• 另一标准烛光叫做造父变星恒星

    Another type of standard candle is a type of star called a Cepheid variable.


  • 首次重大发现产生于认识了一变星时候

    His first great discovery was made when he recognized a Cepheid variable star.


  • 轻微加热内核这种热量反过来加快变星脉搏频率

    That would be enough to heat the core slightly and this heating would, in turn, accelerate the Cepheid's pulse rate.


  • 他们发现了差不多800个造父变星一种用于准确测量距离特殊变星

    They discovered almost 800 Cepheid variable stars, a special class of pulsating star used for accurate distance measurement.


  • 星等图上处于造父不稳定外侧而温度较高简称造父变星

    On the colour-magnitude diagram they are situated near and more left than the hotter edge of the Cepheid instability stripe, so their temperature is higher than other types of pulsating variables.


  • 而且,伦德博士测算出“造父变星脉动周期能够适当微中子束加以调整

    Dr Learned, however, reckons the pulse-period of a Cepheid could be modulated by a suitable beam of neutrinos.


  • 本图其中一星系漩涡星系ngc 4603,本报告中发现变星最远星系。

    It is the spiral galaxy NGC 4603, the most distant galaxy in which Cepheid variables have been found.


  • 通过观测先前得多的造父变星的可见光谱实现的,结果地面望远镜观测结论类似

    This was accomplished by observing Cepheid variables at optical wavelengths out to greater distances than obtained previously and comparing those to similar measurements from ground-based telescopes.


  • 造父变星可靠宇宙距离(测量)里程碑,其完整一个光变周期直接反映星体本质光亮度

    Cepheids are reliable cosmic distance mileposts. The interval it takes for the Cepheid to complete one pulsation is a direct indication of the stars'; s intrinsic brightness.


  • 应当承认,制用来调整“造父变星中微子所需要能量确实相当于太阳整体输出能量的大部分份额。

    Admittedly, the energy needed to produce a Cepheid-modulating neutrino beam really would be a sizeable fraction of the output of the sun.


  • 由于星系中的颗“造父变星”的亮度就足使其观测,所以它们测算类似星系距离的首选工具

    And, since individual Cepheids are bright enough to be seen in other galaxies, they were the first tool used to estimate the distances to such galaxies.


  • 只要恰当地控制粒子照射时间恒星有效成为调频电台——以“造父变星脉冲为基础载波宇宙广播。

    Time the beam right and the star could be turned, in effect, into an FM transmitter-broadcasting to the universe on the underlying carrier-wave of the Cepheid's pulsation.


  • 精确调制中微子束实际上能够这些恒星变成FM发射器,使用造父变星的脉冲作为基础载波对整个宇宙进行广播

    Time the beam right and the star could be turned, in effect, into an FM transmitterbroadcasting to the universe on the underlying carrier-wave of the Cepheid's pulsation.


  • 造父变星一个光变周期内恒星外层电离气体相对不透明的,因此吸收恒星的辐射而升温开始向外膨胀。

    At the dimmest part of a Cepheid's cycle, the ionized gas in the outer layers of the star is opaque, and so is heated by the star's radiation, and due to the increased temperature, begins to expand.


  • 哈勃太空望远镜(HST)拍摄壮丽的漩涡星系ngc 4603,现今发现一类特殊变星——造父变星最远星系。

    NASA Hubble Space Telescope (HST) view of the magnificent spiral galaxy NGC 4603, the most distant galaxy in which a special class of pulsating stars called Cepheid variables have been found.


  • 有了哈勃望远镜强大能力团队直接跨过某些不稳定台阶:(由于清晰度不够,)先前这些父变星行为观测不是很准确。

    With Hubble's powerful capabilities, the team was able to side step some of the shakiest rungs along the previous distance ladder involving uncertainties in the behavior of Cepheids.


  • SHOES团队使用哈勃望远镜的红外相机多目标光谱仪(NICMOS)、高级巡天相机(ACS)观测了综括7个星系的240颗造父变星

    The SHOES team used Hubble's Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) and the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) to observe 240 Cepheid variable stars across seven galaxies.


  • SHOES团队使用哈勃望远镜的红外相机多目标光谱仪(NICMOS)、高级巡天相机(ACS)观测了综括7个星系的240颗造父变星

    The SHOES team used Hubble's Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) and the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) to observe 240 Cepheid variable stars across seven galaxies.


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