• 第二,提出一种利用压缩采样理论的多描述编码算法

    Our algorithm incorporates the CS theory into the traditional DCT based coding method to achieve better compression efficiency.


  • 基于随机采样理论直线检测算法使得平面测量更为精确快速

    Line detection algorithm based on random sample theory make the plane measurement more precise and quicker.


  • 然后介绍了数字化中频处理中的采样理论正交混频解调滤波抽取基础理论

    The basic theory of IF signal processing, such as sample theory, quartered demodulating technology, filtering, draw-off and interpolating theory is discussed.


  • 第二章介绍软件无线电基本架构、软件无线电中的信号采样理论多速率信号处理技术

    In Chapter 2, it introduces the basic theory of the Software Radio, which includes the architecture of Software Radio, the sampling theory and multi-rate signal process.


  • 雷达数字化接收机理论基础采样理论信号正交变换、多速率信号处理以及高效数字信号处理算法

    The theoretic of radar digital receiver are sampling, signal orthogonal transform, multirate digital signal processing, DSP algorithm with high efficiency, etc.


  • 利用线性系统理论采样理论成像系统传递函数进行了分析建模;借助于噪声模型表征了系统噪声特性

    The transfer function of imaging system is modeled using the linear system theory and sampling theory, and the noise is characterized with the three-dimensional noise model.


  • 实际控制系统尤其是高速采样系统来说具有十分重要的理论意义实际意义。

    It is of great theoretical and practical significance for practical control systems, especially for high speed sampled systems.


  • 基于信息理论研究采样成像系统寻求提高图像质量途径

    To seek a new way of improving image quality, the sampled imaging system based on information theory is studied.


  • 硬件基础,对所涉及理论论述包括探测声纳信号波形选择数字信号采样、处理原理与方法

    On the base of hardware approach, to discuss all the theory involve in active detecting sonar system, including the selection of signal waveform, digital signal sampling, digital signal processing.


  • 本文通过所建立采样比率模型对多目标距离闪烁效应进行了理论分析回波频谱畸变的角度解释了物理本质

    In this paper, the range glint is analyzed in theory through the model of sample ratio established, and then its physical essence is also expatiated using echo spectrum aberration.


  • 本文提出恒采样电流跟踪型PWM方式开关策略进行理论分析

    The fixed frequency sample PWM method is put forward in this paper together with the theoretical analysis about their switch strategy.


  • 为了缩短数字低通滤波器的动态时间计算量,提出基于采样反馈理论数字化谐波检测方法

    A method for digital harmonic detecting based on resampling and feedback theory is proposed, and a digital harmonic detecting system is designed.


  • 空间积分抽样相位理论分析消减采样产生的折叠混淆效应提供了理论依据

    Phase theory analysis of spatial integral sampling provide theoretical basis for under sampling aliasing reduction.


  • 基于信息理论评价系统优化系统设计控制采样噪声

    System assessment, system optimizing designs and aliasing noise control all can be done based on information rate.


  • 利用线性矩阵不等式理论给出设计满意控制器优化采样周期方法

    With the LMI technique, a method is proposed to design satisfactory controller and optimize the sample period.


  • 理论实践两个方面较为系统阐述旋转变压器峰值采样余切编码方案及其工程设计原理

    From two aspects of theory and practice, this article more systematically expounded the peak sample transformer rotating shaft cotangent coding scheme and its engineering design principles.


  • 曲面轮廓度误差评价多边域逼近均要求对理论曲面进行数字化自适应采样

    Adaptive sampling algorithm of surface play an important role in evaluation of profile deviation and surface triangular approximation.


  • 针对圆形烟道流速监测点布置存在问题流体力学理论进行分析优化确定采样断面后,在距采样0

    In view of problems existing in velocity of flow monitoring points collocation in circular flue, using hydrodynamics theory to analyze and optimize, one monitoring point at 0.


  • 理论实验研究结果表明方法消除渡越时间效应湍流采样单元内流速梯度造成的频谱模糊

    Theoretical and experimental results show that this method can eliminate the Doppler ambiguity spectra produced by transit-time effect, turbulence and velocity gradient in sample volume.


  • 提出了基于采样反馈理论数字化谐波检测方法

    A digitized harmonic detection method based on resampling and feedback theory is proposed.


  • 计算机仿真实验表明基于CS理论DOA估计算法能够采样相当情况下精确估计窄带信号的DOA信息

    Computer simulation shows that the DOA estimation algorithm based on CS theory can estimate accurately the narrowband signal DOA information in relatively small samples case.


  • 同时使用相关-相关系数理论采样数据处理通过检测极大实现系统的长。

    Simultaneously, using the theory of the relevant -value and correlation coefficient to process the sample data, detecting the maximum value to realize measurement.


  • 计算机控制提供理论指导采样控制理论,而采样控制器设计采样控制理论一个核心问题

    Sampled-data control theory offers theory guidance for computer control and design of sampled-data controller is a core problem of sampled-data control theory.


  • 文中对方法进行了理论分析对其性能进行分析仿真,得出了实际设计中采样点数搜索频段之间最佳关系

    The theoretical analysis, performance analysis and simulation results are also given, Bringing out the best relation between the counts of samples and the counts of frequency segments.


  • 采样密度因素模型采样密度理论基础可以指导矿产地球化学调查采样密度采样布局制定

    As the foundation of the sampling density theory, the factor model of sampling density could guide the formulation of sampling density and sampling layout in geochemical mineral exploration.


  • 本文推力液体火箭发动机采样数字控制系统进行理论分析实验研究

    A pulse width sampled-data control system for a variable thrust liquid rocket engine is studied both theoretically and experimentally.


  • 理论分析发现随着采样增加采样之间相关性上升增加采样信号峰值平均功率比影响下降,系统峰值平均功率比的变化缓慢并趋于稳定。

    We can find that correlation value between sampled points ascends and the influence that the new sampled point acts on PAPR decreases with the increase of the oversampling rate.


  • 理论分析仿真表明这种方法具有较强抗干扰性,频率测量精度主要与信噪比、频率偏差及采样数据的长度有关。

    In this paper, a phase difference correction method is presented to correct the power frequency. This method has strong anti-disturbance capability by theoretical analysis and simulation.


  • 结果表明,基于上述理论的沉积物采样器样机具有良好的采样能力原位压力保持功能

    The results show that the sampler has good ability in sampling and in-situ pressure holding.


  • 利用理论分析单分子光子最佳信噪比采样的对应关系,应用计算机虚拟采样测量单分子光辐射信号,获得理想测量结果

    Computer-based virtual sampling with the appropriate gate time decided for the single-molecular photons timestamps is processed, and the ideal detection result was obtained.


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