• 那天之后来到神殿当众重开了神殿大门。

    After that day, I went to the temple and I reopened it before the people.


  • 那天之后她们小猫送到动物中心

    Later that day, they took the little cat to the animal centre.


  • 咲夜那天之后一直呆自己房间里

    Sakuya: After this day, she retired and stayed in her room.


  • 那天之后收到很多来信,他们支持我。

    But then I received a ton of messages of support and things got better.


  • 八月那天之后伊拉克西斯而言再也不同以往。

    Iraq was never the same for Seelaus after that August day.


  • 那天之后工程师们兴奋,因为他们能够纯粹的技术并且会做得很

    At the end of the day, engineers are excited about what they do and to what extent they are working on cool technology.


  • 那天之后发生所有一切日后事业打下了深刻且不同寻常的烙印

    Yet the events of that day have proved to have a profound-and surprising-impact on Tse's future career.


  • 重要音乐会之一那天之前他是无名人那天之后成了传奇

    This famous concert was one of the most important and memorable points in the pianist's career. He was virtually unknown until that evening; he woke up the next morning as a legend.


  • 那天之后母亲这位妇女自己上了自己名字,脸上露出了舒展微笑

    After that day, when mum had written a letter for the woman, she signed it herself, and her face brightened up in a smile.


  • 世上一些人们无法解释事情,但是,自从那天之后便深信那些旨的功劳

    There have always been asset that people can't unravel. But, from that day along, I've never mistrusted that many of those asset are divine marvels.


  • 世上一些人们无法解释事情,但是,自从那天之后便深信那些的功劳。

    There have always been things that people can't explain. But, from that day forward, I've never doubted that many of those things are divine miracles.


  • 不过清楚那天之后出现了什么变化时间提示可能天然发现问题时间相符合

    While it wasn't clear what changed after that date, the timing suggests it could coincide with Fonterra's disco ery of the problem.


  • 那天之后95共计283.8英里耗时48小时,消耗了28.672卡路里

    Since that day, she’s run 95 more times, logging 283.8 miles in about 48 hours on the road. She’s burned 28, 672 calories.


  • 不过清楚那天之后出现了什么变化时间提示可能天然发现问题时间相符合

    While it wasn't clear what changed after that date, the timing suggests it could coincide with Fonterra's discovery of the problem.


  • 那天之后很久写道任何关于父母分手的痛苦了起来并且毁掉了留下的只有未知不被困扰,就污染一样。”

    Long after that day, Lowe writes, "anything painful surrounding my parents' breakup I sealed off and buried, left unexplored and undisturbed, like nuclear waste."


  • 的255那个视频7个,那天之后8了个256,如果感觉不到8个加速,我会用7个加速,如果我感觉有8个,如果真是生命中发生了两次我会用8个!

    On my 255, 8 the day after where I got 256, if I cant feel 8 strafes I'm just gonna do 7, but if I feel 8, which happened twice in my life, well im gonna do 8!


  • 那天晚上,我们布尔·李渡过渡一个姑娘我们渡河之前之后船上跳水自杀了。

    That night when we crossed the ferry with Bull Lee, a girl committed suicide off the deck either just before or just after us.


  • 那天晚上,我们布尔·李渡过渡一个姑娘我们渡河之前之后船上跳水自杀了。

    That night when we crossed the ferry with Bull Lee, a girl committed suicide off the deck either just before or just after us.


  • 那天下午完成分配给任务之后帮助其他同事

    That afternoon, even though I'd finished my assigned work, I was told to help other colleagues finish their work, too.


  • 之后,斯特勒知道她想拥有自己的沙龙,这样她就可以帮助人们体会她那天的感受。

    After that, Steller knew she wanted to have her own salon so she could help people feel the way she'd felt that day.


  • 我们谈话之后那天,汉娜望知道学校里在学些什么

    The day after our conversation, Hanna wanted to know what I was learning in school.


  • 这个活动每年复活节之后那天举行。

    This event is held every year on the day after Easter.


  • 那天较晚些时候五个人质发现纳里曼众议院,之后尸体被搭乘直升飞机降落屋顶特种部队收拾干净。

    Later that day, five hostages were found dead in Nariman House, after it was cleared by special forces who had dropped onto the roof from a helicopter.


  • 那天股价暴跌了24%之后,出于对投资人信心完全丧失担忧摩根士坦利试图把自己出售掉。

    After its share price slumped by 24% that day, and fearing a total evaporation of confidence, Morgan attempted to sell itself.


  • 之后披露那天她和一些年轻人交流他们告诉他们准备在2013年大选时候参加议会选举计划

    Much later she revealed that she had chatted on the day to half a dozen youngsters who told her of their plans to stand for parliament in the 2013 general election.


  • 接着之后丈夫回去上班那天,我们的伤了必须接受急诊手术

    Then, two weeks later - the day my husband returned to work - the dog cut her foot badly and had to have emergency surgery to repair the damage.


  • 接着之后丈夫回去上班那天,我们的伤了必须接受急诊手术

    Then, two weeks later -the day my husband returned to work -the dog cut her foot badly and had to have emergency surgery to repair the damage.


  • 那天晚上之后父亲开始认真考虑亚伯拉关于“拉开筋骨”建议

    After that night, my father began to take seriously Abrahim's advice about stretching.


  • 反感被告知我所订购的产品已经寄出,可是之后发现货品并不是我确认那天之前寄出的。

    I'm also annoyed when I'm told a product has already been shipped only to discover, when it finally arrives, that it hadn't yet gone out on the day I checked.


  • 反感被告知我所订购的产品已经寄出,可是之后发现货品并不是我确认那天之前寄出的。

    I'm also annoyed when I'm told a product has already been shipped only to discover, when it finally arrives, that it hadn't yet gone out on the day I checked.


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