• 一位骑士说:“只鸟使想起了我们逝去皇后的八音盒。”

    "How much the bird reminds me of the musical box that belonged to our blessed Empress," said an old knight.


  • 因此这个周末我们纪念阵亡将士纪念日,号召大家我们逝去英雄们牢记心间如果可以的话,他们安息地方束花吧!

    So this weekend, as we commemorate Memorial Day, I ask you to hold all our fallen heroes in your hearts, and if you can, to lay a flower where they have come to rest.


  • 摄影本身只是捕捉一个逝去瞬间力量在于隐喻因为摄影抓获了我们思想不是我们抓获了所拍摄的主体

    The photograph by itself is only a token of a moment gone by. Its power lies in the metaphor, for photography captures our minds more than we capture the subject.


  • 我们太阳类似恒星已经安然逝去演变成了颗密实白矮星

    The star, which was similar to our sun, had died peacefully and turned into a dense White Dwarf.


  • 自从那个九月早晨以来,年时间过去了,但逝去时间永远不会减轻烙印我们民族意识之中伤痛损失

    And while nine years have come and gone since that September morning, the passage of time will never diminish the pain and loss forever seared in the consciousness of our nation.


  • 为此我们采访了八位前沿作家为了纪念他们逝去爱情他们将会捐献一些物品博物馆

    We asked eight leading writers what items they would donate to the museum in honour of their own lost loves.


  • 全球金融最近时代——也许我们正在逝去时代”——不同一个世纪之前金融浪潮

    The recent era of global finance - perhaps we should speak of it as being past? - differed from the financial surge of a century ago.


  • 西南航空早年广告我们回想起一个逝去时代

    ADVERTS from the early years of Southwest Airlines evoke a lost era.


  • 对于我们来说感恩节只是全家团聚祝福日子,也是回忆那些逝去亲人和美好的回忆好机会。

    For us, Thanksgiving is not only a time of celebration of family and blessings, but also a time to remember relatives long deceased and to enjoy the memories.


  • 记忆永远不会我们逝去亲朋好友离我们远去。既然能够我们所爱永远留在心底,我们所爱的人也应该我们永远的记住

    Memories are never to be buried along with the loss of our very loved ones. To be forever remembered as someone whom we always love, they always should be.


  • 我们记住并且敬畏那些逝去生命们。

    We remember with reverence the lives we lost.


  • 尽管不是我们本意他们还是逝去了。

    That's hardly our intention, but they die nonetheless.


  • 希望大家这些逝去英雄留下心爱的人们致敬,为他们些力所能及的事情,照顾我们军属家庭

    We are called to honor them by doing our part for the loved ones our fallen heroes have left behind and looking after our military families.


  • 敏锐的作者通过直接和间接双重感受证实了父亲的逝去,假如我们没有了解作者的个人感受,那我们知道死亡安详“的吗?

    Good writers do double-takes on received wisdom.Enjoying no access to the subjective experience, how can we determine that any death ispeaceful”?


  • 我们已经经受了家人生命健康逝去痛苦

    We've suffered an agonising seven years which has ruined the lives and health of my family.


  • 逝去年华我们偷走一样一样东西。

    The passing years steal from us one thing after another.


  • 不论初衷有多只要破坏后花园任一土地我们都将重蹈逝去先人的覆辙

    As long as we disturb soil on any kind of scale beyond the backyard garden, no matter how good our intentions, we will follow the path of all lost civilizations.


  • 公正上帝我们指引我们纪念逝去人们,让我们美国理想奋斗,让我们充满希望面向未来

    With a just God as our guide, let us honor those who have been lost, let us rededicate ourselves to the ideals that define our nation, and let us look to the future with hearts full of hope.


  • 既然我们已经领略蔚蓝天空模样我们不想逝去

    Now that we have seen how blue the sky really can be, we don't want to give it away.


  • 我们谈起自己已经长大了,逝去孩童时光流下

    We talked about how we are grown up now and shed a few tears for our childhood days gone by.


  • 埃赫纳在雕塑园揭幕仪式上如此形容他所处的时代:“这个展厅所代表的是那个逝去的城市我们的城市不再是那种样子,它挤压被碾平、被进无数没有脸孔的结构。”

    As Buechner put it when the sculpture garden was inaugurated: "Unlike the disappearing city represented in this garden, our city is being extruded, rolled out and poured into blank-faced forms."


  • 很多时候我们不下的,实在并不是对方,而是那些逝去共同回忆

    Most of the time, and let us not put, it is not each other, but those who lost memories together.


  • 人们乔布斯逝去回应成了一个标志性事件,我们意识到,我们常用手机电脑数码产品对我们来说是如此重要

    the response to the death of Steve Jobs this month was emblematic of how important our do-it-all phones, our computers, our tablets and related digital devices have become.


  • 朋友70,80岁或者90岁逝去时,我们或许会感到悲伤并且非常思念他们但是对于他们活着的很长的岁月,我们心怀感激的。

    When friends die who are seventy, eighty, or ninety years old, we may be in deep grief and miss them very much, but we are grateful that they had long lives.


  • 朋友70,80岁或者90逝去时,我们或许感到悲伤并且非常思念他们但是对于他们活着很长的岁月,我们心怀感激的。

    When friends die who are seventy eighty or ninety years old we may be in deep grief and miss them very much but we are grateful that they had long lives.


  • 悄然逝去不仅仅时间还有我们青春

    Quietly gone, not only time, but also our youth.


  • 悄然逝去不仅仅时间还有我们青春

    Quietly gone, not only time, but also our youth.


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