• 也许这个世界心灵身体就是相同的,即使其他逻辑世界中,不存在这种同一性

    Maybe in this world, minds and bodies are identical, even though in other logically possible worlds the identity comes apart.


  • 梦中通向一个没有逻辑死人开口说话世界窗户打开了。

    In dreams, a window opens into a world where logic is suspended and dead people speak.


  • 一旦解决以上所有问题,你进入应用协议层(如http)世界了,这里需要的是组缓存处理逻辑等。

    And once you solve all of the above, then you are into the world of application protocols (ex: HTTP), which require additional framing, buffering and processing logic.


  • 这样论断基于的逻辑是:世界范围内,供给必须等于需求

    This statement follows as a matter of logic: at world level, supply must equal demand.


  • 对于真实世界引申抽象陈述指出我们大脑结构,以及对于逻辑的追求有关。

    For more abstract statements that are further removed from the physical world, he points to the structure of our brains and our penchant for logic.


  • 现在一样,当时逻辑似乎无可反驳尽管西方世界股市崩盘一蹶不振,日本经济显然轻松地返回了正轨

    Then, as now, the logic seemed unassailable. While the western world was stuck in the post-crash doldrums, the Japanese economy had got back on track with apparent ease.


  • 量子世界无法通常逻辑规则来解释。

    The quantum world defies the rules of ordinary logic.


  • 逻辑极端气候变化——包括干旱大暴雨——可能气温更高的世界日益猖獗而这意味着成本和费用也都会随之增加

    The logic is that extreme weather variations - including droughts and heavy storms - are likely to increase in a warmer world, which means that both costs and premiums will rise as well.


  • 视英年早逝为不圆满,观念有悖于逻辑因为衡量生命的尺度乃是留给世界印记生命力度及其美德

    The idea that the life cut short is unfilled is illogical because lives are measured by the impressions they leave on the world and by their intensity and virtue.


  • 中国巨大对外顺差,因此,以同样逻辑来看,他们怎么会加剧世界通胀呢?

    China still has a large external surplus, so-using the same logic-how can it now be fuelling world inflation?


  • 霍乱席卷柏林时候,那位奉行乐观主义相信世界按照某种逻辑运行黑格尔挂掉了,叔本华这位悲观主义、非理性主义者活了下来。

    When the cholera came to Berlin, the optimist and believer in the logical workings of the world, Hegel, died, whereas, Schopenhauer, the pessimist and irrationalist, escaped.


  • 这项工程至关重要奠定了将逻辑引入数学基石后人得以借此途径探索未知世界

    This is a work of utmost importance in that it lays the foundations of logic into mathematics and enables us to use this as a tool to explore the unknown.


  • 根据那个逻辑Simpsons世界里64千米太空范围,”,面部坚定口气说因为Simpsons8个手指头

    Following that logic, 64 km would be the limit of space in the world of the Simpsons,” he says, noting with tongue firmly in cheek that the Simpsons have eight fingers.


  • 30年后,随着重要电脑系统接入互联网敌人世界一端运用逻辑炸弹比如切断我们的电力可能吗?

    Three decades later, with more and more vital computer systems linked up to the Internet, could enemies use logic bombs to, say, turn off the electricity from the other side of the world?


  • “摇摇晃晃”是世界第一能够自动定位目标然后旋转,并能在逻辑这一行为作出解释机器

    But that didn't stop the 1972 robot from entering the history books as the first machine to autonomously locate objects, steer around them - and then explain its logic for doing so.


  • 一旦我们达成一观点,我们就可以朝着讨论逻辑启用整个模式世界的方向前进了。

    Once we reach this point we can head upwards to discuss the whole new world of patterns enabled in the logical level.


  • 描述了一个光怪陆离的、难以触及的、拥有自己内在逻辑世界我们生活这个世界完全不同

    It describes a bizarre and untouchable world that can evolve by its own logic, different from the one in our life.


  • 优秀讲演知道内容(数据证据逻辑)只是真正世界讲演必要条件充分条件。

    Good presenters know that the content (data, evidence, logic) is a necessary condition but not a sufficient condition for a truly world class presentation job.


  • 世界(西方大地),加州符合逻辑选择

    In the New World (he Lands of the West), California is the logical choice.


  • 并不表示真正可能的,逻辑可能一个世界其中心灵存在身体存在。

    But that doesn't show that it's really possible, logically possible to have a world in which my mind exists and my body doesn't.


  • 杰克没有意识维也纳生活严重情绪化世界中,这是逻辑相左的。

    Jake failed to realize that Vienna lives heavily in an emotional world, as opposed to his logical one.


  • 接下来发生事件:据说首四行诗预言地震(倾斜的公园巨大灾难)。世界(西方大地),加州符合逻辑选择

    What's supposed to happen: a great earthquake (sloping park, great calamity) is reputedly foretold in this quatrain. In the New World (he Lands of the West), California is the logical choice.


  • 篇短时间写成关于各种理论范式评论,对活僵尸时代的世界作了一些有意思的探索。其中有些横穿各种不同理论的逻辑关联

    This quick review of the theoretical paradigms reveals some interesting findings about the world in the age of zombies. There is some continuity across the different theories.


  • 只要在数字世界中的旅行合乎逻辑反应快速即时反馈、很少干扰用户就会体验“心流”。

    Users can experienceflow only if their trips through cyberspace feel seamless, with fast response, immediatefeedback, and few distractions.


  • 互联网创造一个虚拟世界这个虚拟世界里,严格逻辑不那么重要,大行其道错综杂陈的酷炫图像

    The Internet has created a world in which strict logic is less important than the juxtaposition of striking images.


  • 语义学角度逻辑定义看,它的本体论承诺可能世界

    From the perspective of semantics and its definition of "logic truth", its subject promise is the possible world.


  • 语义学角度逻辑定义看,它的本体论承诺可能世界

    From the perspective of semantics and its definition of "logic truth", its subject promise is the possible world.


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