• 这些研究缺陷,只研究了特定遗传谱系不是整个基因组所以不能代表整个种群

    But the problem with all these studies is that they tracked specific genetic lineages, and not the entire genome and, hence, populations.


  • 范康尼贫血遗传缺陷引发的疾病,会导致骨髓功能衰竭,甚至容易罹癌症,例如血癌

    The disease is caused by a genetic defect that leads to bone marrow failure and a greater risk of cancers, such as leukaemia.


  • 无论是由于快速节食,营养不均衡还是一些遗传生理缺陷引起某些营养物不足,均导致脱发

    Whether it’s because of a crash diet, general malnutrition or some genetic or biological defect, deficiencies in certain nutrients can cause hair loss.


  • 我们开始看到科学家们遗传技术辩护理由,可以清除人类身上某些行为缺陷

    What we will begin to see is scientists arguing for the use of genetics to breed out certain behavioral traits from humanity.


  • 最终这些技术也许会允许科学家实验室培养皿修正细胞遗传上的缺陷,并用矫正后的细胞来治疗病人

    Eventually, such techniques might allow scientists to correct genetic defects in the lab dish and then treat patients with their own repaired cells.


  • 该项技术使医生可以检测妇女卵细胞中携带人类遗传密码染色体缺陷

    The technique allows doctors to check a woman's eggs for defective chromosomes, the structures that carry the human genetic code.


  • 证据表明,年龄较大爸爸可能传递遗传缺陷它们后代

    But there is evidence that older dads are also more likely to pass on genetic defects to their offspring, according to Copel.


  • 锥体细胞遗传缺陷导致色盲,这人类常见的一基因疾病

    Genetic damage to cone cells, which causes colour blindness, is the most common type of gene disorder seen in humans.


  • 科学家通过研究750个肿瘤遗传缺陷后得出以上结论的。

    The discovery was made from the study of the genetic flaws in 750 tumors.


  • 胎盘覆盖组织称作绒毛膜)跟的身体同一遗传物质组成的,它们可以提供重要关于先天缺陷信息

    The placenta and tissue covering it ( called chorionic villi) are made up of the same genetic material as your baby and can provide important information about birth defects.


  • 基因工程啮齿类动物表现出遗传缺陷,并且能够模拟人类疾病行为

    The engineered rodents display genetic impairments and behavior that mirror those of some humans with the disorder.


  • 一个令人振奋发现中东家庭里发现大多数遗传缺陷并不基因商业部分里——鉴定大脑蛋白质密码

    One encouraging finding: most of the genetic defects identified in the Middle Eastern families were not in the business part of the gene -the part that codes for a critical brain protein.


  • 帕克引入新的基因,给孤立的种群一个新的机会,让它们可以抵御新的疾病遗传缺陷

    Packer says introducing new genes raises the chances that an isolated group can resist novel diseases or genetic defects.


  • 酵解关键——丙酮激酶,如果它有遗传缺陷,就导致会atp缺乏红细胞寿命缩短溶血性贫血

    Inherited deficiency of pyruvate kinase, a key glycolytic enzyme, causes ATP deficiency, which leads to reduced RBC life span and hemolytic anemia.


  • 兄妹之间通婚缺陷基因两份拷贝都传递给下一代,他们所生育的后代容易产生各种遗传缺陷例如图坦卡蒙畸形

    Married siblings are more likely to pass on twin copies of harmful genes, leaving their children vulnerable to a variety of genetic defects. Tutankhamun's malformed foot may have been one such flaw.


  • 这项研究第一证明可以通过修复人类细胞中的遗传缺陷,再修复后健康细胞替代缺陷的细胞,治疗疾病

    The study is the first to demonstrate that it is possible to repair genetic faults in human cells and make batches of healthy replacements that could be used to treat a disease.


  • 借助技术医生可以测试病人遗传缺陷通过互联网很快将结果传遍全世界

    Technology allows doctors to test their patients for genetic defects — and then to turn around and spread the results throughout the world via the Internet.


  • 项研究表明如果女孩因为遗传缺陷在出生前受到水平激素影响,那么往往会出现男孩似的举动

    Several studies have shown that girls with a genetic disorder which exposes them to abnormally high prenatal levels of testosterone often develop boyish patterns of play.


  • 这项研究在于药物作用没有遗传基因缺陷肿瘤使它出现“缺陷”。

    The research would allow the drugs to be used on tumours which do not have this genetic flaw, by effectively ‘recreating’ the defect.


  • 尽管最近研究表明环境因素增加注意缺陷多动症患病率,但是遗传视为比环境影响作用的因素。

    Although recent research has identified environmental factors that may increase the likelihood of developing the disorder, it is thought to have a stronger genetic component.


  • 他们一种名为多毛综合症罕见疾病进行了研究,从中找出了导致这种疾病的遗传缺陷。 多症患者面部身体上半部长满了厚重的毛发。

    They have tracked down a genetic fault which is behind a rare condition called hyper- trichosis, or werewolf syndrome, where thick hair covers the face and upper body.


  • 接着,他修正这些iPS细胞镰刀形贫血遗传缺陷刺激这些iPS细胞分化发育成为能够制造小鼠红细胞骨髓干细胞

    He then corrected the sickle-cell genetic defect and prodded the iPS cells to develop into the type of marrow stem cell that manufactures a mouse's blood cells.


  • 大约每五百个美国人中就有个人的这个结构遗传缺陷,这就是为什么他们LDL胆固醇含量会达到这样天文数字。

    About one in 500 Americans is genetically deficient in these structures, called LDL receptors, and, as a result, develops astronomically high levels of LDL cholesterol.


  • 如果州长签字法案禁止基于遗传缺陷堕胎

    If the governor signs the measure would also ban abortions based on genetic defects.


  • 再者,引起的肌萎缩性侧索硬化遗传缺陷细胞进行任何处理之前应该首先纠正,研究人员

    For another, the genetic defect that causes ALS would have to be corrected before the cells could be used in any treatment, the researchers said.


  • 由于肝脏除了自身遗传缺陷外,运转功能仍然良好,因此众多等待肝脏移植候选人中并不具有任何优先权。

    Yet because his liver was functioning well, aside from its one defect, he would be a lower priority than many candidates for a cadaverliver transplant.


  • 实验证明,算法不但可以有效地克服标准遗传算法缺陷而且计算速度、精度算法稳定性得到了显著提高

    The research results show that the algorithm can not only overcome the shortcomings of SGA effectively, but also evidently improve the computing speed, computing precision and computing stability.


  • 实验证明,算法不但可以有效地克服标准遗传算法缺陷而且计算速度、精度算法稳定性得到了显著提高

    The research results show that the algorithm can not only overcome the shortcomings of SGA effectively, but also evidently improve the computing speed, computing precision and computing stability.


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