• t _ ag显示CM代理邮件存储CM时间,单位为秒

    Column T_ag shows the time in seconds that the CM agent spends for storing the mail in CM.


  • 归档邮件存储服务器上,较旧文件迁移专用归档服务器的邮件归档中。

    Active mail files were stored on a primary server, and older documents were migrated to mail archives on a dedicated archive server.


  • 选择文件夹设定适用邮件存储还是适用于任务便笺一类群件项目存储

    Select whether you want the new folder to be used for mail storage of for storage of groupware items such as tasks or notes.


  • 开放源码领域中,最好期望就是计算机可以根据帐户电子邮件存储位置播放不同声音文件

    In the open source world, the best to hope for is your computer tooting different sound files based on the account or storage area where your E-mail landed.


  • 找出某个用户是否充分地利用电子邮件存储不同文件夹功能,可以使用find执行更加详细的分析。

    To find out whether a user is making use of the ability to store E-mail in different folders, use find to perform some more detailed examinations.


  • 我们64-bit实例创建了DB 2UDBV8.2FP9,以处理15,000个用户Domino邮件存储

    We created DB2 UDB V8.2 FP9 with a 64-bit instance that handles the Domino mail storage for 15,000 users.


  • 除了磁盘空间限制存储更大用户邮件文件之外,服务器没有任何硬件资源约束

    There were no hardware resource constraints on this server, except the disk-space limitation for storing the larger user mail files.


  • 功能使得用户邮件系统外部文件存储系统之间进行内容交换更加简单。

    This feature makes exchanging content between the user's mail system and the external file storage system easier.


  • XYZ公司邮件数据库存储需求日益增长。

    XYZ Company has growing storage requirements for mail databases.


  • CM配置决定如何存储电子邮件

    The CM configuration determines how the e-mail is stored.


  • 一个重要问题就是传输存储邮件大小数量以前

    One of the main problem areas is that the size and amount of mail being transferred and stored are both much greater than what was once considered the norm.


  • 通常,电子邮件首先存储一个硬盘驱动器上然后迁移诸如磁带之类的其他存储上。

    Typically, it is stored on a hard drive before being migrated to other storage such as tape.


  • 第一种方法中,每个集群使用独特命名子目录存储邮件文件意味着普通urls包含一个清楚指明集群的(2)。

    In the first, each cluster USES a uniquely named subdirectory in which the mail files are stored, meaning that the normal URLs contain a segment that clearly identifies the cluster (see figure 2).


  • 通过向 Sametime_ID_Request@lotus.com发送电子邮件我们存储好友通知保留了这个编号

    We reserved this key number for storing buddy notes by sending an email to Sametime_ID_Request@lotus.com.


  • 使用OutlookExpress处理电子邮件,我还本地文件夹下存储很多邮件

    Q: I use Outlook Express for my email, and I store a lot of mail in local folders.


  • DominoWeb服务器存储用户邮件数据库数据库中包含一些显示的个人数据比如消息日历条目视图等

    The Domino Web server stores the user's mail database, which contains personal data to be displayed, such as messages, calendar entries, and views.


  • DominoWebAccess使用存储用户邮件文件中的表单子表单,因此不使用这些表单定义字段

    Domino Web Access does not use the forms and subforms stored within the user’s mail file, and therefore doesn’t use the fields defined within these forms.


  • 通过Notes邮件模板进行少量更改Lotus Notes可以存储这些回复将其连接标准回复电子邮件中。

    With a few changes to the Notes mail template, Lotus Notes can store these responses and concatenate them into a standard response email.


  • 这样,不仅大大减少存储成本而且LotusDomino邮件服务器处理器占用减少了。

    In addition to the excellent storage cost reduction that has been achieved, processor utilization on the Lotus Domino mail servers was also reduced.


  • 选择电子邮件信息存储xml配置文件(清单2中的config . xml)中。

    I choose to store the E-mail information in an XML configuration file such as config.xml in Listing 2. The structure of this file is as follows.


  • 更加复杂级别LotusDomino集群多个服务器方案不是集群中的每个服务器存储所有邮件文件

    The next level of complexity is the scenario in which there are multiple servers in a Lotus Domino cluster, but each mail file isn't located on every server in that cluster.


  • 6-1[]时间Domino提取信息内部处理邮件真正存储CM三个方面。

    The total time of 0.6-1 [s] is spent on extracting the information from Domino, internal processing and the actual store operation into CM.


  • 语音邮件短信甚至电话录音在线存储在Google中。

    Voicemails, text messages, even recordings of calls, are stored online.


  • applicants使用单个邮件文件夹存储所有邮件finance则合理地将其电子邮件分散不同文件夹中,以便进行组织

    Applicants is using a single mail folder to store all their mail, and finance has sensibly split their E-mail into different folders for easy organization.


  • 大多数现代的电子邮件解决方案都使用InternetMailAccessProtocol (IMAP)系统存储电子邮件

    Most modern E-mail solutions use the Internet mail Access Protocol (IMAP) system for storing E-mail.


  • 如果进行系统设置丢弃邮件特定时间存储邮件收到电子邮件数量将会不断增加

    The number of e-mails you receive grows if you do not set the system to discard them or store them at specific times.


  • 每天员工日常工作都要产生大量文件,包括各种形式大小客户电子邮件业务报告产品手册,全都存储不同内容端上

    Every day, employees produce an abundance of documents in their everyday work: customer e-mails, business reports, product manuals - in all shapes and sizes, and stored on various content back ends.


  • 除了已经作为电子邮件服务组成部分推出存储服务,谷歌发言人没有就网络存储计划发表任何评论

    A Google spokeswoman declined to comment on any specific online storage plans beyond what it already offers as part of its email and other services.


  • 除了已经作为电子邮件服务组成部分推出存储服务,谷歌发言人没有就网络存储计划发表任何评论

    A Google spokeswoman declined to comment on any specific online storage plans beyond what it already offers as part of its email and other services.


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