• 示例包括逻辑消息创建具有正确数据类型对象以及根据模型验证xML

    Examples are creating objects in the logical message tree with the correct data type, and validating XML against the model.


  • 轻量级设计模式使可以在对象集成服务之间进行松散耦合而无需艰苦地编写业务逻辑领域模型

    Lightweight design patterns let you loosen coupling between objects and integrate services without forcing code into business logic or the domain model.


  • RDA中创建逻辑数据模型,就可以显示各种实体之间关系这些实体属性所有这些不同对象之间关系。

    In RDA, creating a logical data model allows you to show relationships between various entities, attributes for those entities, and the relationships between all these different objects.


  • 模型实例保持长期状态提供应用程序逻辑;而视图使用副本实际上一个任意使用数据访问对象

    The primary instance of the model is keeping long-term state and providing application logic; the copy used by the view is essentially a disposable data-access object.


  • 通过使用XML数据模型,就可以取消整个数据对象包装器层次结构,开发人员注意力集中业务逻辑不会业务数据管理分心。

    Using the XML data model, the whole hierarchy of data object wrappers can be eliminated, leaving the programmer to focus on the business logic rather than on the business data management.


  • 有助于逻辑模型对象名称转换物理名称,允许检验数据对象确保它们符合命名标准

    It facilitates the transformation of logical model object names into physical, and allows the users to validate their data objects to ensure their compliance with naming standards.


  • 这种规则出现信息分析阶段可能作为业务对象模型一部分,也可能作为逻辑数据建模的一部分。

    Rules of this nature arise during informational analysis, either as part of the business object model or logical data modeling.


  • 多数定制清理器都会观察某些模型对象根据更改击发逻辑来使一个多个缓存页面到期失效。

    Most custom sweepers observe some model object, and based on changes, fire logic to expire one or more cache pages.


  • SOAPAPI使用XML文档类似的方式表示服务数据对象从而同时物理逻辑模型中的内容结构通信。

    The SOAP API USES XML documents to similarly represent Service Data Objects to communicate content structures in both the physical and logical model.


  • 举例来说,让我们来考察控制器方法,它负责保存业务逻辑中的模型对象

    As an example, consider a controller method that manages saving a simple model object.


  • 约束定义个bean领域对象中的因此校验逻辑领域模型最近。

    The constraints are defined in the bean (domain object) so the validation logic is close to the domain model.


  • 名称可以看出,第3中的文件JET模板我们其中加入模型对象EOperationImpl的代码生成逻辑

    As the name suggests, the new file in step three is the JET template where we will put our code-generation logic for model objects EOperationImpl.


  • 服务描述实体ServiceRegistry提供信息模型中的一个元数据类别其中包括物理文档逻辑派生一般对象

    Service description entities are a category of metadata in the information model maintained by Service Registry that includes physical documents, logical derivations and generic objects.


  • 复杂类型逻辑模型可以包括helper并且可以具有引用Helper对象属性

    The logical model for complex item types can also include helper classes, and items can have properties that refer to helper objects.


  • Brown应用了数学逻辑模型建立语言,但结果很不幸实验失败了,实验对象学习这门一个人造出来的语言感到无比困难

    Unfortunately for Brown, who used mathematic and logic models to build the language, the experiment failed in that people actually had a very difficult time learning the artificial tongue.


  • 展示如何使用一个物理模型及其对象实现这个目标——对于逻辑模型可以使用类似方法

    This section shows you how to do this using a physical model and its objects. A similar approach can be used for logical models as well.


  • 可以同步数据模式中的变化可以解决涉及模型对象进行逻辑操作的数据变化。

    You can synchronize changes in data and schema. You can also address data changes that involve logical operations on your model objects.


  • 组件已经经过了类型转换有效性验证应用模型对象了,因此现在可以使用它们执行应用程序业务逻辑了。

    The component values will have been converted, validated, and applied to the model objects, so you can now use them to execute the application's business logic.


  • 模型也是容易理解的:业务逻辑对象处于这个

    Model is also pretty easy to understand: business processes and objects exist in this layer.


  • 数据库对象架构进行了考虑之后逻辑模型就被转化物理模型

    The logical model is then converted into a physical model, with consideration given to the architecture of the database objects.


  • 属性面板面板显示打开活动对象(一个逻辑数据模型中的数据模型实体)属性。

    Properties pane: This pane shows the properties of the object that is open and active (in other words, a data model, or an entity inside a logical data model).


  • 使用命名标准数据对象逻辑模型转换物理模型

    Transform data objects from logical to physical model using naming standard


  • NetKernel逻辑模型集中信息处理而且通过一个内核逻辑模型物理层对象API干净地分离

    NetKernel's logical model is focused on information processing and is cleanly separated from the physical level of objects and APIs by a microkernel.


  • 视图bean允许我们表示逻辑我们商业逻辑分离开来,将HTML代码放在servlet以及其它控件模型对象之外。

    View beans also let us separate presentation logic from our business logic, keeping HTML code out of our servlets and other control and model objects.


  • MDMServer模型(包括模型例)中,依赖关系物理模型对象指向逻辑模型对象如图9所示。

    In your MDM Server models (including the sample models), dependencies point from objects in the physical model to objects in the logical model, as shown in Figure 9.


  • 布尔代数理论为依据,以城市主干道十字路口研究对象设计一种新的交通灯逻辑控制模型

    Pan Boolean algebra-based logical control model of the traffic light is designed in this paper, with an illustration of crossroads in the urban trunk roads.


  • 模型对象实现应用程序数据逻辑应用程序部件

    Model objects are the parts of the application that implement the logic for the application's data domain.


  • 文章研究分析异构数据对应规则异构数据转换规则的基础上,提出了建立在XML和面向对象数据库逻辑数据模型之上的异构数据交换规则。

    With the analysis of correspondence and translation for heterogeneous data, this paper presents heterogeneous data exchanging rules based on XML and OODB logic data model.


  • 提出逻辑环境下对象数据模型涉及到的概念基本概念对象联系

    Put forward the concepts involved in the data model of the object in a logical environment, whose essentials are object and relationship.


  • 针对复杂对象图像检索提出一种基于逻辑运算概率模型

    A logical operation-based probability model for image retrieval was presented.


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