• 那些装备还给第一游骑兵小伙子,可不是件容易的事

    Returning that gear to those guys who were in the First Rangers, it was a tough thing.


  • 一直以来,探索宇宙奥秘以及发现银河陌生的星系,这些工作被认为只有那些装备昂贵望远镜文学家才可以胜任。

    THE task of peering into the cosmos and discovering strange new galaxies sounds like a job for astronomers armed with big and very expensive telescopes.


  • 一个是从货架立方体卫星装备时代我们怎么相信头顶上的卫星那些知道自己所为出于善意开发的呢?

    In an era when you can simply buy a CubeSat kit off the shelf, how can we trust the satellites over our heads were developed with good intentions by people who knew what they were doing?


  • 另外一些学校只要小学生不在上课时间使用允许他们携带手机入校。但是多数学校还是希望孩子们一堂课开始之前那些电子装备暂时存放在物柜中或收好在袋子里

    Others allow pupils to carry phones if they do not use them during the school day, but most expect electronic equipment to be deposited in lockers or put in zipped bags at the start of each lesson.


  • 过去几年里,那些保护电脑网站免遭攻击的人员一直追赶他们装备精良黑客对手

    For the past several years, those defending their computers and networks against hackers have been playing catch up to their increasingly well-funded and organized adversaries.


  • 喜爱那些物品,不论是尽能用来做一次装备可爱围巾还是可以使面包一圈圈上升华丽小碗,我都喜欢。

    I am big on accessories, from that cute scarf that just makes an outfit, to a gorgeously coiled bread rising bowl.


  • 关注那些便宜的商店,免费循环的克雷格列表网站以及家庭旧货,让他们成为你的装备物资

    Scout thrift stores, Freecycle, Craigslist and yard sales for gently used equipment or supplies.


  • 接下来文章展示如何创建对应于SQLSQuirreL四个脚本三个特殊任务一个装备用文件集中那些任务。

    The next article shows you how to create four scripts against SQL SQuirreL: three specific tasks and one shell to aggregate those tasks.


  • 现代露营装备比一年讲究,这对那些厌世嫉俗者来说件有趣的自相矛盾的事情。

    That the equipment of modern camping becomes yearly more sophisticated is an entertaining paradox for the cynic.


  • 虽然试验样本太小了,以至于无法从统计上给出显著有意义的定论,但是Dickson博士这些使用CogPit专有的自适应式自动驾驶仪任务那些没有用这些装备的任务相比,遇到的危险多了。

    Although the sample was too small to be statistically significant, the missions that used the CogPit's adaptive-autopilot feature suffered less damage than those that did not, says Dr Dickson.


  • 现在做准备不算太晚--即使那些整天都被困在座位上的白领呢--感谢一个全新的装备能够坐在椅子上锻炼

    It may not be too late -- even for the desk-bound set -- thanks to a device that lets you exercise without leaving your chair.


  • 应当着不用食物作为奖励,相应的,那些非食物奖励比如新的跑步装备或者一个舒服的按摩可以作为你跑步目标达成后给自己的奖赏。

    Try not to use food as a reward.Instead, treat yourself to non-food rewards, such as new running gear or a massage when you reach a running goal.


  • 应当不用食物作为奖励,相应的,那些非食物的奖励,比如新的跑步装备或者一个舒服的按摩可以作为你跑步目标达成后给自己的奖赏。

    Try not to use food as a reward. Instead, treat yourself to non-food rewards, such as new running gear or a massage when you reach a running goal.


  • 有些人指出,此举将会有利于那些富有大国因为他们拥有先进技术研发新型运动装备

    Some point out, for instance, that it would help big, rich countries that have better access to the technology.


  • 那些外籍人员——成本高昂,而且如果出现问题,也可能引发诉讼——拥有更好装备训练一旦局势恶化,他们通常就会撤出而留下那些未经训练的当地雇员枪林弹雨中求生

    The expats, expensive and potentially litigious if things go wrong, have better kit and training, but when things get ugly they often withdraw, leaving untrained locals to dodge the bullets.


  • 然而,即便是阿萨德尖锐的批评者也担心如果下台黎巴嫩那些实力雄厚装备精良盟友势必将陷入恐慌

    Yet even Mr Assad's keenest detractors worry that, should he fall, his powerful and well-armed Lebanese Allies may panic.


  • 那些紧急事件出口标志是否装备应急灯

    Are there emergency exits signs that are equipped with emergency lights?


  • 人们需要一个可以放置那些非正式学习装备的地方—包括文档幻灯片podcast视频电子数据表等等所有的东西。

    People need a place to "put their informal learning assets" - which may include documents, slides, podcasts, videos, spreadsheets, and everything else.


  • 那些童女起来,装备她们的

    Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.


  • 麦克格雷迪曾把一个飞行器进行改进,把它废弃光电电池伞状配电板装备在一起;那些电池能提供高达400[font=宋体]的电源。

    Mr MacCready fitted one of his aircraft with anumbrella-panel of leftover photovoltaic cells; they provided 400 watts of extrapower.


  • 我们希望回溯性地修改一些目前装备这样那些核心机制修改职业就会转换比较轻松

    We hope to retroactively change some of the gear on live so the transition is less painful for classes whose core mechanics are changing.


  • 托马斯·赫胥黎这个支持达尔文进化论战友过,那些看起来不怎么好看,却温暖装备可以抹杀漂亮的理论

    Thomas Huxley, Darwin's ally in the fight to get evolution accepted, spoke warmly of the facility with which ugly facts can kill beautiful theories.


  • 安全日益成为首要问题世界里,那些体系严密、装备精良的国家(地区、组织,视上下文定)通常具有优势

    In a global environment where security is increasingly recognized as a top priority issue, the advantage often goes to those with the most sophisticated systems and equipment.


  • 摩根。弗里曼扮演科学家卢修斯。福克斯显露出其坚决态度和智慧设计那些奇妙的“玩具”,等你看看蝙蝠侠装备就知道了。但是发现自己的原则做出了妥协。

    Morgan Freeman radiates tough wisdom as Lucius Fox, the scientist who designs those wonderful toyswait till you get a load of the Batpodbut who finds his own standards being compromised.


  • 现代露营装备比一年讲究,这对那些厌世嫉俗者来说一件有趣自相矛盾的事情。而对于发誓露营摆脱烦恼人来说,却带来了光明的前景

    That the equipment of modern camping becomes yearly more sophisticated is an entertaining paradox for the cynic, a brighter promise for the hopeful traveller who has sworn to get away from it all.


  • 如果那些战船高级装备引擎;它们或许能逃过这个新星爆炸

    If the ships have high enough engines they may escape the nova blast.


  • 演示视频拉近视角观看攻击动画装备道具切换镜头,那些不是最终游戏里能看到的。

    There was also a point where we zoomed in on the character in one of the videos to show some attack animations and item switches better, but that's not a feature of the game.


  • 演示视频拉近视角观看攻击动画装备道具切换镜头,那些不是最终游戏里能看到的。

    There was also a point where we zoomed in on the character in one of the videos to show some attack animations and item switches better, but that's not a feature of the game.


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