• 邮件规则允许用户选择黑名单

    Mail Rules allowed users to select blacklists.


  • 邮件规则可伸缩性改善

    Mail rule scalability improvements.


  • 基于 hook电子邮件规则危害

    The perils of hook code-based e-mail rules


  • 电子邮件管理就是最基本电子邮件规则应用

    E-Mail Management Is the Application of Fundamental E-Mail rules.


  • 使用列表填充(执行邮件规则)视图组合

    You use this list to populate the drop-down combo box for the view against which your mail rules execute.


  • 何时电子邮件规则相关的,以及何时它们仅仅是更多垃圾邮件

    When are E-mail rules relevant and when are they just more spam?


  • 显而易见,能够工具进行扩展,以便完成邮件规则操作之后刷新当前屏幕

    You have an obvious opportunity to extend this tool to refresh the current screen when the mail rule operation is complete.


  • 简单方法允许一个电子邮件规则记录设置活动或者活动的。

    The simple process allows you to set an e-mail rule record as active or inactive.


  • 现在比较一下,能够不费力添加一个无状态的电子邮件规则记录中

    Now, compare all this to the ease with which a field can be added to a stateless E-mail rule record.


  • 大多数情况下基于hook电子邮件规则基于电子邮件规则包的规则目的是一样的。

    In most cases, hook code-based E-mail rules serve the same purpose as E-mail rule package-based rules.


  • 曾经遇到过一个超过100条电子邮件规则记录配置其中90%都是基于查询

    I have walked into configurations which had over 100 E-mail rule records, 90 percent of which were query-based.


  • 创建新的菜单选项LotusNotes邮件视图中显示在本地运行邮件规则操作(图标)。

    We want to create a new menu option that shows in the Lotus Notes mail views as an action (icon) that runs the mail rules locally.


  • 请求拥有者应该得到通知进行评审个请求添加评论时,我们会创建电子邮件规则通知拥有者)。

    The owner of the new request should get notified and review it. (We created an email rule to notify the owner when a comment is added to a request.)


  • 当然我可以编写规则忽略这些邮件邮件规则编辑器了,并且一旦规则列表过,将逐渐难以管理

    Icould write a mail-rule to ignore thethread, of course. But mail-ruleeditors are clunky, and once your rule-listgrows very long, it becomesincreasingly unmanageable.


  • 典型三思而后行”,因为执行基于 hook电子邮件规则反映了您的ClearQuest实施复杂性中的重要跳跃

    This is definitely a case of "look before you leap," because implementing hook code-based e-mail rules represents a significant leap in the complexity of your ClearQuest implementation.


  • 用户单击RunMailRules按钮时,将出现对话框其中选中所有已启用邮件规则然后将出现一个组合可以选择运行视图文件夹

    When the user clicks the run mail rules button, a dialog box appears with all enabled mail rules selected, and then a combo box appears in which you can select the view or folder to run against.


  • 新的组件包括所有默认服务器任务邮件日志事务日志记录、LotusDominoDomainMonitoringDDM探测邮件规则更大邮件文件

    The new components consist of all default server tasks, mail journaling, transaction logging, Lotus Domino Domain Monitoring (DDM) probes, mail rules, and larger mail files.


  • 毕竟没有哪个国家能够仅靠一封邮件就要求其它国家遵守那些共同一系列令人大动肝火规则

    After all, simply mailing a letter abroad requires countries to follow a common set of postal rules that no single one of them controls.


  • 所创建这个电子邮件地址用于区号信息请求因此这个规则适用这个地址发送所有邮件

    I created this E-mail address to be used only for area code information requests, so the rule applies to all messages sent to that address.


  • 私人助理一样帮助随时注意那些重要邮件而不需要你设定复杂规则

    It's like your personal assistant, helping you focus on the messages that matter without requiring you to set up complex rules.


  • 这里着重讨论LotusNotes客户机邮件进行扩展包含新的MailRuleRunner允许用户客户机手动运行自己规则

    Here we focus on the Lotus Notes client and extend mail to include a new mail rule Runner that allows users to run their rules manually on the client.


  • Facebook给安邮件说道个人账户必须建立合法的实名制基础上,我们试图通过这种方式保持简单并且公正规则。”

    Facebook said in an e-mail to Anti that the company has "tried to keep the rule simple and fair by saying personal profiles must always be set up in the real legal name of the individual concerned."


  • 完成这项任务,其中一种方法使用脚本,该脚本可以任何其他客户端那样访问邮箱然后根据脚本中嵌入某些规则组织过滤电子邮件

    One way to do this is to use a script that accesses the mailbox just like any other client, and then organizes and filters your e-mail based on some rules built into the script.


  • 规则没有一个单人电话电子邮件或者因特网联系

    The rule is not a single call, E-mail, or Internet connection.


  • 例如可能搜索已知姓名电子邮件地址用户有关全部数据所以需要指定搜索操作中应用匹配规则

    For example, you may want to search for all data related to a user whose name or E-mail address you know, so you need to specify matching rules to be applied during the search operation.


  • 关注电子邮件管理规则,并不仅仅关心负债。这本书写作目的是为了帮助雇主们利用好电子邮件其他电子沟通工具

    Focusing on the rules of E-mail management, rather than on liability concerns alone, E-mail rules was written to help employers harness the power of E-mail and other digital com - munication tools.


  • 服务器或者客户端中使用过滤系统意味着可以利用比较简单规则处理垃圾邮件过滤器无法识别的垃圾邮件

    Using a filtering system on your server or client also means that you can take advantage of simpler rules to dispose of spam that gets through the spam filters.


  • 如果管理员用电子邮件每月发送规则生成警告,您得到一些益处

    Better yet, you might get some benefit from having the admins mail you the alerts that this rule generates, perhaps once a month.


  • 如果管理员用电子邮件每月发送规则生成警告,您得到一些益处

    Better yet, you might get some benefit from having the admins mail you the alerts that this rule generates, perhaps once a month.


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