• 阿泰斯特笑着:“任何人发誓都冒险的事情。可以问问那些结婚离婚的。”

    "It's a risk making a commitment to anybody. You can ask everybody who got married and got divorced," Artest said, smiling.


  • 但是,名叫安全保卫的一家美国离婚保险公司计划有野心产品那些结婚25的人支付一大笔红利。

    But an American divorce-insurance company, SafeGuard, is planning a more ambitious product that will pay a big bonus to those who stay married for 25 years.


  • 去年人口普查所认定60万同性配偶中,有28%的正养育着子女,而在那些结婚夫妇中,这一比例46%。

    Of 600,000 gay couples identified in the last census, 28% were raising children against 46% for married couples.


  • 那些结婚多年希望找回浪漫感觉的夫妇应该认识完全可以实现的目标。浪漫生活绝大多数东西一样它需要投入精力才能达成。

    And couples who've been together a long time and wish to get back their romantic edge should know it is an attainable goal that, like most good things in life, requires energy and devotion.


  • 去年人口普查所认定60[font=宋体]万同性配偶中,有28%[font=宋体]的人养育着子女,而在那些结婚夫妇中,这一比例46%[font=宋体]。

    Of 600, 000 gay couples identified in the last census, 28% were raising children against 46% for married couples.


  • 后来摩西西坡结婚,西坡拉是那些女人中的个,摩西作为一个牧人米甸生活大约四十

    Moses will later marry Zipporah, one of these women, and live as a shepherd in Midian for about 40 years.


  • 无论男女年轻时就结婚那些从未结婚的人更久

    It is true of both men and women that those who marry as young adults live longer than those who never marry.


  • 如果他们坚持留下来因为有许多(尤其是那些科特迪瓦国民结婚)不会离开。他们告知储备足够食物饮用水

    If they insist on staying, as many are, particularly those married to Ivorian nationals, they are being advised to stock up with several days of food and water.


  • 鼓励那些正在考虑结婚夫妇一见关于彼此过去几个重要人物

    I have encouraged couples that are considering marriage to meet with several significant people from each other's past.


  • 别人那些急切盼望小手结婚戒指吧!

    Let them buy their wedding bands for those anxious little hands!


  • 首先需要牢记下文中的几个技巧,不管结婚与否,这些技巧专门那些心理健康感情忠贞的情侣准备的。

    Well first you need to keep in mind that the tips in this article are intended for those in a healthy, committed relationship whether you're married or not.


  • 而且最近证据显示那些等到30岁结婚夫妇有以较差质量婚姻结束风险

    Furthermore, recent evidence has revealed that couples who wait until after 30 to marry run the risk of ending up with poorer quality marriages.


  • 被捕而失去那些宝贵东西补偿圣诞节结婚纪念日生日卡这些从来不会忘记的。

    It was compensation for the precious things your arrest deprived me of - the Xmas, wedding anniversary and birthday CARDS - the little things about which you never fail to think.


  • 埋葬过去纽约一位离异人士提出个告别失败婚姻方法--用一个小棺材存放那些没人要的结婚戒指

    Talk about burying the past. A New York divorcee has come up with a solution for failed marriages -- a miniature coffin to lay those unwanted wedding rings to rest.


  • 埋葬过去纽约一位离异人士提出个告别失败婚姻方法——用一个小棺材存放那些没人要的结婚戒指

    Talk about burying the past. A New York divorcee has come up with a solution for failed marriages — a miniature coffin to lay those unwanted wedding rings to rest.


  • 研究发现,那些体重指数妻子丈夫结婚之初幸福,并且这种幸福感会一直持续下去。

    The findings discovered that men with a higher BMI than their wives were happier at the start of their marriage and stayed that way.


  • 许多无爱夫妻今天聚集州府圣保罗,喧嚷他们的心声。他们认为所有情侣有权结婚而不只是那些能够相处情侣。

    Loveless couple gathered at the state capital today to voice their opinion that all couples have a right to be married, not just those who can stand each other's company.


  • 这些没法极其肯定地告诉那些孩子朋友结婚

    These days I couldn't tell you with any great certainty which of my friends with children are married.


  • 那些浪漫爱情一时冲昏了头而结婚

    Those people got married on a crazy romantic whim.


  • 当时丈夫弗里茨·阿尔特曼完婚。她有时佩戴阿黛勒一些钻石首饰,那些都是费迪南德叔叔结婚礼物

    By then, she was just married to Fritz Altmann; and she sometimes wore, next to her skin, some of Adele's diamonds, which Uncle Ferdinand had given her as a wedding present.


  • 就是为什么结婚要比其他人幸福,即使那些单身的人是在一起的。

    That's why married people are happier than those who just live together.


  • 这些有着思想的女人不会改变她们生活的态度,即便她们那些整日躺懒人椅上体育比赛男人约会甚至结婚

    For men married to or dating these new women, reclining in the Lazy-Boy Chair and watching sports when their girlfriends or wives are rebooting their lives ain't going to cut it anymore.


  • 那些辞职做生意另一个城市结婚离婚等等的重大决定。

    I'm talking about quitting a job, starting a business, moving to another city, getting married, getting divorced and so on.


  • 这个理论放在那些成功女性约会结婚男人们身上同样适合他们往往会说“哦,人家只想一抱嘛。”

    And it may well apply to men dating or married to successful women saying they just want to cuddle.


  • 希尔称:“想着建议那些没有结婚没有孩子结婚

    You don’t want to suggest to someone who isn’t married and has children that they should be married,” says Ms Sawhill.


  • 希尔称:“想着建议那些没有结婚没有孩子结婚

    You don’t want to suggest to someone who isn’t married and has children that they should be married, ” says Ms Sawhill.


  • Regnerus,“这项研究一个原因帮助那些结婚并付诸行动的人。”

    One reason I am doing this research is to help people who want to get married to make it happen,” Mr. Regnerus said.


  • 在北京攻读博士的王海敏(音译)也是一名“裸族”。 她说:“和那些结婚什么都有的同事相比婚姻似乎显得有些‘简陋’。

    Compared with my peers who had everything when being married, my marriage seems a bit of `shabby.`


  • 在北京攻读博士的王海敏(音译)也是一名“裸族”。 她说:“和那些结婚什么都有的同事相比婚姻似乎显得有些‘简陋’。

    Compared with my peers who had everything when being married, my marriage seems a bit of `shabby.`


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