• 论述了射程辨识最小速度值及其出现时间方法

    What's more, the method of recognizing the minimum velocity and its built-up time by the missile's course is discussed.


  • 如何发送虚假速度一个真实的设备的应用程序

    How to send fake Accelerometer values to an app on a real device?


  • 粒度一定情况下,床层高度变化影响临界速度

    Meanwhile, the change of the bed height does not affect the critical air velocity when the particle size of arenaceous quartz is fixed.


  • 爬坡车道设置主要取决于坡道上容许的最小速度通行能力

    The climbing lane establishment has mainly been depended on highway capacity and the allowable speed value.


  • 结果减振设计使得系统响应均方根速度明显降低

    Results The test results showed that the acceleration root-mean-square values were considerably reduced.


  • 速度速度相对时间变化。加速度根据确定的方向为正或者

    Acceleration: a change in velocity with respect to time. Values are either positive or negative with standard orientation.


  • 光线条件很差要求特殊的效果时,能让手动选择光圈快门速度

    Enable manual user-selected aperture and shutter speed Settings for individual creative effects or difficult lighting conditions.


  • 传感器应用加工技术制成具有测试速度响应速度快等特点。

    The micro sensor array of the acceleration is made by the technology of IC manufacture and characterized by measuring large value of the acceleration, and rapid response.


  • 技术为使用者提供直接数字显示速度一种简便可靠方法

    This technology offers the velocity value by Digital display directly. This is a simple and reliable good method.


  • 如果只是需要恒定速度该怎么,那你只需要知道这个矢量大小

    But, if you want just the usual speed as a number, then, what will you do? Well, you will just take exactly the magnitude of this vector.


  • 基于FPGA数据回收系统可以对冲击过程中的速度值进行实时采集回收。

    The system based on FPGA fits in with the real time measure of the acceleration in the process of high impulsion.


  • 利用灰色系统理论试验数据进行分析找出了对轴承振动速度值影响比较大参数

    We use grey system theory to analyze the experimental findings and found out the parameter which mostly affects the vibration velocity of tapered roller bearing.


  • 轴向速度呈“马鞍形分布径向速度值一个数量级,且分布呈非轴对称分布。

    Axial velocity presents a saddle-shaped distribution, and with a good axial symmetry except the inlet position. Radial velocity is less an order of magnitude with a non-axisymmetric distribution.


  • 同时分析冲头碰撞时,导致圆管由弹性变形塑性变形转化临界速度值

    We also analyse the critical velocity, at which elastic deformation translate to plastic deformation when the bullet impact the tube.


  • PCT竖向振动速度不大,均铁路桥梁检定规范》规定以内

    The values of the lateral and vertical vibration acceleration of PCT beam are all under the safety limits regulated by Code for Rating Railway Bridges.


  • 晶试样增速减速速度值同时,实际共晶生长速度变化过程对称的逆曲线

    The variation curves of the eutectic growth rates are approximately symmetric for the increase and decrease in the displacement velocity at the same acceleration.


  • 后者则是得到雷波速度利用密度瑞雷波速的相关关系计算各层实度。

    Using the latter, with the correlativity of soil 'density and the velocity of the Rayleigh surface wave, we can obtain the compaction of the subgrade.


  • 被动悬挂相比,采用磁流变阻尼器机车横向半主动悬挂系统显著降低悬挂质量速度值

    Compared to the passive system, the acceleration of the sprung mass, and suspension travel is significantly reduced for the system with a controlled MR damper.


  • 同事们实践速度提升到了理论速度(Parkin博士试验中也实现了这一成绩)。

    He and his colleagues (and also Dr Parkin, in a separate experiment) have persuaded practice to match theory.


  • 测得的结果为弹丸飞行方向上速度值方法雷达常规天幕靶测速系统相比,测量精度较高

    Contrasted with the radar and the general sky-screen system, the method presented here has higher precision.


  • 并将车辆弯道下坡路段仿真得出安全速度通过数学模型计算得到的安全速度进行了比较。

    Articles vehicles in the corners and descent rate of simulation shows the safety value calculated by the corresponding mathematical model of road safety under the conditions of velocity are compared.


  • 撇开速度不谈,这个其他所有相当不错,且具有令人敬畏伤害输出集中在全力的之中。

    Except for Speed, the Behemoth has pretty good Numbers all around and has the advantage that his very respectable damage output is concentrated into one big attack.


  • 大量动视点行车实验基础上,提出以“瞳孔面积最大瞬态速度”(MTPA)为视觉负荷评价指标

    Based on a large number of eye movement driving experiments, the evaluation index of visual overload named "maximum transient velocity value of pupil area" (MTPA) was established.


  • 利用计算方案航空重力测量的GPS速度数据以及构造的模拟速度数据进行处理得到平滑速度值

    The GPS velocity data and simulation velocity data of airborne vector gravimetry is processed to yield the smoothed acceleration by using the computing method above.


  • 整个加工过程中,追求目标优化函数达到极小求解整个过程中一系列最佳切削速度进给量

    In the whole machining process, make the objective optimization function reaches its minimum to solve a series of best cutting speed and feed value.


  • 线性测试结果表明该复合量程速度具有好的线性度,因而可以同时测量四个不同的量程的加速度值

    Finally, the testing demonstrates that such a multi-ranged sensor has a good linearity, thus it can be used to measure four accelerations within four individual ranges.


  • 糖指数可以估测出,你吃完饭后,食物中的葡萄糖是以速度分解血液中的这一速度范围是0100 。

    The GI rates how quickly glucose is released into the bloodstream after eating, with a ranking from 0 to 100.


  • 通过室内振动震动模拟试验,测试不同柔性材料在震动条件下速度值,对其减震性能作了一些初步的探讨。

    Through vibration simulation test on the room flask vibration table, the acceleration of different flexible dispersed grain material under vibration condition was tested.


  • 首先pn进行分析,结果表明线性关系计算速度华南地区近震走时中所用地壳模型中的速度值一致

    First, we analyze the head wave PN, it shows that it's good in linearity relation, and the value of PN velocity counted out is same to the crust model using in the list of pass time of HuaNan seism.


  • 首先pn进行分析,结果表明线性关系计算速度华南地区近震走时中所用地壳模型中的速度值一致

    First, we analyze the head wave PN, it shows that it's good in linearity relation, and the value of PN velocity counted out is same to the crust model using in the list of pass time of HuaNan seism.


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