• 通过规范研究实证分析结合陕西省渭河流域重点治理项目建设管理体制建设进行实证研究

    Through binding normative research and empirical analysis, research on the construction management system of the Wei river. The main work and achievements include the aspects as follows: 1.


  • 本文通过规范研究实证研究方法前人研究基础上对我国上市公司盈余管理方式进行研究分析

    Through ways of standardized and empirical research, the thesis researches and analyzes listed companies' methods of earnings management on the basis of predecessors' researches.


  • 通过当地地质学家工程师合作专家研究当地土地性质和最实用建筑规范类型。

    Working with local geologists and engineers, the experts have studied the nature of the ground and the type of most practical building code for the local area.


  • 经过大量研究之后,Eclipse创建者决定通过实现OSGi框架规范替换专用插件框架。

    After considerable research, the Eclipse creators decided to replace the proprietary plug-in framework by implementing the OSGi framework specification.


  • 当代西方建筑思潮为了冲破现代主义教条规范通过融贯的综合研究建筑领域带来突破

    The contemporary western architectural trend of thought brings the new break-through for the architecture through comprehensive study to breach the doctrine and standard of modernism.


  • 数据服务主要是通过MOF规范研究实现基于MOF的异构数据元数据管理存储

    Metadata service implemented the MOF based metadata management and storage of heterogeneous data through the research of MOF criterion.


  • 研究A股票承销业务风险管理目的就是要找出如何通过建立规范的业务程序及风险管理程序及方法来规避、减小证券公司风险

    The aims of discussing risk management of a underwriting stocks business is to set up business and risk management procedure to small and evade risks of underwriting stocks business.


  • 通过停车设施几何设计研究来完善我国规范中的不足之处和停车设施几何设计提供理论依据是必要且可行的。

    By research on geometry of parking facility design, it not only solves the questions of our country standard, but also provides the theory basis.


  • 通过研究本文提出提高建筑业从业人员工程保证担保制度认识规范完善工程保证担保市场等解决对策。

    Through research, this paper proposes to enhance the awareness of construction professionals on engineering guarantee system, and improve the engineering guarantee market.


  • 通过蓝牙核心规范1.2主机控制接口研究分析蓝牙基带主机侧的通讯机制以及通讯方法。

    Based on the researching of mainframe control interface of Bluetooth's core standard 1.2, This article analyzed the Bluetooth's baseband layer and the communications mechanisms of the mainframe.


  • 通过试验研究解决一些规范无法计算波浪

    Through test study some wave forces which cann't be calculated by standard have been solved.


  • 通过研究证明方法完全适合《民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范GB50325-2001试验要求

    The method is proved to be meeting the requirements of Control Standard of Room Environmental Pollution for Civil Architecture Engineering GB50325-2001 through research.


  • 文章建立国内外研究成果基础上,通过规范分析提出相应的策略。

    The paper is based on the researches of inside and outside, to table some proposals through normative analysis.


  • 研究结合规范经验通过正交试验找到符合惠州地区特点较优路面纤维混凝土配比

    Through orthogonal experiment the good ratio of fiber-concrete suited for the concrete pavement in Huizhou city considering the standard and experience.


  • 本文通过实证规范研究论证自主GVC模式中国汽车产业升级可靠路径

    Based on empirical study and standardize research, this paper demonstrates that independent GVC model is the dependable upgrading path for Chinas automobile industry.


  • 通过铝合金7175T74试验研究,给出了7175T74合金锻造工艺参数。 依此工艺生产的锻件性能达到美国宇航材料规范AMS4149A规定的技术指标。

    By experimental research on the superhard aluminum alloy 7175T74, the parameters of forging process of 7175T74 are given, which achieve the mechanical property of the of U. S. 'AMS4149A.


  • 目的通过姜黄农艺措施优化数学模型研究,为制定规范栽培技术提供依据

    Objective:To work out standardized cultivating measures for Curcuma longa according to the analysis of fresh rhizome simulation model.


  • 摘要本文基于发包方视角通过规范分析实证研究相结合方法探讨国际服务外包获取发包商初始信任影响因素

    Abstract: From the perspective of clients, this paper USES normative analysis and empirical research to study the factors influencing clients' initial trust in international service outsourcing.


  • 教育技术通过创造使用管理适当的技术过程和资源,进行便利学习和改进绩效研究符合道德规范实践

    Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resource.


  • 通过焊接工字腹板屈曲后强度理论分析试验研究,得出一些规范修订重要参考价值结论

    For the code revising, some important conclusions have been drawn through the theoretical analysis and experimental research of the post-buckling strength of web plates of I-section girder.


  • 教育技术通过创建运用管理适当的技术过程资源促进学习提升绩效研究符合职业道德规范实践

    Educational Technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.


  • 教育技术通过创建运用管理适当技术过程资源促进学习提升绩效研究符合职业道德规范实践

    Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological process and resources.


  • 教育技术通过创建运用管理适当技术过程资源促进学习提升绩效研究符合职业道德规范实践

    Educational Technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological process and resources.


  • 通过GPS测量误差研究设计技术方案时采取相应措施消除误差影响,严格按照测量规范进行操作,尽量避免并减少误差从而提高成果的可靠性和精确性。

    Through the study of GPS measurement errors, understanding errors in the design of technical solutions take the appropriate measures to eliminate or weaken these effects.


  • 方法通过制定数据来源采集标准规范病症腧穴名称,将数据挖掘技术运用于古代针灸治疗胃脘痛特定穴规律研究

    Methods: Through formulating the source and standards of collection of data, specifying the name of disease and acupoints, using data mining technology to analyze it.


  • 对于该界定翻译,彭绍东教授把其翻译为:教育技术通过创造使用管理适当的技术过程资源,促进学习改善绩效研究符合道德规范实践

    Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.


  • 本文旨在通过研究工程量清单计价现实意义特征以及当前存在问题来探讨构建完善规范合同条件

    This paper discussed the importance, characteristics and existent problems of the Bill of Quantities, and then introduced the current problems of building a well-standardized contract condition.


  • 本文旨在通过研究工程量清单计价现实意义特征以及当前存在问题来探讨构建完善规范合同条件

    This paper discussed the importance, characteristics and existent problems of the Bill of Quantities, and then introduced the current problems of building a well-standardized contract condition.


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