• 这些都阻碍着全面复苏。

    All this stands in the way of a full-blooded recovery.


  • 任何困难阻碍不了

    No difficulties can hinder me.


  • 直接的目标移除障碍,这些都阻碍竞争对手那赢得市场份额的。

    The immediate goal was removing the barriers for an application to win market share from a competitor.


  • 专注于成功,未成功计划,这些都阻碍了成功…成功害羞——看着,它不会出现。

    Success is blocked by concentrating on it and planning for it... Success is shy - it won't come out while you're watching.


  • 然而信息数量庞大排列无序以及垃圾信息干扰等阻碍人们充分利用网络资源

    However, the substantial quantity of information, the disorder of information and the interference of garbage have embarrassed people in making the most of network resource.


  • 微软坚持这些限制都阻碍竞争压缩消费者选择在线广告客户也不能享受更好价格

    Such restraints, Microsoft contends, undermine competitionand thus pose a threat to consumer choice and better prices for online advertisers.


  • 我们。这是的。这是真的。这是的。这是美的这些都阻碍我们真正地观察我们的真实。

    We say 'this is right', 'this is wrong', 'this is true', 'this is false', 'this is beautiful', which prevents us from actually observing what we are.


  • 由于没有新的协议,含气体排放没有国际约束排放价格规划未来业务阻碍工业能力

    Without a new one, carbon emissions will have no international regulation, which would hinder the ability of industry to factor in the price of carbon and plan future business.


  • 没有一种立法其本身力量,足以消除恐惧偏见骄傲自私心态这些都阻碍建立真正具有兄弟情谊社会

    No legislation could by itself do away with the fears, prejudices, and attitudes of pride and selfishness which obstruct the establishment of truly fraternal societies.


  • 不幸是,海滩两端潜在顾客看来,摊主阻碍对方另设摊位,除了留在原地,没有别的地方让他们接近更多顾客了。

    Unfortunately for potential customers at the far ends of the beach, each seller prevents the other from relocatingno other spot would be closer to more people.


  • 所有经济行为阻碍生态系统服务”——因为所有的经济行为需要获取能源材料却返回废弃物,这种循环破坏了地球和大气的正常循环。

    All economic activities degrade "ecological system services" - they all require energy and materials from the earth and return as wastes to the earth and atmosphere increasing disorder.


  • 软体动物甲壳纲动物甚至珊瑚身体结构生长中用上,而海水酸度阻碍过程

    Mollusks, crustaceans, and even coralline algae are among theliving things that use calcium in their structures, a process that could beimpeded by higher acidity levels in seawater.


  • 老年受害者以及被告自己(其他四个超过75岁)可能有可能因为死亡阻碍审讯的成功。

    Elderly victims and the defendants themselves (the others are over 75) may thwart it by dying.


  • 我们拥有梦想有些事情阻碍我们前进的步伐。

    I have dreams. You have dreams. We all have dreams, but there's always something holding us back.


  • 如果他们人人选择支持国会拖延方案,那么可以美国人民展示这些阻碍者到底是什么人。

    If all of them choose to support a filibuster, then you take it to the American people and show the obstructionists for what they are.


  • 人人感到惊讶:“阻碍我们进步这个呢?”

    Everyone wondered: "who is this person who was hindering my progress?"


  • 一个网络群到处因此无论何种方式进入毫无阻碍

    A network swarm is all edges and therefore open ended any way you come at it.


  • 我们愿意觉得自己完美我们完美有时候否认我们的不完美阻碍我们他人建立健康持续感情

    While we would all like to think we're perfect, none of us are; and sometimes the denial of our own imperfections hinder us from building healthy and sustainable relationships with others.


  • 绝大多数经济学者赞成一想法可能阻碍医保过渡消费

    Most economists like this idea, as it is likely to discourage excessive consumption of health care.


  • 每个人知道这个道理并且也是阻碍很多追求他们爱好的原因;他们希望发现没有关注他们的努力,没有人购买他们的产品

    Everyone knows this and it’s the reason so many people put off following their passion; they don’t want to find out that no one cares, and no one wants to buy what they have to offer.


  • 同时由于每个人试图挖矿钻油井成本开始增加这些劣势矿车的巨大轮胎一样阻碍了石油开发的进展

    With everyone trying to dig and drill at the same time, costs are rising and shortages of such things as huge tyres for mining trucks are hampering progress.


  • 如果需要可以将这些排上你日程确保不要工作阻碍的良好状态

    Schedule it all if you need to, but make sure you don't let your job get int the way of your well-being.


  • 哈马斯不能取得一致外交官唯恐以色列允许一小部分物资进入加沙,而这将阻碍重建工作民众带来更多困难

    Without an accord with Hamas, diplomats said they feared Israel would let only a trickle of goods into Gaza, hampering reconstruction and creating more hardship for its people.


  • 所有阻碍你追求你本该拥有生活理由下来,写或者其他东西上,今天开始。

    I want you to write down, on a piece of paper or whatever, all of the reasons why you simply cannot live the life that you truly deserve, starting today.


  • 最终这些计划失败了,它们一个严重弊端,这便是它们彻底阻碍劳动力流动性

    And as it turned out, a lot of those plans failed catastrophically. Defined-benefit plans have a huge downside: they drastically discourage labor mobility.


  • 2003布什入侵伊拉克之前一年时间,人们入侵伊拉克感到焦虑不安。相比之下,对于决定讨论似乎鲜有阻碍

    By comparison with the year or more of angst that preceded George Bush's invasion of Iraq in 2003, the pros and cons of this decision have received remarkably little debate.


  • 2003布什入侵伊拉克之前一年时间,人们入侵伊拉克感到焦虑不安。相比之下,对于决定讨论似乎鲜有阻碍

    By comparison with the year or more of angst that preceded George Bush's invasion of Iraq in 2003, the pros and cons of this decision have received remarkably little debate.


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