• 鉴于这个目标可以创建一个返回关于电影的、电影标题为键完整文档视图

    With that goal in mind, you can create a view that returns the full document about the movie, keyed by movie title.


  • 第2分中,我们开发测试控制视图组件

    In Part 2, we will develop and test the Control and View components.


  • 作为较小清除分,请删除主要视图JS p中的编辑按钮因为我们改用门户框架进入编辑方式

    As part of minor cleanup, remove the Edit button from the main view JSP, since we will go to Edit mode using the portal framework instead.


  • 应用程序开发人员可能并不总是所有默认数据库对象例如视图过程函数兴趣,而是其中感兴趣。

    Application developers may not always be interested in all the default database objects, such as tables, views, procedures, and functions, but rather just a few of them.


  • 将打开一个包含三视图如图9所示。

    This opens a three-part view, as shown in Figure 9.


  • 清单6介绍应用程序开始视图控制器初始化

    The first section, Listing 6, covers the application startup and the initialization of the view controller.


  • 作为需求过程实现待定应用程序简化视图组件可能非常有效

    Implementing simplified view components of the pending application can be very effective as part of the requirements process.


  • 所有数据动作(请求服务器)属于模型典型的模型-视图-控制器(MVC)架构一样

    All the data and the actions (requests to the server) are part of the model, as is common in typical model View Control (MVC) architectures.


  • 很多用户拥有视图中一文档访问权限时(销售HR应用程序可能出现这种情况),尤其如此

    This is especially true when many users have access to a small subset of the documents in the view as may be the case in a sales or HR application.


  • MVC架构设计模式图形用户界面GUI)的设计样式分构成模型视图控制器

    The MVC architecture (or design pattern) is a graphical user interface (GUI) design style that consists of three parts: model, view, and controller.


  • 系列第1介绍业务实体概念,业务实体一种表示数据业务视图方法

    Part 1 of this series introduces the concept of business entities as a means of representing the business view of data.


  • (模型发现)包括遗留系统源代码原始数据现有文档等等获取代表系统(或者至少是系统的)视图模型的过程。

    [model Discovery] consists in obtaining a model that represents a view on the legacy system (or at least parts of it) from its source code, raw data, available documentation, etc.


  • 第2分中,了解如何当前JS f视图数据保存数据存储库中

    In Part 2, you see how to store the data of the current JSF view into a data repository.


  • 清单22第二使用特殊URL获取视图结果

    The second part of Listing 22 gets the results of the view using the special URLs.


  • 第2展示了如何通过遍历jsf组件获取输入组件保存当前视图表单数据

    Part 2 shows how to save the form data of the current view by traversing the JSF component tree and getting the values of the input components.


  • 通过扩展收缩复杂SQL分,来深入获取详细查询例如引用视图和子查询

    Drill into parts of the query in more detail, such as referenced views and sub-queries, by expanding and collapsing sections of a complex SQL.


  • 作为soa治理需要定义管理执行服务生命周期,以形成企业服务相关概念全面视图

    As part of SOA governance, you need to define, manage and enforce a service life cycle that allows a holistic view of an enterprise's services and related concepts.


  • 下面现在提供分CCRC视图列表

    Following is a partial list of the CCRC views that are now provided.


  • JSF视图ID返回 ID每个 JSF惟一

    The JSF view ID, which is part of the returned ID, is unique for each JSF page.


  • 第2分中,创建视图及其对象(按钮文本表示视图)。

    In part 2, you created the view parts and its objects (such as button, text box, and table view).


  • 清晰划分模型(数据以及数据操作提交服务器)视图分。

    That's part of the clean separation between the model (the data and the operation on the data, such as submitting it to a server) and the view.


  • List可以具有多个摘要视图这些视图可以有选择地显示显示视图字段()。

    Lists can have multiple summary views that selectively display which fields (that is, columns) to show as part of the view.


  • 可以使用第3描述过解析来构建index视图一旦任何代码进行了修改,该视图不得不解析CDT工作空间中的每个文件

    You could build an Index view using the parser described in Part 3, but it would have to parse every source file in the CDT workspace whenever any code is modified.


  • 并且由于Student控制器每个函数都会接触模板视图所以需要加载urlHelper作为Student构造函数分(参见清单14)。

    And, because every function in the Student controller touches the template view, you need to load the URL Helper as part of the Student constructor (see Listing 14).


  • 添加新的属性Properties视图显示它们(第1分)。

    Add new properties and display them in the properties View (Part 1).


  • Portlet编程模型允许开发人员创建特定类型Web应用程序,此类应用程序可以作为客户机浏览器若干此类应用程序的聚合视图

    The portlets programming model enables developers to create Web applications that can become part of an aggregated view of several of such applications in a client browser.


  • 第5介绍Rails中所包含模型-视图-控制器架构的详细内容,以及如何方式进行交互。

    Chapter 5 gives you the details of the Model-View-Controller architecture embodied in Rails and how to get the three parts to interact the way you want to.


  • 如果检查BusinessIntegration视图中的项目发现它们我们第3构建模块相同

    If you examine the projects in the Business Integration view, you will recognize them as the same modules we built in Part 3.


  • 其他类型Notes视图一样,查询视图作为Domino应用程序设计元素

    Like other types of Notes views, Query views are design elements that are part of Domino applications.


  • 除此之外,使用代码生成功能Rational Software Architect可以设计建模视图中的uml转换为代码

    In addition, using the code-generation features that are a part of Rational Software Architect, you can convert designs and UML diagrams drawn in the Modeling perspective into code.


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