• 中国历史上没有什么“道德中心主义” ,所谓道德中心主义不过后世学者心幻影

    There had been no theory of morality centre. It was only an unreal image to be made up by later scholars.


  • 尤研究中心报告以往研究发现美国父母他们孩子类似要求:希望他们健康快乐诚实守信仁义道德关心他人和富有同情心。

    American parents want similar things for their children, the Pew report and past research have found: for them to be healthy and happy, honest and ethical, caring and compassionate.


  • 事实上,在皮研究中心(Pew Research)数据中,千禧没有职业道德作为独特之处。

    In fact, of the four generations Pew Research has data for, the Millennial generation does not cite work ethic as distinctive of itself.


  • 我们猎户一样,开始人类生活其他皮毛或是无皮毛的物种相联系整个人类社会生活、道德生活的中心

    We started human life as hunter-gatherers, where contact with others, kin and non-kin, was the center of human life, social and moral.


  • 别人怎么我们霍布斯道德心理学重要中心内容我们每个心中都有种情绪,这不仅代表了两个阶层个体,两个阶层的人。

    How we are seen by others is a crucial cardinal part of Hobbes' moral psychology and each of us, he says, contain. These do not simply represent two classes of individuals, two classes of persons.


  • 1982年艾伦离婚之后,因为滥用药物酗酒贝蒂·福特医疗中心呆过短时间,但是柯蒂斯从未丧失职业道德

    A stay at the Betty Ford Center - he had struggled with drug and alcohol abuse - followed his 1982 divorce from Ms. Allen, but Mr. Curtis never lost his work ethic.


  • 考虑道德影响”,纽约医疗中心妇产科玛丽·罗斯博士

    "What you have to consider is the ethics of this," said Dr. Mary Rosser, an obstetrician and gynecologist at the Montefiore Medical Center in New York.


  • 第一课里很多东西中心主旨,就是金融界道德目标使命

    In the first lecture, I talked about a lot of things, but one theme that comes to my mind is the theme of the moral purpose and mission of the finance community.


  • 幸运是,Annabella一直是小说叙述中心——一个细细描画的美丽形象,显示道德清晰复杂性

    Luckily, Annabella stands at the center of the narrative - a beautifully drawn character, portrayed with moral clarity as well as complexity.


  • 30以前不少哲学家心理学家精神病学家还认为婴儿幼年儿童没有理性思考能力,他们以自我中心,也不可能产生道德判断。

    Thirty years ago most psychologists, philosophers and psychiatrists thought that babies and young children were irrational, egocentric and amoral.


  • 虽然不满战地记者们道德承诺,他们是高度的个人中心主义者,但我从不怀疑优秀记者们才华献身精神

    Though I am cynical about the ethical commitment of war correspondents, so often intensely self-centred, I never doubt the brilliance and dedication of the good ones.


  • 人们我们所有人经常做出自私的、以自我中心道德选择

    People, and that includes all of us, often make selfish, self-centered, and evil choices.


  • 阿拉巴马州文学艺术中心负责人梅琳达·伯德·墨菲一个有关道德故事

    And that is the moral of the story, says Melinda Byrd-Murphy, head of the Alabama Center for Literary Arts.


  • 光明黑暗交替源头至高无上立法者大自然中心同样也是道德秩序的创造者和整个世界审判者

    He is the source of the alternation of light and darkness the sovereign lawgiver and the very center of nature as well as the originator of the moral order and judge of the entire world.


  • 遵守护理保健相关的政策职业道德包括传染控制病患安全和中心的消防安全防备措施

    Observes policies and professional ethics relating to the delivery ofnursing care including infection control measures, patient safety, andfire safety precautions.


  • 美国一些犹太人开始崇拜金钱道德堕落,反映他们个人主义自我中心基础上紧张邻居关系

    In America, some Jews begin to worship money and become morally corrupt, which reflects in the tense relationship with their neighbors on the basis of American individualism and egoism.


  • 中国传统道德哲学核心,体现出训练基础,最终达到创造性道德人格的以人为中心道德教育观。

    Etiquette is the core of Chinese traditional moral philosophy which based on the training of discipline in order to the creative moral personality.


  • 读者服务工作高校图书馆中心工作,员工职业道德专业能力服务质量有着重要影响

    Reader service is the central task in the library of university. Professional ethics and specialized ability of the librarians have the important effect on the quality of service.


  • 自我只是我们操作中心,我们的意识、我们道德指南针

    The self is just our operation center, our consciousness, our moral compass.


  • 本文讲述历史现状描述日常生活和仪式中神龛是如何标示空间道德中心的。

    This article deals with their past and present. It describes how in everyday action and in ritual this shrine marked a spatial and moral center.


  • 这座城市不但是个工业中心道德风气也一向很好。

    The city, aside from being an industrial centre, enjoys a high moral record.


  • 举例说明,《哈姆雷特》这部作品主要特点深奥以致350多年来评论家们对这部作品的道德诗人中心简单解释方面不能取得共识

    The depth and profundity of Hamlet, for example, is so integral to the work that for over 350 years commentators have been unable to agree on a single interpretation of its moral and poetic center.


  • 中国管理哲学特征是以社会道德中心美国管理哲学技术理性中心

    Chinese managerial philosophy is featured as being centered on social morality, while American managerial philosophy is characterized as technical rationality.


  • 现代产品设计是以人为中心造物活动,具有情感社会群体道德情感人类高级情感中的个组成部分。

    Now product design is a Human-Centered action of manufacture, human is a social group to have emotion, And Moral feeling is a part of human's feelings.


  • 然而现实中存在着“人类中心主义”错误环境道德使得人类环境矛盾变得更加尖锐

    However, the wrong environmental morality of human centralism makes the contradiction between man and environment become more and more acute.


  • 提出全文中心论点牺牲专业职责首先履行社会职责新闻记者道德底线” 。

    Full text of central argument put forward, The expense of professional duties and the first journalists to fulfill their social responsibility is the "moral bottom line."


  • 培养祖国未来栋梁,宁波至诚学校人性教育道德教育、生活教育为中心,教学质量稳步提高;

    The aim of the school is to cultivate young people who in the future will benefit China in terms of humanism, morals and life education.


  • 人类中心认为,负有直接道德义务,人对环境义务只是人的一种间接义务。

    Human centered theory holds that it is for man alone that human beings have direct and moral responsibility. Man's duty to protect the environment is but an indirect one.


  • 非人类中心主义则反其道而行之,努力要证明自然存在物是道德主体,拥有道德地位人类自然存在物负有直接道德义务。

    Anthropocentrism believes that natural objects own no moral position and no moral subject, consequently mankind carries no direct moral obligations to nature.


  • 非人类中心主义则反其道而行之,努力要证明自然存在物是道德主体,拥有道德地位人类自然存在物负有直接道德义务。

    Anthropocentrism believes that natural objects own no moral position and no moral subject, consequently mankind carries no direct moral obligations to nature.


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