• 大多数第一乐章速度标记行板、柔板广板。

    The tempo marking in most cases is andante, adagio, or largo.


  • 大多数第一乐章速度标记行板,柔板广板。

    The tempo marking in most cases is andante, adagio or largo.


  • 大多数第一乐章速度标记行板、柔板广板。

    The tempo marking in most cases is andante , adagio , or largo.


  • 更确切地说,研究人员们已经确定这些神经元信号正记下时间间隔,并几十毫秒速度标记时间

    Rather, the researchers have determined that the neuron signals were marking intervals of time, ticking off time-stamps down to tens of milliseconds.


  • 杰克工具包括一个指南针虚职的地支坐标,您的高度速度航向(包括平均最高速度标记),基地距离以及健全

    Jack of Tools includes a compass, virtual level, your Earthly coordinates, your altitude, your speed and heading (including average and maximum speed markers), base distance, and a sound meter.


  • 基因标记相当于本书起名,建立内容目录索引,而且速度准确度任何图书管理员都无法做到的。

    Genetic marking is the equivalent of giving every book a title, table of contents and index-and with much greater speed and accuracy than any librarian could manage.


  • 发现生物标记非凡速度增长就需要我们以非凡的注意力,在临床应用之前它们进行评估

    The remarkable increase in the discovery of new biomarkers demands great attention to their assessment before clinical application.


  • 使用分辨率MRI扫描器Thompson教授得以识别出人脑中的内部神经网络标记它们的速度

    Using high resolution MRI scans, Dr. Thompson was able to identify the internal network inside people's brains, and map their speed.


  • ext4未使用标记inode,并fsck进程忽略它们加快检查速度

    Ext4 marks unused groups of blocks within the inode table to allow the FSCK process to skip them entirely to speed the check process.


  • 当然用户可以编辑变更加入标记自动生成标记当中。加快处理速度

    Of course users can edit, change and add to the automatically generated tags but it speeds up the process no end.


  • 现在选择公式可以引用标记即可排除大量文档,而不排除这些文档就降低视图运行速度

    Now the selection formula can simply reference that flag to exclude a large percentage of the documents that would otherwise slow down the view.


  • 使用IE9的话开发者能够其他浏览器中一样运行相同、基于W3C标准标记——只不过是速度更快一些利用底层硬件的优势。

    With IE9 developers can run the same, W3C standards-based markup as in other browsersjust faster, taking advantage of the underlying hardware.


  • 一旦运动犹豫一个黑色标记了,所以速度力量敏捷性美术作品的本质

    Once the brush movement hesitates, a black mark is created, so speed, strength and agility is the essence of fine artwork.


  • 没有使用任何优化标记编译出来代码速度大约会慢5因此确保使用-O2-O3标记编译程序。

    Code that was compiled without any optimization flags resulted in code that was approximately five times slower, so be sure to always compile with -o2 or -o3.


  • test1test2相比,61- 64与65 - 68相比,我们可以看到使用参数标记可以一系列insert运行速度提高

    Comparing test 1 with test 2, and 61-64 with 65-68, we see that the use of parameter markers can make a series of inserts run several times faster.


  • 标记清晰,不易磨损,打效果细腻速度快,易于集成流水线

    With the advantages of clear and permanent marking, fine marking result, fast speed and can be applied in the production line.


  • 单核原生质体再生菌丝菌落形态、菌丝生长速度营养缺陷型标记性状稳定地保持了亲本的特性。

    The characters of parents, such as morphology of colony, growth rate of mycelium and auxotroph, were maintained in protoplasted monokaryon.


  • 分步扫描方案能够有效解决标记速度标记精度问题,能够适应大多数的打标要求

    The step scan project can solve the speed and accurate problem effectively, and can be applied for most requirements.


  • STML提供文本描述标签描述文档结构控制重点议长指示标记音高速度,和发音的文本。

    STML provides text description tags that describe the structure of the document, and speaker directive tags that control the emphasis, pitch, rate, and pronunciation of the text.


  • 网络需要预防拥塞发生时,标记以最快速度到达接收端并且确认回到发送

    When the network needs to control the congestion, the signal will be delivered to the receiver at the fast speed, and was brought to the initiator by the acknowledgement frame.


  • 标记是符合10-321 /可任何8次移植,基地或多方面安装三明治夹心速度控制压力调节器更多

    The Mark 3 line is available with 10-32 or 1/8 porting in either sub-base or manifold mounting, sandwich speed control and sandwich pressure regulators. more


  • 使用基因标记技术,可以加快旧式繁殖速度,因为你不用等待树苗长大才能看到是否带有那些你想要的特性。

    Using generic markers speeds up old-fashioned breeding methods becauseyou no longer have to wait for the tree to grow up to see if it has the desiredtraits.


  • 飞船以极高的速度进入大气层,快到空管AI将标记为了一个火球考虑直接冲向了大使馆,显然事实上他并没有收到任何预警。

    His ship entered their atmosphere so fast air traffic AI registered it as a fireball and considering the beeline he made to the embassy, he must've had virtually no warning.


  • 标记速度标记精度镜式激光标记系统重要指标图形图像激光标记系统最重要的标记内容

    Marking speed and accuracy is the most important indicators of galvanometer-based marking systems. Graphics and images are the most important content of laser marking systems.


  • 为了提高免疫检测速度,实现生物样品在线分析研究磁性纳米线作为标记物的免疫传感器检测系统

    The immunosensor and detecting system based on magnetic nanowires were studied for rapid immune detection and on-line analysis of biological sample.


  • 最后给出系统精度速度指标测试数据给出实际标记样品图

    Finally, I list the testing data of marking speed and precision indicators and give the marking samples.


  • 常常涉及到标准的标记巧妙捷径利用表格设计页面可能大大放慢了页面的装载速度,使网站内容管理复杂化;专业设计网站版权申明:本站专业设计网站文章均来自网络。

    That often involved nonstandard tags or tricky shortcuts such as using tables to lay out a page, which could slow page-loading times drastically and complicate Web site content management.


  • 针对全身性红班性狼疮有效生物标记扮演支持全身性红班性狼疮治疗开发企业重要角色,促进市场新药研发速度的主要因素。

    The identification of valid biomarkers for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) will be an important aid to companies developing drugs for SLE and may speed drug development in this market.


  • 针对全身性红班性狼疮有效生物标记扮演支持全身性红班性狼疮治疗开发企业重要角色,促进市场新药研发速度的主要因素。

    The identification of valid biomarkers for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) will be an important aid to companies developing drugs for SLE and may speed drug development in this market.


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