• 如果金融服务是个例外,不通。

    It would be odd if financial services were an exception.


  • 那说点其它的定一个话题吧

    Okay, we'll talk about somethingelse. You name the topic


  • 我们正在理解徒步力学,”

    "We are trying to understand the mechanics of walking," Ruina said.


  • 最终清楚一个名叫阿米尔·可汗家伙

    Well it turns out that it was a guy named Amir Khan.


  • 赖特英特尔正在研制一种可以无线充电新型笔记本电脑

    In fact, Rattner says Intel is working on a new laptop that will accept wireless power charges.


  • :“我认为只要牡蛎含有重金属正常

    It shouldn't be considered normal to have the presence of oil in your shrimp and to have heavy metals in your oyster.


  • 股票经纪人没问题账户

    You can go there and say, I want to buy stocks, and the broker will say fine, we'll set up an account for you.


  • 游戏之神从此诞生(林克一遍那说宫本茂不是)。

    A gaming god was born (again, Link, that's Miyamoto, not you).


  • 三年级科斯尼亚-拉那说:“实惠,而且可以书再利用。”

    "Renting is much cheaper," said third-year student Kseniya Lapina. "And it's good to reuse the book."


  • 如果某种想法写作那说的话冠冕堂皇,这致命的。

    If you are writing with a direct cause in mind, you are writing propaganda.It's fatal for a fiction writer.


  • 美国协议感兴趣,”国家海洋大气管理署人物、IWC的美国方面代表莫尼卡麦地

    "The U.S. is interested in this proposal," says Monica Medina, the No. 2 official at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the U.S. representative to the IWC.


  • 巴黎法语就够糟糕的了,设想一下,不法语还对此表示歉意英语嘛———不可宽恕!

    Not speaking French is bad enough in Paris, but just to assume, without apology, that everyone there speaks English is... unpardonable!


  • 幅画灵感在于图因(Tatooine)的人族(sandpeople为了生存严酷荒凉戈壁天气必须要事”纽约画家托尼 古拉(TonyCuranaj)。

    The inspiration behind A Good Find: Portrait of a Tusken Raider is in what the sand people of Tatooine must do to survive the harsh and desolate desert climate, " says New York painter Tony Curanaj.


  • You're on the button there!


  • 话的人都骗子

    Whoever says that is a liar.


  • 完全是一派胡言

    He said it was all a load of cobblers.


  • 话差点儿把难堪死了

    I nearly died of embarrassment when he said that.


  • 时,并没有想到任何具体的人。

    When I said that I wasn't thinking of anyone in particular.


  • 就是人们食物然后听到他们,“了。”

    All he wants is to give people food and hear them say "Ooh, that's so good."


  • 容易。”不在乎地

    'It'll be easy,' she said blithely.


  • 连衣裙漂亮,”迈克尔。“谢谢,”郑重地回答

    "That's a nice dress," said Michael. "Thanks," she replied solemnly.


  • 凯茜发现买了整套渔具一定发火的。”哈林顿

    "Cathy will have a fit when she finds out you bought all that fishing gear," Harrington said.


  • 理睬的话是瞎

    Ignore what he saidit doesn't mean a thing.


  • 你把东西给弄了?

    Do you mean to say you've lost it?


  • 什么意思?

    What did he mean by that remark?


  • 具体意味着花些钱

    In practical terms , it means spending less.


  • 可以肯定正是的原话。

    I'm telling you, that's exactly what she said.


  • 来解释先生。”—“不想知道。”

    "Let me explain, sir."—"Don't tell me about it. I don't want to know."


  • 透了老板牢骚,便活儿他自己干吧,我才不稀罕。

    I got sick of my boss's moaning and told him he could stick the job.


  • 别墅”一有点不妥,地方只不过是农舍

    'Villa' was something of a misnomer ; the place was no more than an old farmhouse.


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