• 参议院道德委员会判决麦凯恩仅仅属于判断误差”。

    The Senate ethics committee found Mr McCain guilty only of "misjudgment".


  • 里将报纸看到参议院道德委员会即将开始调查

    Jerry was to find out in the newspaper about his impending invertigation by the senate eghics committee.


  • 上周日双方将就涉嫌受贿的指控回答国际足联道德委员会问题

    Both will answer questions about alleged bribery at Fifa's ethics committee on Sunday.


  • 董事会道德委员会信件后发现该信没有告诉他们什么东西。

    The board's ethics committee looked into it, and found the e-mails told them nothing new.


  • 不管众议院道德委员会调查结果是什么良心干净的。

    In spite of what the House Ethics Committee investigation concluded, my conscience is clean.


  • 董事会道德委员会看了该信件后发现该信没有告诉他们什么东西。

    The board's ethics committee looked into it, and found thee-mails told them nothing new.


  • 发言人称道德委员会建议就是这样而且没有要求所有分支机构必须遵守

    The Ethics Commission's advice was just that, the spokesperson said, and it was not binding upon local branches to follow.


  • 其他银行支行而言,该银行支行自治权较高,自行决定是否采纳道德委员会建议

    Branches have a higher degree of autonomy than those of other Banks, and could decide for themselves whether to follow the Ethics Commission's advice or not.


  • FIFA现在并不急于弄清事情的真相,但FIFA体育道德委员会早晚会调查传闻的,这点毫无疑问。

    But FIFA is in no hurry to draw a line under the affair. Its ethics committee will investigate the allegation, no doubt at length.


  • 干细胞社会道德委员会正在编制一份文件,这份文件探索组织捐赠者权利给出一些建议,文件会在今年年底完成。

    The stem cell society's ethics committee is working on a paper that would explore the rights of tissue donors and make recommendations by the end of the year.


  • 可克-福特·汉姆众议院领导人进行不止会谈,并称他将要所有的会谈细节提供给FBI众议院道德委员会

    Kirk Fordham says he had more than one conversation with House leaders and will give all of the details to the FBI and the House Ethics Committee.


  • 此类案件中,我们知道的事实收款人到底是谁,”帝·索勒斯(Tim Sorrells)说道。 他是德克萨斯州道德委员会副总顾问

    "It's a fact question on a case by case basis to determine whether the actual payee has been disclosed, " said Tim Sorrells, the deputy general counsel at the Texas Ethics Commission.


  • 主持此次调查美国律师迈克尔 尔·加西亚,随后九月,国际足联道德委员会提交了400余页报告(下文简称“加西亚报告”)。

    Thee investigation into the bidding process had been led by Michael Garcia, an American lawyer, who submitted over 400 pages of findings to FIFA's ethics committee in September.


  • 道德规范委员会可能决定进行警告批评

    The ethics committee may take a decision to admonish him or to censure him.


  • 将要加入委员会那些道德有文化有能力

    The people who will be on the committee are moral, cultured, competent people.


  • 委员会裁定行为违背了道德标准。

    The committee judged that he had not behaved ethically.


  • 因此组织正在努力建立一个国际粮食农业领域道德专家委员会

    Therefore the Organization is working towards the establishment of an international expert committee on ethics in food and agriculture.


  • 条法律催生了一个监督委员会,专门监督书对于这些问题的正面描写,还包括犯罪盗窃仇恨堕落以及年轻人扮演导向贬低道德行为。

    The law created an oversight committee to watch for positive depictions of these ills, along with crime, theft, hatred, debauchery and acts “liable to undermine moralityamong the young.


  • 道德监督委员会表示派瑞竞选活动可能违反了揭露法案因为豪宅花费解释不不楚,工作人员表示这笔花费是“不可避免的”。

    Ethics watchdogs, meanwhile, say Perry's campaign may have violated state disclosure laws because of the vague way he's reported what his staff calls "incidental" spending at the mansion.


  • 本周一个委员会裁定Rangel议员违反了11道德标准包括公家信函为个人基金会募集捐款

    This week a congressional committee concluded that Mr Rangel had, however, broken ethics rules 11 times in other ways, including by soliciting donations to the Rangel Centre using official stationery.


  • 广泛质疑这次袭击理智型道德性则不在委员会的调查职责之内。

    The broader questions of the wisdom and morality of the assault would be beyond its mandate.


  • 现在白宫道德规范委员会正着手公开质询调查Hastert其他得知Foley的行经,置若罔文的官员。

    The House's ethics committee has now opened an inquiry and will study the claims that Mr Hastert and others knew about Mr Foley's behaviour but did nothing to stop him.


  • 美国国会组织了一个国家委员会学习复制合法道德涵义

    The US congress organized a national commission to study the legal and moral implications of cloning.


  • 参议院销售道德小组委员会太尼进行调查过程中吉东·博士所有证人中日子难熬的一个。

    Of all the witnesses to appear before the Senate Subcommittee on Ethical Merchandising during its investigation of Montayne, Dr. Gideon Mace suffered the hardest time.


  • 参议院销售道德小组委员会太尼进行调查过程中吉东·博士所有证人中日子难熬的一个。

    Of all the witnesses to appear before the Senate Subcommittee on Ethical Merchandising during its investigation of Montayne, Dr. Gideon Mace suffered the hardest time.


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