• 课程主要讲授空间形态设计美学设计方法着重于主要讲授二维平面造型设计审美方面内容。

    This course mainly teaches the design aesthetic and design method of space form, and focuses on the design aesthetic of the planar modeling.


  • 设计选材上,专属设计青砖通过水洗造型复杂工艺形成具有历史痕迹符合现代人审美质感

    On design selection, exclusive design of blue bricks, through water, ball mill, modeling of complex process, the formation of historical traces and conforms to the modern aesthetic sense.


  • 现代艺术造型审美融合原始艺术内蕴从而扩展了现代艺术的创造力促进艺术风格形成

    Modern arts merge the accumulation of original art either in modeling or from aesthetic aspect, thus expand the creativity of modern art, promote the forming of the artistic style.


  • 图形设计中采用写意造型方法使设计意念表达符号化与象征性,同时也丰富观者感受层面与审美经验。

    Such a modeling method in graphics designing will make the expression of designing idea more symbolic and perception of the receivers more colorful and individual.


  • 流线造型,整体翻转发动机罩,设计符合大众审美观念,美观大方。

    The stream line configuratin and upturning engine housing are complied with people's aesthetic standard.


  • 按照时代顺序脉络,对夏商周青铜器的造型形式纹饰意蕴铭文书法等审美特征进行分析

    In accordance with the time sequence context, analyze the shape decoration implication, inscriptions and calligraphy of the aesthetic characteristics.


  • 笔墨中国山水画艺术造型主要表现语言,意境中国山水画审美内涵艺术感染力主要内容

    Brush and ink are major languages for modeling in Chinese landscape paintings, and the artistic conception is the main contents of their aesthetic intensions and appeals.


  • 装饰绘画运用构图、色彩造型材料构成元素,在二维空间中营造作者心理想的、肉眼看不到审美幻想

    Decoration painting makes use of various elements such as structure, color, shape and materials to form an imagined and invisible aesthetic illusion.


  • 纺织艺术品造型设计中,秩序节奏重要审美规律

    In the modeling design of textile arts, order and rhythm are the important aesthetic rules.


  • 设计素描注重培养造型意识审美能力,设计思维贯穿整个素描中。

    Should pay attention to training the modelling consciousness and estheticism while designing the sketch, and will design thinking and run through in the whole sketch.


  • 对于绘画而言朴素性就意味着可变性可发展性,当中有着审美普遍规律造型要素

    For painting, the simplicity means variability and development, which has the universal law of aesthetics and style elements. Mr.


  • 本文在现有考古实证材料基础上,云南旧石器时代及新石器时代石制工具文化,及其造型形态进行了审美发生学探讨。

    Through an analysis of the existing archaeological findings, the author discusses the Stone-Age culture and the forms of stone tools in Yunnan from the perspective of genetic aesthetics.


  • 基础上提出拓扑形态产品造型设计中运用方法途径剖析了产品设计中拓扑形态的情感语意审美意蕴

    On this basis, it proposes used ways and means about topological form, and analyzed emotional semantics and aesthetic implications of topological form in product design.


  • 研究旨在关注儿童心理审美需要根据不同年龄阶段儿童心理进行构思、构图造型和色彩设计。

    Study was to focus on children's psychological and aesthetic needs of children at different ages according to the psychological to the idea, composition, shape and color.


  • 结合豆绿烧制,整体造型古朴大方,是具有历史文化意义审美艺术的汝窑瓷器

    Unifies your kiln pea green to bake with glaze the system, overall modelling plain natural, has the historical culture significance and the esthetic artistic your kiln new chinaware.


  • 外观造型符合现代人艺术审美观念端庄高雅当然选择

    The art esthetic sense according to modern people of the external appearance shape, dignified and elegant, is you're a matter of course choice!


  • 白瓷宋代六大之一无论釉色造型装饰审美方面都有很高艺术价值

    Qing Dynasty porcelain is one of six porcelain system, regardless of glaze color, shape, decoration and aesthetic aspects, has high artistic value.


  • 设计很有讲究可以设计典型罗马造型使整体空间具有强烈的西方传统审美气息

    The design also has a column is exquisite, can be designed to typical Rome column modelling, make integral space has a strong tradition of western aesthetic breath.


  • 铜鼓装饰造型秩序化规律化、程式化、理想化的形式表达事物,形成了合乎人类审美需求形态

    The ornament sculpt of Bronze Drum has formed the style which answer for the aesthetic need thanks to the well-ordered, regular, poetic form.


  • 中国传统家具造型风格演变可以解析中国传统文化的精神内涵,以及不同时期文化观念审美风范。

    From the style evolution of Chinese traditional furniture, we can analyze spiritual connotation of Chinese traditional culture, cultural concept and esthetic sentiment of various period.


  • 中国古代酒杯设计作为一个独特造型艺术门类完美地体现了古代先民实用审美礼仪三位一体的审美理想

    As a distinctive category of the plastic arts, Chinese ancient wine glass design perfectly embodies ancient peoples esthetic ideal of utility, beauty appreciation and etiquette.


  • 它们是有生命造型单元,有着形式意蕴双重审美价值

    They are live units, which carry dual aesthetic value of form and meaning.


  • 利用模糊理论电动工具造型美学特征人们的主观审美认识结合起来,对电动工具造型进行了综合分析评价。

    The esthetics characters of electric tools sculpting and human esthetics taste were combined by fuzzy theory to comprehensively evaluate electric tools sculpting.


  • 死亡形态有时定格为隐喻性审美造型

    Sometimes the form of death defines the appreciation of the beautiful modeling.


  • 卡通造型成为主流创作元素油画变得当代”,更贴近年轻人审美趣味。

    The cartoon images have become the mainstream creative element, which makes oil painting very 'contemporary' and close to the taste of young people.


  • 作者哲学观审美如何影响中国民间剪纸艺术造型体系的?

    How does the author's ideal about philosophy and aesthetic affect the plastic art system of Chinese folk paper-cut?


  • 蒙古族传统皮革造型艺术不仅具有很高实用功能审美价值而且折射着蒙古民族深层审美心理

    The Mongolian traditional leather plastic arts not only have a highly practical function and aesthetic value but also reflected the deep-seated aesthetic psychology of the Mongolian.


  • 蒙古族传统皮革造型艺术不仅具有很高实用功能审美价值而且折射着蒙古民族深层审美心理

    The Mongolian traditional leather plastic arts not only have a highly practical function and aesthetic value but also reflected the deep-seated aesthetic psychology of the Mongolian.


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