• 这些香料都是以草酸乙酯相应原料通过交换反应来合成的。

    This flavour is synthesized by the ester interchange using diethyl oxalate and relative alcohol as materials.


  • 提出氯酸催化剂,分析乙酯为介质测定伯、实验条件,实现了对经典方法改进,简化了操作程。

    The experimental condition of acetylating method for determining priminary alcohol and secondary alcohol catalyzed by perchloric acid in the medium of analytically pure ethylacetate is proposed.


  • 硬脂蔗糖无毒溶剂丙二存在进行交换反应合成硬脂酸蔗糖

    The ethyl stearate react with sucrose and to synthesize the sucrose fatty acid ester in the poisonless solvent (propanediol).


  • 介绍世界精对苯二甲酸、 聚对苯二甲酸及其纤维树脂等聚产业链生产动向需求预测

    The article gives an account of the new production trends and demand forecast of the world's PET industry chain in EG, PTA, PET and its fiber and bottle grade resin.


  • 考察了催化剂处理方式、催化剂用量反应时间合成乙酯影响及催化剂重复使用的活性。

    The effects of catalyst treated methods, catalyst quantity, reaction time, acid-alcohol ratio and catalyst length-of-live are studied in batch synthesis of acetic ether.


  • 硬脂蔗糖在无毒溶剂丙二存在下进行交换反应合成硬脂酸蔗糖

    The poison methyl alcohol has been replaced by alcohol to react with Stearic acid and to synthesize the ethyl stearate.


  • 采用直接法,将山梨反应,合成了山梨酸甲乙酯

    Methyl, ethyl, propyl and butyl sorbates were synthesized by esterification of sorbic acid with four kinds of alcohol respectively.


  • 相色谱上,、3-氧代戊酸甲在无任何催化剂存在下,发生交换反应。

    Gas chromatography(GC) as a chemical reactor, methyl acetoacetate, ethyl acetoacetate, and methyl(3-oxo) pentanoate can undergo transesterfication with various alcohols without any catalyzers.


  • 阐述几个主要合成方法,着重介绍了合成技术方法碳酸乙酯法。

    The main synthetic methods of ethylene glycol was described. The ethylene glycol was synthesized by ethylene carbonate that is a new method which was importantly introduced.


  • 利用正交试验研究交换法制备卤虾油脂肪酸乙酯工艺,分析了催化剂用量、反应温度、反应时间、无水用量等对解率的影响

    Meanwhile the influence of the amount of catalyst alkali ethylate and absolute alcohol, the temperature and time of reaction on interesterification was studied.


  • 为了解决这个限制一个分子量增塑剂甘油数量山梨,柠檬酸乙酯使用

    To remedy this limitation, a number of low molecular weight plasticisers such as glycerol, sorbitol and triethyl citrate are used.


  • 由于环保要求提高,硅酸使用受到限制, 硅溶胶的应用越来越广泛。

    The use of alcoholic ethyl silicate would be restricted and the silica sol would be more and more extensive because of the more strict environmental protection requirement.


  • 采用乙酯溶剂,粉状活性炭吸附精制异山梨粗品得出适宜精制条件,其精制品质量符合USP2 4版质量标。

    Using ethyl acetate as solvent, isosorbide can be refined with actived carbon, the suitable condition can be obtained and the product quality meets the quality standard of USP24.


  • 白酒标样分析中,使得乙酯的色谱峰能够分开,现有的聚(PEG-20M)的分析方法更为便捷

    The separation of methanol, acetaldehyde and ethyl acetate in the standard liquor sample on the monolithic column is much more convenient than that on PEG-20M columns.


  • 为了增强应用过程穿透撕裂的能力,采用玻璃纤维聚萘二酸聚酰亚胺薄膜增强。

    Glass fiber or polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) or polyimide film is adopted to strengthen the penetration resistance and the tear resistance in the process of application.


  • 我们合成方法中,-苯开始合成了-苯用丙二酸二的烯离子进行亲核取代

    First we synthesized the -phenylethyl chloride from -phenylethyl alcohol. Then it was substituted by enolate anion of diethyl malonate and converted to ester.


  • 木薯淀粉产业:30万木薯燃料项目柠檬酸赖氨酸项目酒精环氧、醋酸乙酯项目

    Cassava starch: project of Producing 300,000t Cassava Ethonel, Citric acid and Lysine, Ethene, EO, ether, acetic acid projects and so on.


  • 干酒中脂肪酸相对含量高于P〈0.05);高级冰酒中的相对含量高于干酒(P〈0.05);

    The relative contents of ethyl lactate, ethyl hexanoate, ethyl octanoate, ethyl decanoate, diethyl succinate and monoethyl succinate are higher in sea buckthorn dry wine than in ice wine (P < 0.05) ;


  • 干酒中脂肪酸相对含量高于P〈0.05);高级冰酒中的相对含量高于干酒(P〈0.05);

    The relative contents of ethyl lactate, ethyl hexanoate, ethyl octanoate, ethyl decanoate, diethyl succinate and monoethyl succinate are higher in sea buckthorn dry wine than in ice wine (P < 0.05) ;


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