• 来自华尔街的行业战略分析布莱恩·索兹(BrianSozzi提到沃尔玛来讲,这次购并大关键目的通过压低价格增加销售额,进而扩大(非洲的)市场份额。”

    Brian Sozzi, an analyst at Wall Street Strategies, notes that "one key thing in [the Massmart] deal for Wal-Mart is to gain market share through increased volume which comes from lower prices."


  • IBMCognos8BIScorecarding帮助用户分析通过指示板获得报告结果转换为指标然后产生前瞻性战略

    IBM Cognos 8 BI Scorecarding: Helps you take the analysis from the reports you got through the dashboards, turn it into a metric, then generate a forward-looking strategy from the analysis.


  • 通过跨国公司本土化战略实证分析提出跨国公司建立竞争优势主要途径

    By positive analysis, this academic paper presents the main methods for competitive advantage construction of MNCs.


  • 作者通过战略沟通障碍分析提出战略沟通一些原则以及进行有效战略沟通的基本模式

    Through the analysis of the obstacles in the strategy communication, the author gives some basic models in building up the effective strategy communication model in this article.


  • 文章通过ibm商业领导力模型分析,具体回答什么动态能力、动态能力如何帮助企业在战略执行之间进行协调

    This paper try to answer the question what are dynamic capabilities and how dynamic capabilities coordinate strategy and Execution through analyzing the case of IBMs business leadership model.


  • 通过内外部战略环境综合分析发现企业潜在机会优势

    Pass the synthesize analysis of the strategy environmental discovers latent opportunity and advantage in business enterprise.


  • 本文通过分析传统成本管理方法弊端提出新的成本管理方式——战略成本管理。

    This text puts forward the new cost management method - Strategic Cost Management (SCM) through analyzing the weakness of the traditional cost management method.


  • 通过分析大量数据发现解决复杂问题,产生基于整个企业战略部署

    Analyze huge quantities of data to make discoveries, solve complex problems and deploy results throughout the enterprise.


  • 本文还通过深圳建设银行关外市场竞争战略分析选择全过程,直观地印证了本文理论成果在实践中的成功运用。

    In the last chapter, looking through the analysis and choice of Shenzhen China Construction Bank Outside-custom Market competition strategy, verified the practicability of the study result.


  • 文章通过湖南有色金属矿产资源现状存在问题分析提出湖南有色金属矿产资源的开发战略

    Through the analyses of the current situation and problems of Hunan nonferrous metal mineral resources, the article has brought forward the strategy of the resources.


  • 本文力图通过各种分析中国松香产业提供增强国际竞争优势战略促进中国松香国际贸易微薄之力。

    Through various analysis, the article is to offer strategies for the competitive power on the international market, and do some contribution for the international trade of Chinese gum rosin.


  • 通过典型实例分析模式战略优势实施障碍风险

    By typical cases, this paper analyzes the strategic advantages, implementation barriers and risks of the new pattern.


  • 本文通过分析战略成本控制特点优势探析成本控制集团企业实施路径

    This article through the analysis strategy cost control's characteristic and the superiority, searches analyzes the cost control in the group enterprise's implementation way.


  • 通过我国轮胎行业现状分析,进一阐述我国轮胎企业名牌战略实施

    By analyzing the present situation of tire enterprises, the implementation of China tire enterprises' top-brand strategy was set forth.


  • 文章通过分析企业近年来面临严峻形势,论述实施名牌战略作用意义

    Through the analysis of rigorous situation facing to enterprises for years, the effect and the significance of carrying out the famous brand strategy have been discussed.


  • 通过分析企业战略调整影响因素建立动态管理模式,由此才能获得基于企业动态战略管理的持续竞争优势

    The enterprise obtains continue the competitive advantage based on dynamic strategic management, through analysis enterprise strategy adjustment influence factors.


  • 第二部分:通过县域工业化一般规律分析提出了县域工业化意义基本战略

    Part two: By analyzing the general regularity of county industrialization, the author proposes the significance and the basic strategy of county industrialization.


  • 通过战略节点分析形成具有实践价值图表模型

    Through the analysis of the strategic nodes, forming a practical value of the diagrams and models.


  • 通过学习学员们获得特定行业管理工具以及战略分析技术,并借此争取公司内部负有国际责任高层职务

    Students will acquire management tools specific to the sector as well as strategic analysis techniques allowing them to assume high-level responsibilities in companies with international vocation.


  • 通过纳什均衡解讨论行业竞争格局作出有效分析制订公司竞争战略提供科学依据

    By discussing the solution of Nash Equilibrium, we can effectively analyse the structure of market competition, and provide the scientific basis for company design competitive strategy.


  • 第四通过几个案例分析介绍战略管理会计一些应用提出了自己尝试性的应用设想

    By analyzing some cases in chapter four, I introduce the application of strategy management accounting and put forward my idea of its application.


  • 德国邮政物流战略进行了分析通过分析绘制出德国邮政世界的物流模式。

    The paper analyzes the logistics strategy of the Germany Post and illustrates its logistics mode of worldwide networks.


  • 本文原意解剖麻雀”,旨在通过具有现实意义个案研究达到战略管理分析方法和思想的融会贯通。

    The original intention of the thesis is "anatomize sparrow", namely, through the real-life single analysis to the fundamental of analysis method.


  • 通过分析传统采购特点采购角色转变我们引出战略采购概念

    According to the analyses of the feature of traditional purchasing and the conversion of purchasing roles, we are introducing the concept of strategic procurement.


  • 第三,通过分析国内外物流企业战略案例归纳生命周期各阶段选择典型战略,共总结出四大类二十战略

    Then, more than twenty kinds of optional typical strategies for four periods in the life circle were summarized by analyzing the domestic and international logistics business strategy cases.


  • 通过我国水泥产业主要经济特征分析论文指出了产业主要经济特征对我国水泥企业经营战略制定重要作用

    The thesis also points out the importance of cement industry's economic character to the planning of cement company's strategy in our country by analyzing the industry's main economic character.


  • 通过企业客户知识管理现状调查审计工作企业客户知识战略差距进行了分析

    The corporate knowledge strategic gap in customer knowledge is analyzed based on survey and audit of the current state of corporate CKM.


  • 最后通过一个典型案例,对战略整合实际操作进行具体分析

    Finally, adopt a typical case to specific analysis the actual operation of the strategy integration.


  • 最后通过一个典型案例,对战略整合实际操作进行具体分析

    Finally, adopt a typical case to specific analysis the actual operation of the strategy integration.


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