• 中国年轻人形容那些荒唐陌生人好笑朋友

    Chinese youngsters use it to refer to a ridiculous person who is a stranger, or a funny one who is a friend.


  • 年轻时候,只嫌怀特他自己那些荒唐事还不够,编的老鼠故事还不够多。

    As a young man I felt White owed it to me to bring more of his mess or mice into play.


  • 持续不断的借入英国房地产价格推动如此荒唐程度创造那些现在已经完全破裂的泡沫

    It was excessive borrowing that forced up British property prices to such an insane extent, creating a bubble that has now well and truly burst.


  • 脱离地球大气层是个危险游戏,不提导致的那些众所周知灾难很多可怕怪诞荒唐故事也因此层出不穷。

    Leaving Earth's atmosphere is a dangerous endeavor and, major tragedies aside, there have been a number of smaller terrifying, grotesque and absurd episodes to come out of it.


  • Gizmodo世界有趣的技术类网站,它着重于介绍各种工具以及那些小工具如何使得我们生活变得更美好更糟糕或者更荒唐

    Gizmodo is the world's most fun technology website, focused on gadgets and how they make our lives better, worse, and more absurd.


  • 德意志银行发誓抗争到底并把那些指控称作“荒唐不公”(同时指出对其90%的指控发生收购MortgageIT之前)。

    Deutsche has vowed to fight, calling the allegations "unreasonable and unfair" (while also pointing out that nearly 90% of the alleged abuses took place before it purchased MortgageIT).


  • 那些不畏艰险追随某人想法——友谊真谛——会被认为荒唐、不无意义的,才是需要担心

    The fear is that the idea of sticking with another through thick and thin – the very essence of friendship and lovewill come to seem absurd, uncool, meaningless.


  • 根本不把这些事放在眼里“扯淡这根本就是闹剧场”他法庭上为自己辩护要让大家看看那些指控人是多么荒唐可笑

    He has described the cases against him as "false, a farce", saying he will defend himself in court and make his accusers look ridiculous.


  • 下心来仔细一下一个系统鼓励那些1718岁的青少年做出高风险的终身决定,就会发现,这多么荒唐的。

    When you stop and think about it, a system that encourages 17-to-18-year-olds to make high-stakes life decisions is insane.


  • 无论明显荒唐有多大……都无法阻止那些由于相信相信的人。

    No amount of manifest absurdity... could deter those who wanted to believe from believing.


  • 很多因素那些旧的磨合观点变得很荒唐

    Several factors make the older information on break-in obsolete.


  • 如果考虑参加面试需要确保做好充分准备,以应付你听那些荒唐问题

    If you're thinking of tossing your own hat into the ring, be sure to prepare for some of the most ridiculous interview questions you've ever heard.


  • 所以应该仔细看看你那些言论而不是说别人在说荒唐废话,把沙子吧

    So maybe you should actually look into the claims that you are making instead of saying its ridiculous crap and burying your head in the sand.


  • 听起来很可笑,很荒唐野蛮原始但是如果真的头脑清醒地考虑一下,用你创造性思维分钟考虑一下,你发现根本那些东西那么荒唐

    This sounds ridiculous, absurd, savage, primitive, but if you really think about it sanely, if you give a few minutes of your real creative thought to it, you will see it is not so absurd as all that.


  • 开始一天荒唐的工作之前,也就是说那些本子之前,先这儿来我们这位称心朋友慢慢地散会儿步,这对我很大好处

    Before i begin my harum-scarum day--grinding away at these books it does me so much good to come and have a steady walk with our comfortable friend .


  • 知道是个荒唐女子总是自己那些可怕的想法恐吓到

    I know I'm a crazy girl who always threatened by my own terrible thoughts.


  • 假如我会呢?假如美人鱼呢?我们长大了,我们中的一些不再这些荒唐问题困扰,我们集中注意力在那些认为重要的问题上。

    What if I could fly? What if I were a mermaid? As we grew up, some of us no longer wondered about these absurd "what Ifs" and we focused on what we thought were more important subjects.


  • 假如我会呢?假如美人鱼呢?我们长大了,我们中的一些不再这些荒唐问题困扰,我们集中注意力在那些认为重要的问题上。

    What if I could fly? What if I were a mermaid? As we grew up, some of us no longer wondered about these absurd "what Ifs" and we focused on what we thought were more important subjects.


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