• 只要轻轻的按动按钮遥控按钮,宽大的窗帘就会自动拉开拢。

    Press the electric or telemotion button and curtain will open and close automatically.


  • ZPB遥控按钮远距离控制各种电器设备启动、正转、反转、紧急停止切断等用处,通过指示显示工作状态

    ZPB Remote Button Box use of far distance control start, stop, emergency stop and shut off fans & oil pumps of various kinds of electrical equipment and display working state by indicator.


  • 伸手去拿遥控播放按钮

    He reached for the remote control and pressed the "play" button.


  • 如果它们对应操作按钮类似位置外观相同而且感觉一样,那么,操作这些遥控器该有简单?

    How much easier would they be to operate if buttons of comparable operations were located at similar locations, looked the same, and felt the same?


  • 是否曾在现实生活按下按钮,却反应过来生活不能遥控操纵。

    Do you sometimes think about reaching for the fast-forward button, only to realize that life does not come with a remote control?


  • 按钮车子就会展开按下,就会折叠电话大小的遥控

    The car unfolds with the push of a button, then folds flat and slides back into the phone-sized remote control.


  • 他们还能制造材料物件橡胶按钮塑料遥控

    And they can print objects in multiple materials, such as a plastic remote-control unit with rubbery buttons.


  • 苹果标志性产品iPod音乐播放器一样,iTV的遥控有意简化只有按钮一个滚轮

    It has a deliberately simple remote control that, like Apple's iconic iPod music-player, involves just one button and one wheel.


  • 只需要一下遥控按钮看到YouTube上视频Twitter上更新信息eBay上拍卖消息Flickr上的相片新闻头条,观看可以全屏或者缩到显示屏的一个角落

    Just press a button on the remote to bring up YouTube videos, Twitter updates, eBay auctions, Flickr photos and news headlines on a full screen or in the corner of your show.


  • 他们用户提供数【7】数码视频录播功能,付费用户可以暂停直播节目,或只需一下遥控录像按钮就能轻轻松松录下整个节目。

    They are offering digital video recorders that allow subscribers to pause and rewind live programmes and record an entire series with a single click of the remote control.


  • 图片采取无振动一个按钮遥控上的控制而不干扰可以继续期待透过接目镜图象

    The picture is taken vibration-free by pressing a button on the remote control. Without disturbing you can continue looking through the eyepiece to the image.


  • 需要从躺椅上下来,你只需要遥控对准电视机并按钮

    You don't even have to move off the couch. Just aim the remote and push the button.


  • 观众不能控制电视播放进度通过下电视遥控器的开关按钮,观众才能只有开始结束

    The pace of the television experience cannot be controlled by the viewer; only its beginning and end are within his control as he clicks the knob on and off.


  • 按压按钮时,遥控会发出吱吱声,此外,设备专门配有,只要把绳子狗狗身上,它们随时随地带着遥控器。

    The buttons squeak when pressed and the device also features a hole through which a rope can be tied so dogs can carry it around the house.


  • 按钮开关:手操作轻巧灵便,分操纵无线遥控两种方式

    Button switch: operation right spirit, a string manipulation and wireless remote control two ways.


  • 一个孩子都可以通过遥控特殊按钮进入

    A child can access it by pressing the special pay button on the remote.


  • LED大功率光灯可用遥控DMX控制按钮开光,通过使用MDX3通道达到色彩追逐效果,且场景灯光设计师进行调控。

    LED high power cast light can be remote or DMX control, the button switch, can be achieved through the use of color chase MDX3 channel effects, and scene lighting designers may also be regulated.


  • 但是可以选择遥控跳过按钮放”按钮向前跳过29秒钟向后跳过7秒钟。

    Instead, you can select the skip button or REPLAY button on the remote control to skip forward 29 seconds or skip back 7 seconds.


  • 为什么明知遥控电池电了,你还使劲的上面按钮?。

    Why do you press harder on the buttons of a remote control when you know the batteries are dead?


  • 提出了差分检测遥控投影分割按钮实时检测遥控器面板自动检测方法。

    Through image subtracted to get object, part projection to segment buttons and real time detection redundantly, and the face of remote control is automatically detected.


  • 这电视怎么打开?李华首先一下床头柜这个按钮然后遥控选择想看节目

    Li Hua: Oh, first you should press the button that is on the beside cupboard, and then use the teleswitch to choose the programs you like.


  • 按钮可以进入家庭电路一,关于电池供电遥控进行通常单位有线

    The button can be one that's wired into the household electrical circuit or one that's on a battery-powered remote-control unit usually carried in a car.


  • 遥控实施例(400)至少数据按钮(402),允许用户选择主机设备(420)显示数据。

    Yet another embodiment of a remote control (400) has at least one data button (402) which permits the user to select the data to be displayed by the host device (420).


  • 应用程序(437)解释遥控(400)发送按钮代码显示结果启动其它事件

    The application (437) interprets button codes transmitted by the remote control (400) and displays the results or initiates other events.


  • 通过前端按钮接口无线远程遥控很容易控制录像机,它利用先进专利压缩技术长时间录制

    Easily controlled using a front-button interface or wireless remote control, the unit offers long-term recording with advanced proprietary compression.


  • 李华首先按一下床头柜这个按钮然后遥控选择节目

    Li Hua: Oh, first you should press the button that is on the bedside cupboard, and then use the teleswitch to choose the programs you like.


  • 李华首先按一下床头柜这个按钮然后遥控选择节目

    Li Hua: Oh, first you should press the button that is on the bedside cupboard, and then use the teleswitch to choose the programs you like.


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