• 模型采用实际生产线轧制参数

    The actual parameters of the production line are used in the two FEM models.


  • 我们他们采用实际解决方法

    We're trying to nudge them toward a practical solution.


  • 这份调查包含了许多采用实际汽车汽车软件研究

    It also involved numerous studies with actual vehicles and the software thatpowers them.


  • 采用实际疏散演习发放问卷的方式研究宿舍楼疏散。

    The evacuation from the dormitory was studied by evacuation practice and questionnaire.


  • 1.1中,流程建模没有采用实际模型符号

    In figure 1.1 the book order process was modeled without a real model notation.


  • 本文中,我们采用实际方法中介通过SDO阅读撰写消息内容

    In this article, we will take the practice approach of using SDO to read and write the contents of a message within a mediation.


  • 采用实际,对酸化效果实时监测评价应用进行了说明。

    By actual example, the application of real time monitoring and evaluating to effect of acidizing operation were illustrated.


  • 分析关键工艺参数确定方法,并采用实际案例比较它们异同能耗

    The paper presented the methods to determine the key process parameters of these heat pumps and made comparisons for their differences and energy consumptions case by case.


  • 文中采用实际观测资料研究了西风线特征大气环流季节特征之间联系

    The connection between profile characteristics of the westerlies and seasonal characters of atmospheric circulation pattern are studied used observation data.


  • 辐照法定标采用实际测量漫射与总辐射比来代替辐射传输计算气溶胶散射

    Irradiance based method substitute the measured ratio of diffusion to global irradiance to the aerosol scatter computed by radiance transfer code.


  • 采用实际城市污泥研究对象,通过控制阴极酸度添加络合,考察了的动过程

    The effects of controlling acidity of cathode pond solution and adding complex agents on Cd electrokinetic processes in actual sewage sludge were investigated.


  • 油气资产使用寿命内,油气资产弃置义务采用实际利率确定期间应承担利息费用

    Interest expenses from the assets retirement obligations for each period are recognised with the effective interest method during the useful lives of the related oil and gas properties.


  • 文中应力进行了有限元分析,采用实际工程进行计算分析了裂缝产生的位置形态

    In this article, two kinds of stresses are calculated in finite element, a practical structure is calculated and the position and form of cracks are analyzed.


  • 因为COM部署其它平台上,能够采用实际标准化的,有效不同平台互用性

    As COM is being ported to other platforms, you can take even take advantage of real, standardized, efficient interoperability between different platforms.


  • 同时采用实际目标跟踪数据进行仿真对比实验,结果验证了方法有效可行并且减小预测误差

    Simulation was made in tracking system using real data. It turned out that the improved EPF is available and effective, which can also decrease the prediction error.


  • 脉冲激光测距系统研制生产使用维护中,通常采用实际测距方法对测距机性能进行检验

    During the developing, producing, operating, and maintaining of the pulse laser range finding system, range finding is usually taken as a method checking the performance of laser range finder.


  • 装饰要求较高部位选用超薄型防火涂料4防火涂料的厚度直接采用实际构件耐火试验数据

    Decorative requirements of the higher parts can choose ultra-thin fire retardant coating. 4 fire coating thickness should directly adopt the fire test data of actual components.


  • 本文采用实际调查理论分析试验研究相结合方法,并结合五河口大桥桥面铺装课题其进行了系统研究。

    This paper studies about the asphalt deck pavement of WuHeKou Bridge by the ways of practice investigating, theory analysis and testing.


  • 本文采用实际工程阐述如何形成质量地面对大面积承重耐磨混凝土地面设计施工要点进行了详细的介绍。

    The article describes with actual project how to produce high quality concrete slabs on ground. It emphasizes the key aspects of construction and design of lager concrete ground slab.


  • 对于将来应付金额大于重组债务账面值这种情况,美国准则作为债务重组加以规范,并规定采用实际利率法进行处理。

    In the case which the amounts payable in the future is more than the carrying amount of the debt restructured, the FASB regulates it as the debt restructuring and measures it with actual rates.


  • 本文采用半实物仿真采用实际卫星电源结构,能够较为真实的模拟实际系统的运行工况,又具有灵活性成本的特点。

    Relying on both hardware and software, the simulator designed in the dissertation can well reflect the working condition of a real solar array with a low cost and high flexibility.


  • 通过分析采样数据比较车型波形后,采用实际采样波形作为车型分类判据标准,条波形的采样值作为模式匹配特征参数

    After analyzing data and comparing automobile type of data ware, the max-data as criterion of vehicle classification, whole sample's data as character parameter of pattern matching.


  • 模型采用实际资产损失表示信息安全风险值,依据模型所计算信息安全风险损失值直接作为企业决策者关于信息安全风险投资决策的依据。

    The proposed model USES the real value to measure the loss of security risk, and the result can be used in the information security risk investments decision directly.


  • 老一代有时愿意采用技术无人驾驶汽车这些年龄层的人尤其实际价值

    Older generations are sometimes reluctant to adopt new technologies, but driverless cars promise real value to these age groups in particular.


  • PeterSengeGoranCarstedt 认为这种发展是值得称赞他们认为,简单地采用生态效率创新实际会加剧未来环境压力

    Peter Senge and Goran Carstedt see this development as laudable but suggest that simply adopting ecoefficiency innovations could actually worsen environmental stresses in the future.


  • 糖尿病特别兴趣理查德·派尔医生认为采用这种方法实际可能会个人社会带来更糟糕后果。”

    Dr. Richard Pile, a physician with a special interest in diabetes, argues that adopting this approach "could actually result in worse outcomes for individuals and society."


  • 当然,我们假设正在实际采用类方法进行开发

    This presumes that you are actually using one of these approaches to development.


  • 第二关于对AOP潜在普遍采用实际问题测试工具以及技术开发特别是单元测试。

    A second, more practical issue regarding the potential widespread adoption of AOP is the development of tools and techniques for testing, especially unit testing.


  • 这个服务采用实际数据库,它包含在段时间内在全世界发生的93,000多次地震的记录。

    The service USES an actual database of more than 93,000 earthquakes that occurred worldwide over a period of years.


  • 如果用户指定访问级别远程过程数据源实际采用的级别之间差异那么可能出现数据不一致

    If there is discrepancy between the access level value specified by the user and what the remote procedure actually does at the data source, data inconsistency might occur.


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