• 旅馆柜台小姐拿着一份航空邮件说:“听说罗杰那里,能不能封信带给那里酒吧间的招待呢?”

    "I hear you're staying at Roger's place, " said the check-in girl, holding an airmail envelope. "You wouldn't mind giving this to the barman there, would you?"


  • 知道处适合幽会酒吧他们那里不会受到打扰。

    He knew an intimate little bar where they would not be disturbed.


  • 坐在酒吧柜台那里

    She was sitting at the bar.


  • 马卡瑞恩公园角落里一家酒吧,在那里可以喝到泡沫装的玛格丽特鸡尾酒。

    There is a bar on the corner of MaCarren Park that gives you Margaritas in foam cups.


  • 刚刚在想我们是否可以先去查尔斯餐馆试试,然后再维多利亚女王酒吧那里一杯。

    I was just wondering if we could try out the new restaurant on Charles Street, then go on to Queen Victoria for a drink.


  • 我们那里出来,接着一家酒吧但是要买一轮时候,我感觉到那种熟悉圆圈出现视线范围了,我的脑袋也开始乱转了。

    From there, we move on to a bar, but as I am buying a round of drinks, I feel the familiar dark circles appearing in the periphery of my vision, and my head starts to swim.


  • 天使古堡的房间古老马厩作坊改建成的,那里两个餐馆酒吧个艺术馆。

    The rooms have been fashioned from old sassi stables and workshops. There are two restaurants, a bar and an art gallery.


  • 成长英格兰酒吧父母经营那里每天表演着各种戏剧——充斥着恶斗、打情骂俏眼泪、怒气,一切都是围绕的。

    I grew up in my parents' pub in England, where there was always a lot of drama. And all the drama—fights, flirting, tears, tantrums—revolved around love.


  • 不能酒吧不能去机场酒店,因为那里的无线宽带电波头痛欲裂。

    Pubs make him feel the same and he can't stay at airports or hotels without experiencing head-banging agony.


  • 夜间娱乐仅限于酒店酒吧那里内地先锋舞台上演的现场音乐会

    By night entertainment is limited to hotel bars with live music at the Outback Pioneer.


  • 她家不远处开了一家酒吧她很喜欢那里于是个人了。

    There was a brand new wine bar that had opened not far from her house and she said she’d love to go there, so she did, on her own.


  • 酒吧那里男孩们停止说话

    There's a bar where the boys have stopped talking


  • Facebook班级结束创立了一家叫做750的实业公司。这个名字源于斯坦福大学的750酒吧,就是那里Greenberg先生Fan先生决定一起创业

    After the class ended, the two started a company, 750 Industries, named after the 750 Pub at Stanford where Mr. Greenberg and Mr. Fan where drinking when they decided to become business partners.


  • 千万不要错过贝尤鲁(Beyoglu),伊斯坦布尔本世纪才形成的市中心那里艺术画廊酒吧以及meyhanes(一种传统餐馆)挤在一起。

    Don't miss BeyogluIstanbul's turn-of-the-century downtownwhere art galleries jostle with bars and meyhanes (traditional restaurants).


  • 是的——去年一问酒吧一个希腊那里收买的,借给伯多守卫那……” “守卫什么? ”哈利殷切地想知道。

    Yeah - he's mine - bought him off a Greek chappie I met in the pub las' year - I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the.


  • 总是最后一个到达酒吧?那就要怪的“吝啬基因”。我们四个人中间大约就个人携带有吝啬基因,而这种基因是我们我们父母那里继承来的。

    Always last to the bar? Blame your 'mean genes'. Around one in four of us carry the gene we've inherited from our parents.


  • Godalming一个坐落于Surrey郡的繁华城镇那里的居民大多都是往返于城镇城市的上班族。 当早上漫步经过一家名叫Jack Philips的店铺时,可能意识不到竟然是一家酒吧

    TAKE a morning stroll past the Jack Phillips in Godalming, a prosperous commuter town in Surrey, and you might well not realise that it is, in fact, a pub.


  • 堪萨斯大学传播学研究助理教授杰弗瑞•霍尔称,无论酒吧里你是更喜欢挪陌生人身边,还是宁愿坐在那里等着有吸引力目标靠近,只要认清自己行为特征,就能帮助你渡过感情关系中的惊涛骇浪。

    the rocky seas of relationships, according to Jeffrey Hall, assistant professor of communication studies at the University of Kansas.


  • 在这里了一酒吧,”告诉,“那里可以说80%的消费者都是印尼人。

    "I have a wine bar here, " he told me, "in which I would say 80% are Indonesians.


  • 其中一个销售员穿梭一家又一家酒吧那里的客人推销各种酒时,他意识到,其他行业应该也是相似需求的。

    One of the salespeople, walking from bar to bar to try to sell them on the product, recognized that there are other businesses that had similar needs.


  • 主持奥斯卡颁奖礼之后的颁奖晚宴!酒吧!他将会那里开场!

    He's hosting the Oscars and also hosting the after-party! At his new bar! Where he'll sing!


  • 第一次酒吧那里结识女孩子,我看见一个漂亮的女孩子坐在那里一小口一小口喝可乐。

    When I first went to a bar to pick up girls there, I saw the most beautiful girl sitting and sipping a coke.


  • 刊登《公共经济学期刊研究报告中,作者发现证据表明:吸烟者正在把车开到更远地方,在那里酒吧现在仍允许吸烟

    In research published in the Journal of Public Economics, the authors find evidence that smokers are driving farther to places where smoking in bars is allowed.


  • 拥有英里海岸线宽阔海滩,度假者酒吧、红海龟那里找到了安乐窝。

    It has three miles of coastline with wide sandy beaches, where vacationers lounge and Loggerhead sea turtles and wood storks nest.


  • 父亲卖掉了自己酒吧密苏里州的堪萨斯烟草商店妻子那里亲戚

    Her father had sold his pub and hoped to open a tobacconists' shop in Kansas City, Missouri, where his wife had relatives.


  • 我们谈论独自旅行酒吧嗜好,让她印象最为深刻的勇气当地路边一个酒吧去瞎逛,那里我自己家里一样。

    We were talking about my bar-hopping habit when I travel solo, and she mentioned how impressed she was by my ability to wander into a local drinking hole on the road and make myself at home.


  • 意味着一个适当的酒吧顾客可以坐在那里侍者其他酒鬼吹牛,还有角落可供他们喝酒读书以度过漫长夜晚

    That would mean a proper bar where customers could sit to shoot the breeze with the bartender or other barflies, and nooks where they could nurse a drink and a book through a long evening.


  • 意味着一个适当的酒吧顾客可以坐在那里侍者其他酒鬼吹牛,还有角落可供他们喝酒读书以度过漫长夜晚

    That would mean a proper bar where customers could sit to shoot the breeze with the bartender or other barflies, and nooks where they could nurse a drink and a book through a long evening.


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