• 游客世贸中心遗址9.11纪念碑出发,顺着小山走上去和众多抗议者们其中一些合影留念。

    Visitors can start at the 9/11 Memorial on the site of the World Trade Centre, then stroll up the hill for a picture with one of the hundreds of protesters.


  • 只有雅典市中心博物馆历史遗址处参观游客可能受到垂泪瓦斯的接待

    Still, there is only so much tear-gas that visitors to the museums and ancient sites of downtown Athens can be expected to ingest.


  • 这个组织阻止更恶劣破坏上能够拥有谨慎效率,弗朗西斯科·巴达兰说道,他是巴黎的基地世界遗产中心主任,参加遗址挑选工作

    The organization can be "discreetly effective" in preventing the worst depredations, says Francesco Bandarin, director of the Paris-based World Heritage Center, which runs the list.


  • 考古专业学生们正在检查克巴特·恩-纳哈斯遗址,这里是位于死海以南古老冶炼中心

    Archaeology students examine Khirbat en Nahas, an ancient copper-smelting center south of the Dead Sea.


  • 过去40年里,人们发现少量船只,“世界贸易中心遗址发现艘船相当不寻常令人兴奋的。”

    A handful of ships have been found in the past 40 years, she said, "but it's quite unusual and exciting to find it here on the World Trade Center site."


  • 2010年7月考古学曼哈顿下城靠近世界贸易中心遗址的地方发现第二出土沉船残骸。

    Archaeologists have unearthed a second piece of the sunken ship that was discovered close to the old World Trade Center site in lower Manhattan in July, 2010.


  • 德国波罗斯堪地那维亚考古中心Harald Lubke博士这些证据表明这里是一主战场遗址有可能是目前为止发现最早的古战场。

    Dr Harald Lubke of the Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology in Germany said the evidence pointed to a major battle site, perhaps the earliest found to date.


  • 恐怖袭击纪念日当天逝去的生命建造纪念碑零地(“911恐怖袭击”中倒塌的世界贸易中心遗址)上矗立新的世贸大厦尽快继续建造。

    On the anniversary of the attacks a memorial to those killed will be dedicated at Ground Zero while work on the new One World Trade Centre tower continues apace.


  • 图31.2010年2月2日,阿富汗喀布尔处声名狼藉的贩毒窝点,一名男子准备毁坏俄罗斯文化中心遗址吸食海洛因。

    A man prepares to smoke heroin in the destroyed former Russian Cultural Center, a notorious drug den on February 02, 2010 in Kabul, Afghanistan.


  • 摄于纽约,2001年928日工人们翻过位于曼哈顿下城区世贸中心遗址

    Workers climbed over the remains of the World Trade Center complex in lower Manhattan, New York, on Sept. 28, 2001. Shawn Baldwin/Associated Press


  • 纽约认为商业区金里奇而言,归零”(世贸中心遗址)。

    New Yorkers just say it's downtown, but to Newt Gingrich it would be "at Ground Zero."


  • 雅典希腊文物中心,至今保存着很多古代文化遗址如今显出当年的雄伟气概。

    Athens is the center of ancient cultural relics, still preserved many ancient cultural sites, now still can show the majestic.


  • 官方纪念活动纽约世贸中心遗址开始当时被劫持的客机双子大厦。

    The official commemorations began in New York at the site of the World Trade Center, where hijacked passenger planes destroyed the twin towers.


  • 受到区域运动遗址启发,此次改造重点在于重新建立李谷曲棍球网球中心伦敦东部地区的联系。

    Drawing inspiration from its sporting heritage, a particular emphasis was given to re-connect Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre with its East London locality.


  • 人类摇篮遗址参观中心联合国教科文组织世界遗产一个独特入口

    The Cradle of Humankind Visitor Center stands as a unique entrance to the UNESCO World Heritage site.


  • 纽约文化参观活动自由女神世界金融中心---华尔街、世贸大厦遗址联合国总部、洛克非勒中心、繁华第五大道、时代广场等

    New York culture activity: Colombia university, New York University, status of liberty island, Wall Street, World Trade Mall site, U. N mansion, Rockefeller Center, Times Plaza.


  • 正常情况下附近世贸中心遗址工作建筑工人上班族周一周五聚集这个公园里午餐。

    Under normal circumstances, from Monday to Friday, construction workers working nearby the relics of World Trade Center and the office staff gather in this park for lunch.


  • 今天中国发现上千仰韶文化遗址,其中以河南省陕西省最多仰韶文化的中心

    Today in China has found thousands of the Yangshao culture site, Henan and Shaanxi Province to the maximum, Yangshao culture is at the centre.


  • 如今吐鲁番作为重要葡萄种植工业中心,同时也是一个旅游中心,这里聚集着大量历史遗址,它们大篷车陆上旅行路线中的一部分

    Today, Turpan serves as a major service center to a rich grape-growing industry as well as a tourist center for a variety of historic sites that were all part of the overland caravan route.


  • 消防战斗大火南大门门口韩国的具历史意义遗址汉城中心2008年2月11日。

    Firefighters battle a blaze at the Namdaemun gate, one of South Korea's most historic sites, in central Seoul, on February 11, 2008.


  • 案例兰德医疗中心10分钟,卡萨·格兰遗址INS惩教设施是在15分钟都为这家酒店。

    Case Grande Medical Center is within 10 minutes, and Casa Grande Ruins and ins Correctional Facility are both within 15 minutes for this hotel.


  • 三星堆遗址位于文化圈中心区域文化的典型代表,也是古蜀文化中心

    Sanxingdui Ruins is located in the central area of the Shu culture circle, and it is the representative of this culture as well as the center of the ancient Shu culture.


  • 纽约世贸中心遗址建成纪念馆幸存家人大声宣读了遇难者名字

    At a newly constructed memorial in new York where the World Trade Center once stood, the names of all who perished were read by surviving family members.


  • 标志性景点名单上增加了人伤感处——“零地带”,即世贸中心遗址

    To this list of must see landmarks has been added a somber14 new entry: "ground zero," the site of the World Trade Center.


  • 标志性景点名单上增加了人伤感处——“零地带”,即世贸中心遗址

    To this list of must see landmarks has been added a somber14 new entry: "ground zero," the site of the World Trade Center.


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