• 模型采用参数可以通过压缩试验分析沉降资料方法获得

    The parameters adopted in the model can be obtained by compression tests or referred to similar settlement record data.


  • 通过压缩试验研究了供应态h 62黄铜棒材所表现塑性变形力学特性。

    The mechanical behavior of commercial brass H62 bar under superplastic deformation was investigated by compression testing.


  • 本文介绍了压缩空气A泡沫灭火系统组成工作原理通过试验得到了系统一些应用结论并提出今后的研究方向。

    The paper introduces the parts and operating principle of the compressed air class A foam system and gets some conclusions about the application theory of the system through test.


  • 通过道次压缩热模拟试验得到了BS 700 MC的应力-真应变曲线

    Through single pass thermo-simulation compression experiment, the true stress-strain curves were obtained for BS700MC.


  • 文章通过压缩负荷试验研究了外部应力抑制方法

    In the paper, the mitigation method for the external stress type whisker was studied through compressive load test.


  • 通过室内试验,对水泥改良物理性质应力-应变关系强度特性压缩特性进行了研究

    Based on indoor tests, the physical properties, stress-strain relationship, intensity behaviors and compressibility of the modified soil with cement are studied in the paper.


  • 到目前为止通过拉伸压缩弯曲试验测得了木材弹性量。

    So far, we have found that the static elastic modulus of wood can only be measured through the experiments of tension, compression and bending.


  • 通过三峡花岗岩进行常规三轴压缩试验得到不同应力—应变全过程曲线

    Based on the conventional triaxial compression tests of the Three Gorges granite, the complete stress-strain curves under different confining pressures have been attained.


  • 方案指导下,提出jpeg压缩图像合并水印算法,通过试验证明算法具有很强的抗压缩性和抗合并性。

    In the direction of this scheme, a watermark algorithm is proposed which can resist the JPEG lossy compressing and images uniting question. The test results prove its both characters.


  • 最后通过试验发现,算法对于以三样条插值等值线数据压缩行之有效的。

    Finally it is will be proved by experiment that this algorithm is effectual for the compression of isoline interpolated with cubic parameter spline.


  • 通过压缩部件进行动力学频谱分析,结合所做台架振动噪声试验研究探讨压缩机的振动和噪声问题。

    Research and discussion on the noise and vibration of the compressor is conducted through dynamic spectrum analysis of the compressor parts and noise and vibration test on the bench.


  • 通过间隙性能试验间接验证泄漏滚动转子式压缩影响

    The effect of leakage on the rolling piston compressor Can be validated indirectly through the performance experimentation for variable clearances.


  • 通过超声波单轴压缩试验岩石扩容现象测试,分析超声横波不同岩石压缩过程中的传播情况

    By the test about the volumetric dilatancy in rocks under the uniaxial compression with ultrasonic, the propagation of ultrasonic S-wave was analyzed in the compressing process of different rocks.


  • 模型计算参数共有9个,可以方便地通过原状土的有侧无侧压缩试验测定

    This model contains 9 parameters which can be easily determined by conventional both confined and unconfined compression test.


  • 通过心电压缩试验表明:(1算法能够有效的对心电数据进行无损压缩得到编码更好的压缩比;

    Test with ECG data, we drew a conclusion following:(1) This algorithm can lossless compress ECG data and yield a high compression ratio than Huffman algorithm.


  • 最后通过岩样压缩试验得出了不同岩样岩石应力、应变曲线发射特性之间变化规律

    Finally, the rule of the change between the curve of stress-strain and the characteristics of acoustic emission in different rocks were obtained through the compression tests of different rocks.


  • 通过室内试验利用模拟地层应力研究有效应力岩心渗透率孔隙度、岩石压缩系数之间的关系。

    An experimental study in laboratory was carried out to determine the effect of ground stress on core porosity, permeability and compressibility by using confined pressure to simulate terra stress.


  • 通过大理岩标准岩石试件进行单轴压缩巴西劈裂试验探讨不同加载方式破坏后岩石碎块分布影响

    Based on Brazilian Split test and uniaxial compressive test for standard marble samples, the influence of the loading form on the distribution of rock fragments is discussed.


  • 通过不同温度不同应变饱和冻结中砂进行压缩试验获得了静载下饱和冻结中砂弹性量。

    Uniaxial compression tests are performed on saturated frozen sand at various temperatures and strain rates. The elastic modulus is obtained from these tests.


  • 通过烧结圆柱试样单向压缩试验验证粉末冶金烧结材料广义塑性屈服条件合理性适用性

    Based on the single axial compression of sintered iron cylinder specimens, the rationality and applicability of generalized yield criterion are validated for sintered powder metallurgy materials.


  • 通过一系列室内三轴压缩试验研究砂土变形特性临界状态

    A series of triaxial compression tests were performed to investigate the deformation characteristics and critical state of sand.


  • 最后通过样机试验分析说明该垃圾压缩收集性能经济效益

    Finally, it illustrates the performance and economic benefit of the compress-collector by experiment and analysis on the sample machine.


  • 第五通过单向压缩试验cu试验,得出吹填微结构特征参数荷载变化的规律

    Fifthly, the discipline of micro-structure characteristic parameters change by the load has been received through compression test and triaxial CU test.


  • 本文通过压缩试验研究了加载速度萝卜力学特性影响,为加工装置设计及安全运输的管理提供理论依据。

    In this paper, the effect of the loading speed rate on mechanical properties was studied by applying uniaxial compression tor...


  • 摘要通过煤矿3#煤层进行单轴压缩巴西劈裂、捣碎法以及荷载试验,对试验结果进行分析。

    Abstract : A series of uniaxial compression test, Brazilian test, crushing compression test and point load test on coal samples from Zhangcun mine 3# coal seam were carried out.


  • 通过室内试验 ,利用模拟地层应力研究了有效应力岩心渗透率、孔隙度、岩石压缩系数之间关系

    The relationships between the permeability of the reservoir and confined pressure and confined pressure cycle are studied by experiments.


  • 通过试验表明算法一种简单高效实用图像压缩方案

    The experiments indicate that it is a practical image coding scheme with simplicity and high efficiency.


  • 第二通过单向压缩试验、三轴剪切试验灵敏度试验,研究不同成因不同深度淤泥质粘土结构性和结构强度,研究表明具有很强的结构性。

    Secondly, the structural behaviour and strength of structure of mucky clay with different depth and cause of formation have been studied, which shows that they all have strong structural behaviour.


  • 通过试验证明方案行之有效,并且压缩为7:1。

    Through the experiments we can see the scheme is efficient and the compression ratio is 7:1.


  • 通过试验证明方案行之有效,并且压缩为7:1。

    Through the experiments we can see the scheme is efficient and the compression ratio is 7:1.


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