• 听到那些话语变得软弱

    Hearing those words it makes me weak.


  • 抑郁症可能随着那些话语而消失

    It wasn't likely my depression disappeared with those words.


  • 朋友用心聆听知己则会听见没有出口的那些话语

    Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say by heart.


  • 清晰地听到质疑声,那些话语如此地伤人却又人向前。

    He still clearly hears his doubters, and the words are piercing and motivating.


  • 这些线索可能来自形式可能来自内容,其目的引导不同受众正确地理解那些话语

    These clues, which can arise from either form or content, are aimed at guiding the audience to the audience to the correct interpretation of the utterance.


  • 听到宣布死亡那些话语心口猛击了一下无法呼吸但是把消息传达给家里其他人则更加可怕

    Hearing those words announcing his death was like a blow to the solar plexus knocking the breath out of me, but telling the rest of my family was more dreadful.


  • 或者说人们听到总是拒绝误解他们不到隐藏那些话语后面,有可能还是在愤怒话语的后面。

    Or people listen only for rejection or misunderstanding. They do not see the love that is there just beneath the surface, even if the words are angry.


  • 九月联合国大会提交重新认可巴勒斯坦提案时,他可以不再受到那些话语的攻击,能代表半个巴勒斯坦

    When he goes to the UN General Assembly in September to present his case for the recognition of a Palestinian state, he can now fend off barbs that he speaks for only half of Palestine.


  • 父亲参战离去之前,写下了那些话语放入那个盒子里深红色丝带好,作为母亲天长地久之象征

    Before my father went off to war, he wrote those words and placed them in that golden box and tied it with the crimson ribbon as a token of his everlasting love for my mother.


  • 励的话语会让那些考试不及格的学生在功课上更加努力。

    Encouraging words make students who can't pass the exam work harder at lessons.


  • 哎呀,不是一部真正意义上的小说,而是一本关于威廉凯特罗曼史的连环画,因此深受那些喜欢图画书和对话语的人的欢迎。

    Well, it's not exactly a novel idea, but acomic book about Prince William and Kate's love story makes sense for those whoenjoy picture books and word bubbles.


  • 如果开玩笑,那么话语那些无法理解人们中就变得空虚了。

    But if he speaks in jest, his words are idle among men who cannot receive them.


  • 去掉一切无用东西,电视电影书籍杂志游戏网络那些上瘾的东西,谦卑地接受上帝话语

    Get rid of all the garbage, the TV, movies, books, magazines, games and websites you shouldn't be indulging in, and humbly accept God's Word.


  • 大家回复,非常感谢那些鼓励感人话语

    I read all of your posts. Thank you all for the encouraging and inspirational words and stories.


  • 那些导致背痛话语及时收回,停止背上疼痛

    Those same words that caused your back to start hurting can travel back in time and stop the pain in your back.


  • 设计的目的通过双眼看到的图像公众表达自己思想,影响他们之中那些不受话语左右的人。

    She said its design was intended "to affect thro 'the eyes what we fail to convey to the public through their word-proof ears."


  • 设计的目的通过双眼看到的图像公众表达自己思想,影响他们之中那些不受话语左右的人。

    She said its design was intendedto affect throthe eyes what we fail to convey to the public through their word-proof ears.”


  • 也许Jefferson那些富有远见话语很快将会在临床医学、营养科学食品科学中得到证实

    It may be that medival evidence, nutritional science, and food technology will soon validate Jefferson's insightful words.


  • 这位妇女那些勇气人给予感激最后朋友最为关键的话语:“每个人都会经历困难

    The woman spoke of gratitude for those who had courage, and at the end of what was essentially a monologue the woman said to my friend: “Everybody goes through difficulties.


  • 但是一旦战争结束那些行使权力性格国家建国文件中的话语之间重要区别成为更加引入关注问题

    Once the fighting stops, however, the personalities of those who wield power, and important differences over the wording of the country’s founding documents, will become much more compelling issues.


  • 但是若是打算跳槽一个行业职位并且雇用你经理之前工作那些简称行话不是很了解那么切记那些含糊的话语替换成一些醒目的关键词

    But if you're looking to transition to a new industry or position, and the hiring manager won't understand acronyms or jargon from your last job, remember to replace that lingo with a strong keyword.


  • 这种对方天真倾吐,急切地想了解爱人之间失去生活往事里的那些人们,滔滔不决地说出无可职责的知心话语嘎然而止随之而来的却是压力

    This sort of innocent exposure of another, eagerly apprehended life figures among the things lovers lose, a flow of blameless confidences that, halted, builds up a pressure.


  • 那些刚尝试网络相亲的人们来说,冗长资料填写图片上传、短信风格的话语空白回应以及网站导航都很难让人理解

    If you are new to online dating, it can be hard to understand, with numerous pages and questions to fill out, profile pictures to add in, text-style lingo, blank responses and site navigations.


  • 记住我们一个人得到一句话试探测试不仅仅用来试探我们用来试探那些读到我们话语的人。

    Remember this: EVERY word that EVERY ONE of us received was a trial, a test, not only to ourselves, but also to those who read our words.


  • 所以为什么浪费用于那些没有意义话语呢?

    So why are we wasting it by using words that have no meaning?


  • 所以为什么浪费用于那些没有意义话语呢?

    So why are we wasting it by using words that have no meaning?


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