• 匹兹堡不再以前依赖钢铁行业那样依赖UPMC或者其代表的医疗行业。

    Pittsburgh does not rely solely on UPMC or the health industry the way it once leant on steel.


  • 这些基本现实也许意味着经理们不能再像过去那样依赖金钱刺激激励员工

    These hard bottom-line realities may also mean that managers can't rely as much as they might have in the past on using financial incentives to drive employee engagement.


  • 觉得一切似乎应该丈夫来决定,她常常女孩依赖父亲那样依赖丈夫指导说明

    She feels as if she must run all decisions by her husband, and she frequently leans on him for guidance and direction in the way a little girl might lean on her father.


  • 新兴市场不再过去那样依赖西方援助。 中国最近已同意资助尼日利亚建设价值逾230亿美元的炼油厂。

    Nor are emerging markets as dependent on aid from the West as they used to be.


  • 当然大型公司拥有关键客户但是它们共同成功失败较小公司那样依赖少部分关键客户之间的关系

    Large companies have key customers, of course, but their corporate success or failure is not as dependent on relationships with a small number of critical customers as a smaller firm's might be.


  • BAE已不再过去那样依赖平台销售现在更将自己看作是复杂系统的“终身支持提供商这很航空引擎

    BAE is less dependent on big "platform" sales than it used to be and now sees itself as a provider of "through-life support" for complex systems, much like the aero-engine industry.


  • 有关当局注意这个数字2008年很多而且韩国银行不像当初雷曼兄弟破产那样依赖短期的外国主导债务了。

    Officials note that this amount is much greater than it was in 2008, and that Korea’s banks are less reliant on short-term, foreign-denominated debt than they were when Lehman collapsed.


  • 摩根·士丹利的一位分析员Huw vanSteenis由于现在投资银行更多依赖客户业务,同时自己交易已不再(像以前)那样依赖收入也就因此而多变

    Huwvan Steenis, an analyst at Morgan Stanley, says that since investment Banks are now relying more on client businesses and less on trading on their own account, revenues have become more volatile.


  • 通常删除依赖对象有意义的,经常不是那样

    Usually, it makes sense to delete dependent objects, but often that's not the case.


  • 看法简单如果我们货币系统如此强大,健壮啦啦队长声称那样无可非议,那为什么如此需要依赖公众无知呢?

    My point is simply this: if our monetary system were really as strong, robust, and beyond criticism as its cheerleaders claim, why does it need to rely so heavily on public ignorance?


  • 主要担心其他国家未必现在表现的那样有弹性:商品出口国虽然美国依赖有所减少,不能和美国“一刀两断”。

    The main fear is that the rest of the world proves less resilient than now seems likely: commodity exporters, say, may rely on American demand less than they did, but are hardly cut off from it.


  • 欧洲企业美国公司依赖银行欧洲的银行一直未能(一直被迫)美国的银行那样公开损失情况迅速补充资本金

    Its businesses are more dependent on Banks than U.S. firms, and European Banks haven't beenor haven't been forced to beas open about their losses or as quick to bolster capital cushions.


  • 注意即使那样使得这些德行依赖于相互包含之争辩认为尼采总是上保持一致。

    Now notice that even that still leaves these things goodness dependant on an argument for the goodness of the more encompassing things. I don't think that Nietzsche is always content even with that.


  • 德国老年人主张鼓励人们减少对国家资助养老金依赖,而应更多地靠个人储蓄安享晚年,就像FDP倡导那样

    Germany's greying argues for encouraging individuals to rely less on state-funded pensions and more on their own savings, as the FDP advocates.


  • 正如巴拉克·奥巴马3月30日所感叹那样,迄今40多年以来美国政界美利坚合众国进口石油依赖的危害性说了很多,但是得却很少

    FOR 40-odd years now, as Barack Obama lamented on March 30th, American politicians have banged on endlessly about the evils of America's dependence on imported oil, without doing very much about it.


  • 正如第2部分有关MDD的那一节描述那样对于服务而言,拥有完整规范十分重要的,规范不会依赖某个特定的实现

    As described in the MDD section in part 2, it's important to have full specifications for services, which are independent of a particular implementation.


  • 而使用ivy只需定义cobertura模块及其所有依赖模块清单5ivy. xml文件那样

    With ivy, you simply define the cobertura module and all of its dependent modules, as shown in the example ivy.xml file in Listing 5. Keep in mind that this ivy.xml.


  • 添加闭包意味着不用原来Filter接口那样必须定义一个接口类型或者依赖特定的实现才能得到期望的行为

    Adding closures means that I don't have to define an interface type as I did in the original Filter interface, or rely on specific implementations for desired behaviors.


  • 提供社交媒体服务机构,社交网站不是都按照Morgan公司建议那样围绕点击者来设计他们不能摆脱广告依赖

    Social media services like social network sites are not designed around the audience that Morgan suggests is the core of clickers, yet these too rely on advertising.


  • 每个页面可能依赖多个backingbean,每个那样bean可能在多个不同页面使用

    Each page can rely on a mixture of backing beans, and each of those beans can also be used across several different pages.


  • 除了如同osgi那样打包应用更多绑定于平台之上,两个系统依赖模型不同的。

    Aside from binding the packaged application more to the platform on which it is to run than does OSGi, the dependency models in the two systems are different.


  • 然而正当巴西着手降低全球原油依赖主要取材于甘蔗的乙醇工业受到谴责——看起来并不是表面那样完美

    Yet just when it seems poised to reduce the world's dependence on oil, its largely sugar-based ethanol industry stands accused of being less wonderful than it looks.


  • 确实美国日本依赖国外借贷并不有些那样:在财政崩溃路上距希腊只有几步之遥。

    True, America depends more than Japan on foreign lenders. But it is not, as some claim, a few steps behind Greece on the road to fiscal ruin.


  • 确实美国日本依赖国外借贷并不有些那样:在财政崩溃路上距希腊只有几步之遥。

    True, America depends more than Japan on foreign lenders. But it is not, as some claim, a few steps behind Greece on the road to fiscal ruin.


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