• 盖上设有两个连接,系绳通过两系浮标相连

    The movable cover is provided with two tied rings connected with tied ropes; the tied ropes are connected with a buoy through two tied rope holes arranged on the top of the box body.


  • 可以通过便当发送爱慕信息

    You can send "love" messages through his lunchbox.


  • 这是卢旺达人民加入新领域并改变其生活的一个机会,”赫尔曼说,“通过建设更多的马村,卢旺达有机会成为一个数字农业国家。”

    "It's a chance for Rwandan people to join the new field and change their lives," Herman said, "Through building more Hema Villages, Rwanda has the chance to become a country of digital agriculture."


  • 如果本本坠地,电脑内胆包通过吸收冲击力降低损伤

    Sleeves and cases can reduce the damage from falls by absorbing the impact if the notebook gets dropped.


  • TCS设计出一种通过移动电话电视互联网联系起来的机

    TCS has designed a box that connects the television to the Internet via a mobile phone.


  • 例如前一篇文章通过创建正方形Face对象使用参数- 9调用pushpull方法形成了一个状立体图形。

    For example, the previous article formed a box by creating a square Face object and calling the pushpull method with an argument of -9.


  • 如果现有PlayStation3游戏机或者DirectTV,你幸运按照对应厂商的说法,这些设备通过固件升级可以具备3 D功能

    If you have a PlayStation 3 or a DirectTV box, you're in luck: These devices will gain 3-d capability through firmware upgrades, according to their respective manufacturers.


  • 这种智能芯片火柴还稍,而现今最好植入物却仅仅火柴一样大小,这种芯片通过阻断传向大脑疼痛信号来发挥作用

    Slightly smaller than the head of a match - the best implants today are only as small as a matchbox - the chip works by blocking pain signals on their way to the brain.


  • 通过顾客提供标准化信封以及要求标签标有一致的信息这些公司建立起一套可靠的跟踪系统

    By providing standard envelopes and boxes to customers and requiring consistent information on the shipping label, these companies were able to build sophisticated tracking systems.


  • 好莱坞方面希望消费者通过他们机顶自选电视那样电影

    Hollywood wants to persuade consumers to rent films as videos-on-demand through their cable and satellite boxes.


  • 案件牵涉到一家有线电视公司查特通讯通过置顶供应商交易扩大利益收入

    The case involves a cable company, Charter Communications, which used a transaction with two suppliers of set-top boxes to inflate its revenues.


  • 简化系统方法之一就是省略了通常内核文件系统使用容量闪存这个机顶通过网络引导。

    One way that this system was streamlined was by omitting the large flash storage that would typically be used for a kernel and root file system; instead, the box boots over the network.


  • 每一个儿童可以使用火柴大小内置GPS技术呼机激活附近摄像头通过手机通知父母警方

    Each child will be able to use their matchbox-sized beeper, fitted with GPS (global positioning system) technology, to activate any nearby cameras and alert parents and police via mobile phone.


  • 问题出现了因为用户宁愿选择直接访问下一张卡片而不通过对话框屏幕输入数据

    Our problem arises because the user may choose to go directly to the next deck or card rather than go to the input dialog screen and enter data in the field.


  • 由于电视机已经网络连接到了一起,因此无论是直接还是通过机顶,或是通过蓝光播放器,抑或是游戏机信息数量都将激增

    As televisions connect to the Internet, either directly or through set-top boxes, Blu-ray players and games consoles, the quantity of content will explode.


  • 安全通过构建一个明确概念,来安全地访问宿主平台底层功能

    Secured bridge packages, which allow access to the functionality of the underlying host platform in a secure way by establishing a well defined sandbox concept.


  • 例如我们大约30%能量消耗家里通过电源插座线背部范围损失的热量高惊人。

    For instance, we squander about 30 percent of the energy in our homes. What's surprising is the amount of heat we lose through the area behind electrical outlet junction boxes.


  • 张先生通过组装纸板每个月能260美元,但是生活花销之后,基本上多少钱。 不像一代人那样的拼命存钱也是种巨大转变

    Mr. Zhang saves almost nothing of the $260-a-month salary he earns assembling cardboard boxes, another notable shift from the previous generation, which saved voraciously.


  • 冰箱可能通过阅读架上牛奶产品有效期,知道需要更多牛奶。

    The fridge will know that you need more milk by reading the expiration date on the radio frequency ID tag of the milk carton currently on one of its shelves.


  • 尽管TunerFish提供这些服务眼下只能网上使用,但这个公司最终可以通过在借助机顶运行程序使这些功能在电视上实现。

    Although TunerFish is available only on the Web for now, the company says it could eventually be brought to the TV screen through an application running on a set-top box.


  • AppleTV机顶,价格229美元,放在客厅里,通过一个标准的家庭影院系统播放数字音频视频

    One is an Apple TV, a $229 set-top box in my living room that plays digital audio and video through a standard home-theater system.


  • 没有iTunes一样的软件同步照片音乐视频到手机上;只有手机通过USB数据线接到Mac或者PC上之后才能通过手动拖动操作。

    There’s no companion program like iTunes to sync your photos, music and videos to the phone; you’re expected to drag these items to the phone manually after connecting via USB cable to your Mac or PC.


  • 出租类中,利润最高通过有线卫星电视机顶实现的视频点播,平均每部达到3.5美元。

    The most profitable form of rental is a video-on-demand delivered through a cable or satellite set-top box, which is worth $3.50.


  • 平台使用概念隔离应用程序,并且通过自己应用服务器许多计算机当然,是Linux上构建提供一个可靠环境

    The platform also uses the sandbox concept to isolate applications and provide a reliable environment over a large number of computers (built, of course, on Linux) using their own application server.


  • 而且通过实例研究证明通过利用技术不用修改OS源代码实现这个有用的os服务例程。

    Through case studies, we demonstrate the utility of gray-box techniques, by implementing the useful "OS-like" service without modifying a single line of OS source code.


  • AppEngine通过Internet引用Python应用程序提供一个(将来支持更多的语言)。

    App Engine provides you with a sandbox for your Python application that can be referenced over the Internet (and additional languages will be supported in the future).


  • 通过这样做,可以不同机顶AminoKreatel设备提供类似外观不受机顶浏览器支持的限制。

    You can provide a similar look-and-feel for different set-top box (Amino, Kreatel) devices, despite the set-top box browser support.


  • 识货的人通过网上商店定购份六装的。

    Connoisseurs can order a six-pack at onlinestore.smucker.


  • 官员负责电影网站结合电影片段通过视频B -引人入胜内容转换身临其境现场

    Official movie site for The Box. An immersive site through video transitions incorporating film footage and b-roll and compelling content.


  • 官员负责电影网站结合电影片段通过视频B -引人入胜内容转换身临其境现场

    Official movie site for The Box. An immersive site through video transitions incorporating film footage and b-roll and compelling content.


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