• 名反叛分子对通往铜矿路边枪击事件负责但是,很清楚地说明了关乎到他们同情心或者意图

    The two rebels do not want to take responsibility for the shootings along the road to the Grasberg mine, but leave no doubt either about their sympathies or their intentions.


  • 最后一点差别存在德哥尔摩比率研究机构公职竞争中,尼古拉·伯·瑞恩同事简要阐明了这一点。

    That last distinction also applies to elections to public office, as was neatly demonstrated by Niclas Berggren, of the Ratio Institute in Stockholm, and his colleagues.


  • 加利福尼亚大学研究员黛比萨克比、热同事一起天时间通过摄像机采访以及问卷追踪调查30对双收入家庭

    Researchers Darby Saxbe and Rena Graesch of the University of California and colleagues tracked 30 dual-earner couples around their homes for three days, using video cameras, interviews and surveys.


  • 库马拉瓦米•纳格斯瓦瑞身着整洁的T恤,沮丧地指着高高的围墙,就是村子、他在可马里海岸英亩田地分开来了。

    WEARING a crisp blue shirt, Kumaraswamy Nageswaran gestures dejectedly to a towering fence that keeps him from his village and his three acres of farmland on the Trincomalee coast.


  • 山药科学界来说发现物种,对对马达加北部居民来说,它一点陌生,当地人经常种植这种植物。

    The edible tuber is new to science but not to residents of northern Madagascar, where it is regularly harvested.


  • 他们拥有18惊人产品水果白兰地各种甜酒陈年威士忌和当地产的塔米麝香葡萄和卡托巴品种的葡萄酿造的具有麝香味的葡萄果渣白兰地。

    They have an astonishing 18 products, from fruit brandies and liqueurs to aged whiskies and musky grappa made from local grapes like gewürztraminer, muscat and Catawba.


  • 以后就一直保持矿山的开采特许权

    It has maintained the Grasberg concession ever since.


  • 1998年HBO推出一部电视电影“RatPack ”(鼠帮)片中雷利·奥塔(图左)扮演弗兰克辛纳(图右)乔伊·蒙特·纳扮演迪恩马丁钱德尔扮演小萨米·戴维。钱德尔后来因在片中的表演获得金球奖

    S the Rat Pack was another HBO offering which starred Ray Liotta, Joe Mantegna and Don Cheadle as Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis, Jr. Cheadle won a Golden Globe for his performance.


  • 《亚结尾中,克莉坦发表演说叙说她身在雨中。

    Clytemnestra makes a speech near the end of Agamemnon about standing in a shower of blood.


  • 不是费尔法太太,也不是哪个仆人,甚至连丽丝·普尔都不是。

    It wasn't Mrs Fairfax or any of the servants, it wasn't even Grace Poole.


  • 由此推断,正是由于小矮星老鼠形状的阿尼·形态,所以能够真实老鼠传递信息。

    It seems a reasonable deduction that Pettigrew's rat Animagus status is a factor in his ability to communicate with real rats.


  • 点儿哈利节课迟到了。”·霍恩亲切地,一边火龙皮公文包搭扣。

    "Come on, now, Harry, you'll be late for your next lesson," said Slughorn affably, snapping the gold clasps shut on his dragon-skin briefcase.


  • 真是个喜悦胜利因为LHC首要目标就是要发现格斯粒子

    That would have been a delicious victory, as the LHC's first goal is the discovery of the Higgs.


  • 似乎无法摆脱小伙子思念

    There seemed to be little that Grace could do to take her thoughts off that red-haired boy.


  • 梅拉达·瓜尔旁边人群中有一张脸,两只眼睛一种异样目光死死地盯住

    Esmeralda danced faster and faster, and the eyes of one face in the crowd around Gringoire were fixed on her with a strange look.


  • 格斯之歌,独自家里吟唱抑制着悠长、阴郁的

    Fergus'song : I sang it alone in the house, holding down the long dark chords.


  • 房间角落看去,看见宠物鬣蜥蒂乌正在自己架子上熟睡

    You look over to the corner of your room and see that ignatius your pet iguana is sound asleep up on his shelf.


  • 瞧,狄玛格斯所统治这个附庸小国,比起自己地方的情形来,一切都似乎是达到繁荣发达的极点。

    At a first glance, things appeared to be exceedingly prosperous in this little tributary kingdom-whose lord was king bagdemagus-as compared with the state of things in my own region.


  • 布拉耶维奇律师,在法庭上玛利亚·卡拉(译注:女高音)训练出来的愤怒的出租车司机,坚持说不过是说说而已。

    Mr Blagojevich's lawyer, whose courtroom style resembled that of an apoplectic cabbie trained by Maria Callas, insisted it was just talk.


  • 然后,到了下一次推迟食品店老板结帐这样很快10块钱又回来了要到星期四星期五才能收到星期六欠帐

    Then he delayed a day next time settling with the grocer, and so soon had his ten back, with Oeslogge getting his pay on this Thursday or Friday for last Saturday's bill.


  • 列夫先生点点头举起纸片。“这些纸片都放到箱子里,”萨指示,“比尔拿来进去。”

    Mr. Graves nodded and held up the slips of paper. "Put them in the box, then, " Mr. Summers directed. "Take Bill's and put it in. "


  • 成了能够代理迈克尔·、歌蒂·韩杰西卡·等巨星的开始

    That became my entree to representing people like Michael Douglas, Goldie Hawn and Jessica Lange.


  • 女人正是·普尔。

    That woman was no other than Grace Poole.


  • 适用磨削进口柯尔天伦贝、波拿、刀片造纸刮刀、板机纸张

    For grinding imported Kolbus, days Herrenberg, Su ratio, tombola, Shi Feng paper that Germany steel scraper blade, cut board machine knives, paper machine with a knife.


  • 皮普21岁成熟时,告诉每年匿名捐助者得到500

    When Pip turns 21, and reaches his majority, he is told by Jaggers that he is to receive 500 pounds per year from his still unnamed benefactor.


  • 楼梯终于响起了吱脚步声娅来了,不过通知茶点己费尔法克太太房间里摆好走去,心里很是高兴至少可以下去了。

    A tread creaked on the stairs at last. Leah made her appearance; but it was only to intimate that tea was ready in Mrs. Fairfax's room. Thither I repaired, glad at least to go downstairs;


  • 如果想像清教徒过感恩节,不妨尝试一下普利茅菜肴,可以一下顿烂的南瓜传统瓦帕诺亚青玉米粒煮利马

    If you want to eat like a Pilgrim yourself, try some of the Plimoth Plantation's recipes, including stewed pompion (pumpkin) or traditional Wampanoag succotash.


  • 如果想像清教徒过感恩节,不妨尝试一下普利茅菜肴,可以一下顿烂的南瓜传统瓦帕诺亚青玉米粒煮利马

    If you want to eat like a Pilgrim yourself, try some of the Plimoth Plantation's recipes, including stewed pompion (pumpkin) or traditional Wampanoag succotash.


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