中常用液压供油系统功率损耗进行了分析指出,采用功率匹配泵供油液压系统有效地实现节能

    This article analyzes the power consumption of the usual hydraulic systems and drew a conclusion that it can save energy more efficiently and use the power matching hydraulic systems.


  • 考虑液压传动系统非线性特性为了提高模型准确性采用分布式物理图网建模方法建立液压系统模型。

    In consideration of the nonlinear characteristics of hydraulic transmission system, the distributed physical net modeling method is applied to improve the accuracy of the model.


  • 考虑液压传动系统非线性特性为了提高模型准确性采用分布式物理图网建模方法建立液压系统模型。

    In consideration of the nonlinear characteristics of hydraulic transmission system, the distributed physical net modeling method is applied to improve the accuracy of the model.


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