• 道路收费使很多生活质量发生改变

    Road charging could affect many people's quality of life.


  • 道路收费自己

    Do Roads Pay For Themselves?


  • 道路收费作为交通需求管理一种有效措施许多国家地区开始提倡

    Road pricing, an effective means of managing traffic demand, has been advocating in many countries and regions.


  • 提出交通网络出行选择讫点选择、路径选择道路收费定价组合模型

    The study presents a combined model for travel choice, destination choice, route choice and road toll pricing optimization in congestion transportation networks.


  • 一些地区为了保证免费医疗教育政策的持续,不得不设立道路收费新的税种

    New charges in areas such as roads will be needed to protect free health and education, and new taxes.


  • 研究呼吁建立一个全国性道路收费系统,系统收入用以抵销燃油税削减

    The study calls for a national system of road pricing, with the revenues used to offset cuts in fuel duty.


  • 大臣承诺通过全国性道路收费系统缓解这一问题不过至少十年以后的事了。

    Ministers have promised a national road-pricing system to help ease the problem, but it is a decade away at least.


  • 拥挤道路收费作为交通需求管理有效措施,越来越受到交通管理者和专家、学者们的重视。

    Congestion pricing as one of the tools of demand management is effective to alleviate the traffic congestion.


  • 详述道路收费广场通行能力设计计算方法,探讨了容易产生歧义理解的一些问题,并介绍了一项设计工作

    Discussion on the design calculation of traffic capacity at highway fee collection square, some problems misunderstanded easily and a design work by the writer are presented.


  • 设计了基于模拟退火算法求解优化算法。算分析表明,基于可变公交发车频率城市拥挤道路收费定价模型算法能够更有效地解决道路拥挤问题。

    The optimal algorithm is also designed based on the simulated annealing algorithm. A numerical example illustrates that the model and algorithm can effectively solve the problem of road congestion.


  • 收费公路成本削减至正常水平十分之一,然而致使更多走上烟雾弥漫的道路

    It has slashed the cost of toll roads to almost one-tenth of the normal level, attracting yet more people on to fume-choked roads.


  • 不走阿尔巴尼南面纽约收费公路,而去一些收费不高道路

    I abandoned the New York tollway south of Albany in search of roads less costly.


  • 城市中心(英国)、还是对全部道路(瑞士)或者高速公路(德国)收费

    Is it supposed to charge for access to a city centre (as in London), all roads (Switzerland) or just the highway network (Germany)?


  • 今天宣布一揽子计划包括停车收费标准调整,公务用车限制更多道路的建设。

    The package of measures announced today also included a risk in parking charges, limits on official cars and more roadbuilding.


  • 新加坡有可能成为引进道路实时动态收费系统的城市

    Singapore may also become the first city to introduce real-time dynamic pricing on its roads.


  • 有媒体曝光称,华快一期中山大道黄埔大道路段,里程表显示,两个收费距离只有900米,收费竟是3钱,收费标准应为0.6元。

    It was also exposed that the distance of the two station between Zhongshan Road and Huangpu Road is only 900 meters. But drivers are charged 3 yuan for it while the specified toll should be 0.6 yuan.


  • 然后辆卡车沿着收费道路运行进入中国招商国际操作港口大门接着被门式起重机吊起装上国际远洋轮船

    It is loaded onto a truck that travels along the toll roads, enters the port gate operated by China Merchants and is hoisted by a gantry crane onto an international ship.


  • 静态交通量分配针对边际收费策略引起系统费用过大问题,本文设计最小收费策略收取拥挤道路使用费。

    For the problem of high system cost brought by the marginal congestion pricing strategy in static traffic routing, a minimum congestion pricing strategy is put forward to levy the taxes.


  • 拥挤道路使用收费作为交通需求管理一种有效措施许多国家地区开始提倡,并显示了强大生命力

    Collecting toll for road jammed with traffic as an effective measure was adopted for managing traffic demand in many countries and areas, and it shows strong vitality.


  • 收费道路管理中的一个关键问题解决车辆流量问题。

    A key problem in the management of toll road is a problem of solving the flow of vehicle.


  • 收费道路收入收费费率之间存在相互影响的动态关系

    There is a dynamic relationship between the revenue and the toll-ratio in toll highways.


  • 不仅道路通行各类门禁管理系统提供了参考依据而且可用于路桥收费管理系统。

    It not only provides reference for road traffic and entrance guard management system, but also is used for the road fee management.


  • 道路使用收费作为现代城市交通需求管理有效措施理论上实践都具有十分重要意义

    Collecting fee on congested road, an effective measure of modern urban traffic demand management, plays an important role in theory and practice.


  • 通过道路拥挤收费改变出行者道路使用、出行时间选择,使得道路的使用效率提高节省了交通时间。

    Collecting the traffic congestion tolls change the road-users choosing the roads and time so that it increases the rate of road use and saves the traffic time.


  • 收费各不相同道路依赖使用长度旅程

    Tolls vary dependent on the road used and length of the journey.


  • 越早做出这些改变,让汽车联入智能交通网络,那么新加坡针对停车道路使用而采用的弹性收费就会越的推广。

    The sooner these changes are made, and cars are plugged into a smart traffic grid, the quicker Singaporean variable pricing-for parking as well as road use-can become the norm.


  • 讨论我国收费道路的闲置问题,其原因现行车辆通行费制度反向调节车流量

    The problem is caused by present road tolling system which adjusts vehicle flux to a unreasonable level.


  • 路由选择旅行时间收费成本道路质量沿路场景因素

    Take route selection as example, travelling time, toll cost, road quality and the scene along the road are all the factors.


  • 厦门市规定城市道路停车泊位收费收入全额上缴各区财政实行收支条线管理

    Xiamen regulation, urban road parking garages fee income sum shall be turned over to the district financial, execute income and expenses two line management.


  • 厦门市规定城市道路停车泊位收费收入全额上缴各区财政实行收支条线管理

    Xiamen regulation, urban road parking garages fee income sum shall be turned over to the district financial, execute income and expenses two line management.


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