• 英国斯塔福大学设计管理博士

    PhD Candidate in Design Management, Staffordshire University, UK.


  • 短片制作于2010年赫特福德大学

    Short film produced at the University of Hertfordshire 2010.


  • 接受斯塔福德大学研究位内部人是不再英国联赛工作黑人主教练

    One insider response to the Staffordshire University research came from a black former league manager who no longer works in the UK.


  • 出生于伊拉克,在孩提时便移居瑞典之后又英国就读贝德福德大学

    Born in Iraq, he moved as a child to Sweden and then to Britain to study at the University of Bedfordshire.


  • 第一新的英国大学20世纪赋予权力程度1949年成立斯塔福德大学

    It was the first new United Kingdom university of the 20th century, established with degree giving powers in 1949 as the university College of North Staffordshire.


  • 2000年,埃利斯·凯什摩尔教授斯坦福大学开设了研究大卫·贝克汉姆的课程,一时间舆论大哗。

    In 2000, there was a big media backlash to Professor Ellis Cashmore introducing a module where students could study David Beckham at Staffordshire University.


  • 婴儿之后11月1日时夭折了,死于靠近斯托斯塔福德大学医院里,了解,斯塔福德医院企图把婴儿送往这里进行挽救

    They died on 1 November, at the University Hospital of North Staffordshire in nearby Stoke after, it is understood, being transferred there in an attempt to save their lives.


  • 一个欧洲团队英国赫特福德大学罗拉·卡诺梅罗教授的主持下,研究制造出这种机器人以前那些同伴们有好几个显著的不同之处。

    A team across Europe was led by Dr. Lola Cañamero of the University of Herefordshire in the UK to develop the bot, which differs in several significant ways from those that came before it.


  • 2004年中旬本人先赫特福德大学获得了天体物理学理学士学位,又伦敦大学学院获得英语教师资格证书本人随即上海

    Shortly after graduating from the University of Hertfordshire (BSc Astrophysics degree) and attaining my TEFL certificate from the University College of London in mid 2004, I moved to Shanghai.


  • 这个早些时候赫特福德大学进行项调查显示1824年轻人中占59%的用户他们每月的上网费用,而年龄1417岁的,这个比例达到96%。

    A survey released earlier this month by the University of Hertfordshire revealed that 59% of people aged 18 to 24, and 96% of those aged 14 to 17, do not pay their own monthly internet-access bill.


  • 白金汉奇尔特·恩斯大学学院心理学讲师乔治·菲尔斯德博士对此提出了一种解释

    Dr. George Fieldman, a lecturer in psychology at Buckingham Chilterns University College, offers an explanation.


  • 英国Cumbria,有一个特教老师MikeStanton儿子Matthew在12诊断为阿斯伯格综合症现在已经22岁了,正在上大学

    Back in the UK, in Cumbria, Mike Stanton is a special needs teacher whose son, Matthew, now 22 and at university, was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome when he was 12.


  • 来自英国西米德兰兹考文垂市华威大学WorldFirst赛车科研小组希望赛车运动管理部门更改比赛规则这样他们就能参加锦标赛

    The WorldFirst team, from Warwick University, in Coventry, West Mids, hope racing chiefs will change the rules so they can compete in championship races next season.


  • 巴尔缔摩马利兰大学神经心理学一位教授如是说。

    Says Robert Provine, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.


  • 德国波恩大学·蒂斯帕维尔·格鲁帕和其同事们表明这个过程也可以发生更一般性的情境之下,其中包括新生恒星的拥挤簇。

    Now Ingo Thies and Pavel Kroupa of the University of Bonn in Germany, and colleagues, have shown ...


  • 弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯乔治·马松大学研究幸福感心理学副教授托德凯士丹这些发现意义重大,虽然没有看到这项研究。

    Although he has not read the study, Todd Kashdan, an associate professor of psychology at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., who studies well-being, says these findings make perfect sense.


  • 英格兰斯塔福德医生儿子二战末期缅甸马来亚服役读过农业大学随后成为了一名奶牛场主

    The son of a Staffordshire doctor, he served in Burma and Malaya at the end of the second world war, attended an agricultural college and went on to become a dairy farmer.


  • 现在妻子子女在法安德鲁大学教授创意写作”、“文学生态学”等课程

    He now lives in Fife with his wife and children and teaches Creative Writing, Literature and Ecology courses at the University of St Andrews.


  • 离开德比伦敦大学

    I left Derby and went to university in London.


  • 赫特福德奥尔本斯长大,就读于哈佛大学随后剑桥大学开展宇宙学研究

    After growing up in St Albans, Hertfordshire, he read physics at University College Oxford and then moved to Cambridge to carry out research in cosmology.


  • ·琼斯金斯大学伦敦圣乔治大学社会工作教授任威尔特社会服务部负责人

    Ray Jones is professor of social work at Kingston University and st George's, University of London and was formerly director of social services in Wiltshire.


  • 来自约克庞蒂弗拉克特的21岁的DianeJohnson众多参与者中的员,,“正在努力的工作,我大学读书但是发现很难找到合适我的课程。”

    One of those attending is Diane Johnson, 21, from Pontefract in West Yorkshire. She said: “I am currently looking for a job and would like to study at college, but it’s really hard to find a course.


  • 波贝拉泽恩的米塞里·科迪亚大学录取但是律师焦虑沮丧压力所困,需要一些帮助

    Burbella was enrolled at Misericordia University in Luzerne County, but her attorney said because of disabilities including anxiety, depression, and stress, she needed help.


  • 贝拉泽恩的米塞里·科迪亚大学录取但是律师焦虑沮丧压力所困,需要一些帮助

    Burbella a was enrolled at Misericordia University in Luzerne County, but her attorney said because of disabilities including anxiety, depression, and stress, she needed help.


  • 他们经过沉睡中的白金汉奇尔特·恩斯大学时,他们已经听过威廉·德的《我们冠军》、贝多芬的《自由》。

    To while away the time as they crossed the sleeping Chilterns, they also listened to William Byrd's "We Are the Champions" and Beethoven's "I Want to Break Free."


  • 德文首都大学医院,县通信文化中心

    It is the capital of the county of Devon, with a university, county hospital, county halls, communications and culture centres.


  • 每日邮报》报道称,利兹中央兰开夏英国大学研究发现牙齿相当于人类孔雀尾巴

    The study, from researchers at the British universities of Leeds and Central Lancashire, found that teeth are "the human equivalent of a peacock's tail," according to the Daily Mail.


  • 每日邮报》报道称,利兹中央兰开夏英国大学研究发现牙齿相当于人类孔雀尾巴

    The study, from researchers at the British universities of Leeds and Central Lancashire, found that teeth are "the human equivalent of a peacock's tail," according to the Daily Mail.


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