• 如果脑海具有创造性的混乱思绪变成产出能力那么错过次航班可能曾拥有的最有价值的学习经历

    If I can learn to channel the creative chaos in my head into productivity, then missing those two flights could be the most valuable learning experience I have had.


  • 确定速度是否不如以前快了,仍然相信他还是那么快,只是年龄大了持续快速能力下降

    I'm not sure he has lost pace. I still think he has that but what you lose with age is the capacity to repeat the pace.


  • 希望那样能力那么

    I wish I was that good or had that much money.


  • 话说,想到不能某事时,那么无论觉得自己将能力,这件都不再会纳入选择

    In other words, when I think that I cannot do something, then that something no longer becomes an option no matter how capable I may actually be.


  • 假如能力制造那么体面的手那么敢打赌已经相当具有某些现代社会能够认可的共性。

    If you can make a decent handaxe like this one, it's a good bet that you're well on the way to something we would all recognise as society.


  • 既然所有有情之品都获益,”农夫,“那么妻子气小争不过他们,获得利益岂不是给抢跑了?”

    "If you say all sentient beings will benefit," said the farmer, "my wife may be very weak and others will take advantage of her, getting the benefit she should have."


  • 但是如果诚实说的话-,如果世面上90%自助诚实的-那么大部分这些能力不是来源于习惯,而是来源于与生俱来能力

    But if I'm honest - hell, if 90% of the self-help books in the world were honest - most of this capability doesn't come from habits. It just comes from being born insufferably talented.


  • 但是如果诚实说的话-嗨,如果世面上90%自助诚实的-那么大部分的这些能力不是来源于习惯,而是来源于与生俱来能力

    But if I'm honest - hell, if 90% of the self-help books in the world were honest - most of this capability doesn't come from habits.It just comes from being born insufferably talented.


  • 从没感觉那么过,感觉没有能力应付任何压力

    I had never felt more tired and my ability to cope with anything stressful evaporated.


  • 一个那么惊世骇俗的论断开始编程语言能力各有千秋。

    I'll begin with a shockingly controversial statement: programming languages vary in power.


  • 本文讨论组织能力那么首先们来明确定义

    I will discuss organizational capability in this article, so let's be sure there is clarity about what it means before moving ahead.


  • 确定速度是否不如以前快了,仍然相信他还是那么,只是年龄大了持续快速能力下降了。

    I'm not sure he has lost pace. I still think he has that but what you lose with age is the capacity to repeat the pace. But over one short burst I'm sure he is still very quick.


  • 孩子如果成长了,要认识到无微不至的,人亲切的,始终如一的,大有能力的神,那么就必须无微不至的,与人亲切的,始终如一的,大有能力的。

    If my kids are going to grow up knowing God is caring, close, consistent, and competent, then I must be caring, close, consistent, and competent.


  • 直到觉得自己能力胜任做事时候,那么就会成功的,相信

    Until I feel have the ability to do the work, so I'll succeed, I believe!


  • 相信能力共同握住这样未来因为美国人民并不政界那么严重分歧

    I believe we can seize this future together because we are not as divided as our politics suggests.


  • 如果了一狂热者恶魔召唤阵中而恶魔转过头去攻击他们那么说明能力等级不是太高

    If I run into a group of cultists summoning a demon and the demon turns on them and attacks them, that tells you something about their level of competence, which is not very high.


  • 从来没过自己那么,…这种能力吗?

    Wow, I never thought I was that good…am I really this skilled?


  • 如果能够真诚这个问题那么那个能力在那里

    If I can put that question in earnestness, then the capacity is there.


  • 如果能力很多那么更希望捐一些实物比如说建筑材料可回收利用物品或者是和一起亲身感受这个项目

    If you have the ability to donate that much money, we prefer you to donate real things, like building materials and recyclable things, or come join us to experience the project yourself.


  • 如果充分发挥自己能力尽可能做好每一件并试提高生存环境,那么就是成功而且认为其他人可以对此作出判断。

    If you make the effort to do the best of what you are capable, trying to improve the situation that exists for you, I think that is success and I do not think others can judge that.


  • 如果还有能力感到难过那么看着现在世界上瑜伽现状,很难过,但是现在已经失去难过的能力了,所以。

    If I was capable of becoming sad looking at the yoga in this world, I would have become sad but I've become incapable of becoming sad, so.


  • 说话能力方面的进步,并没有老师以前期望那么大。

    My progress in lip reading and speech was not what my teachers and I had hoped and expected it would be.


  • 但是如果那个能力去解决去理解那么问题简单了,不再依赖了。

    Whereas if I can have that capacity of resolving, understanding, the question, then it is very simple, then I am no longer dependent.


  • 一个问题资金人力自己那么能力

    I would like to organise one, the problem is I don't have such strong financial and human resources.


  • 那么是否也有慷慨行事能力呢?

    Am I capable of ACTS of generosity?


  • 那么是否也有慷慨行事能力呢?

    Am I capable of ACTS of generosity?


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进来说说原因吧 确定