• 贷款引起通货膨胀等于是印发钞票引起通货膨胀(只不过没有直说)。

    So to say that inflation is caused by a lending boom is to say that inflation is caused by the printing of money (but without actually saying it).


  • 管理层薪资水平以及股票债券贷款通货期货获得的附带收益合同方面加强监管。

    It also expands oversight of executive compensation and derivatives, contracts whose value is derived from stocks, bonds, loans, currencies and commodities.


  • 经历了清理时期长达十年储蓄贷款都化为乌有,在调整通货膨胀之后,美国纳税人1700亿2050亿美元的钱就这样消失了。

    That was during the clean-up phase of a decade-long savings-and-loan meltdown that wound up costing U.S. taxpayers $170 billion to $205 billion, after adjusting for inflation.


  • 就在住房通货膨胀水平最高几年房利美房地退一边他们很晚才借助这个可疑贷款,而其主要意图是回复市场份额

    During the peak years of housing inflation, Fannie and Freddie were pushed to the sidelines; they only got into dubious lending late in the game, as they tried to regain market share.


  • 债务人通常害怕通货紧缩意味着增加贷款实际价值

    Debtors might normally dread deflation, which increases the real value of their loans.


  • 英国几乎存在抵押贷款减记总体债务水平下降是由相对较高通货膨胀推动的。

    In Britain, where there have been virtually no mortgage write-downs, relatively high inflation has pushed down the overall debt burden.


  • 央行今年虽先后五次加息,但加息步伐赶不上日渐加快的通货膨胀率增幅,因此实际贷款成本不仅没有增加甚至下降了

    Five increases in interest rates have barely kept up with accelerating inflation, thus the cost of borrowing didn't rise, or even declined, in real terms.


  • 应对通货膨胀方面今年中央银行上调利率并且商业贷款上调存款储备率

    To fight inflation, the central bank has raised interest rates three times and increased the required reserve ratio for commercial lenders six times this year.


  • 年龄较的人贷款买房时候,避免了通货膨胀现象严重,此后通货膨胀的速度会放缓

    It helped that inflation was galloping when the older group was borrowing to buy homes, but slowed thereafter.


  • 银行家贷款生活质量满足感被夸大证券交易指数攀升房价通货膨胀当然起到了更大的作用。

    Stockmarket indices, soaring house prices and low inflation surely did more to feed bankers' and borrowers' exaggerated sense of well-being.


  • 然而DilmaRousseff必须加快脚步解决阻碍经济成长问题例如通货膨胀居高不下、巴西币值高估消费性贷款大幅增加

    But ms Rousseff must move quickly to tackle the problems of growth like high and rising inflation, an overvalued currency and a big increase in consumer credit.


  • 7月29日印度央行抑制温和通货膨胀月以来第三上调主要贷款利率至9%。

    Then on July 29th India's central bank raised its key lending rate for the third time in two months, to 9%, an attempt to curb cantering inflation.


  • 经济容易遭受奥地利学派经济学家们所说“再通货紧缩”(secondarydeflation)的冲击,即银行急于收回贷款,紧缩信贷

    The economy is vulnerable to what economists of the Austrian school of economics terms a “secondary deflation,” where banks call in loans and are stingy about extending credit.


  • 经济容易遭受奥地利学派经济学家们所说“再通货紧缩”(secondarydeflation)的冲击,即银行急于收回贷款,紧缩信贷

    The economy is vulnerable to what economists of the Austrian school of economics terms a "secondary deflation," where Banks call in loans and are stingy about extending credit.


  • 先前人们预测今年秋季通货膨胀率为百分之二,构成了大众消费模式借款/消费贷款/储蓄的转变。

    This fall in inflation, from its previous expected level around 2 percent per year, constitutes a big transfer from borrowers/spenders to net lenders/savers.


  • 由于这笔所谓超额准备金数额巨大,人们担心经济稍有好转,银行贷款猛增,从而引发通货膨胀

    This huge sum of so-called excess reserves has led to worries that any upturn in the economy will be met with an inflationary lending spike from Banks.


  • 这些权力能使该局影响贷款有效性费用因而可以控制经济通货膨胀通货紧缩趋势

    Those powers enable the Board to influence the availability and cost of money for loans, and thereby to check inflationary or deflationary trends in the economy.


  • 实证研究表明,我国通货膨胀率与M0M1M2以及贷款增长率之间存在正相关关系

    By empirical study, this paper indicates that there are positive relationships among inflation, M0, M1, M2 and the growth rate of loan.


  • 出现问题意想不到通货膨胀:债权人债务人失去获得贷款如果预期通货膨胀正确

    Problems arise when there is unanticipated inflation: Creditors lose and debtors gain if the lender does not anticipate inflation correctly.


  • 基金组织通过这些面临巨额逆差的国家提供短期外币贷款这些国家降低通货膨胀减少国际收支逆差赢得时间

    By providing deficit-laden countries with short-term foreign currency loans, IMF funds would buy time for countries to bring down their inflation rates and reduce their balance-of-payments deficits.


  • 可能反映银行积极放松贷款政策——通货膨胀率期望值增加了一点点——所取得的成功

    It may also reflect the success of the bank's aggressive easing-inflation expectations have edged up a bit.


  • 经历了清理时期长达十年储蓄贷款都化为乌有,在调整通货膨胀之后,美国纳税人1700亿2050亿美元的钱就这样消失了。

    That was during the clean-up phase of a decade-long savings-and-loan meltdown that wound up costing U. S. taxpayers $170 billion to $205 billion, after adjusting for inflation.


  • 消除通货膨胀应确保还贷应与所贷款价值34。消除通货膨胀应确保还贷的钱应与所贷款的价值相同

    The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would have the same value as the amount of money borrowed. 34.


  • 消除通货膨胀应确保还贷应与所贷款价值34。消除通货膨胀应确保还贷的钱应与所贷款的价值相同

    The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would have the same value as the amount of money borrowed. 34.


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