• 纳尔媒体采用板条式滑动构造精良,可完美地坚固面板相结合。

    The Nelson Media Cabinet features slatted, sliding doors which are exactingly constructed and perfectly marry into a solid panel.


  • 于是新兴博客Twitter建立自己杰克媒体

    The traffic on Twitter showed that the public was generating its own Jackson media.


  • 珍妮特·杰克唱片媒体进行大规模宣传

    Janet Jackson's new album has been heralded by a massive media campaign.


  • 戴利先生记者谈话总是很古怪,以致有人称为“英格兰语言杰克•波洛克美国抽象派表现主义艺术家)”。 虽然他自己从未受到诋毁,但是当他的团队受到丑闻攻击时,他和媒体关系日益紧张。

    Mr Daley’s odd dialogue with reporters (one calls himthe Jackson Pollock of the English language”) grew strained as scandals felled allies but never reached the mayor himself.


  • 杰克死讯报道可能已经证实每种媒体不管是媒体社会媒体还是主流媒体,它们新闻系统中占有一席之地,并且媒体不能代替另外一种媒体

    What the story of Jackson's demise might have actually proved is that each type of media -new, social, mainstream - has a part in the news ecosystem and one does not replace the other.


  • 同时,那些杰克引向衰落被告一定会媒体上挑起娱乐圈胃口

    In the meantime, those accused in the media of abetting Jackson's decline will surely highlight the star's appetites.


  • 反复使用名字“迈克尔·杰克”,突出名字是如何被具象化的——仅仅媒体构造一个鬼怪”,跟真正迈克尔脱离的。

    The repeated use of the name, "Michael Jackson," highlights the way his name has been objectified — it is simply a media construct, a "boogieman," that the real Michael feels detached from.


  • 不久前媒体提出这样猜想,迈克尔·杰克准备遗嘱拥有的甲壳虫乐队歌曲的版权份额留给,”麦卡尼网站上写道

    "Some time ago, the media came up with the idea that Michael Jackson was going to leave his share in the Beatles' songs to me in his will," McCartney wrote on his website.


  • 媒体报道洛杉矶验尸机构正在杰克一部分大脑进行神经病理测试也许杰克家庭推迟安葬计划原因。

    Media reports said the Los Angeles coroner's office was conducting neuropathology tests on part of Jackson's brain, which could be behind the delay in the family's burial plans.


  • 其他媒体报道不确定被迫去写文章传送有关杰克的广播,着“报道字面意义,同时相互引用着

    Other outlets, unsure of the reporting but forced to fill pages or air time on Jackson, made liberal use of the word "reportedly, " while quoting each other.


  • 主流媒体设法找出一些自己独家新闻,就像CNN有关杰克前的排列视频

    And the mainstream media manages to scare up some scoops of its own, like CNN's video of Jackson rehearsing three days before he died.


  • 因此面临项虐指控审判杰克再度引来了媒体歌迷的强烈关注。个月宣告无罪。

    This led to Jackson being charged with seven counts of child abuse, and a trial that transfixed both the media and fans until he was acquitted five months later.


  • 6月25日心脏停搏去世上周媒体报道杰克8月初一个私人仪式上安葬。

    Media reports last week said Jackson, who died June 25 of cardiac arrest, was buried in a private ceremony in early August.


  • 迈克尔·杰克去世我们意识到如今能够超越狭隘音乐类型新星已经之又少的时候,Gaga便的时间内横扫各大媒体

    She then stormed the media in a year when Michael Jackson's death reminded us how few new music stars transcend narrow genres anymore.


  • 6月主流媒体报道迈克尔·杰克去世时Twitter用户早已在为他默哀。

    In June, Twitter users were mourning Michael Jackson before major news outlets reported his death.


  • 11日见诸媒体图片显示一位狂热的歌迷本画册挡住杰克奋力阻止偶像离开,无意之中打中头部

    A set of pictures shot on the scene showed that a swarm of fans blocked the singer's limousine and one of them even accidentally hit Jackson on the head with an album when he tried to stop the car.


  • 卫报采访记录发给了汉堡主管媒体沟通的副总裁苏珊·罗宾(SusanRobison)。

    The Guardian sent a transcript of the interview to Susan Robison, Burger King's vice-president of corporate communications.


  • 阿弗若蒂特·琼斯发现兜售记录片想法时,大多数媒体任何正面支持杰克的事。

    Aphrodite Jones also found that when she shopped around her documentary idea that most of the media did not want to do anything positive Michael Jackson.


  • 媒体报道魔术师约翰爱妻出席公益活动形象代言人身份呼吁社会关注艾滋病

    U. S. media reports, Magic Johnson's wife attended the public welfare activities, spokesman of the image to appeal to the community concerned about the status of AIDS.


  • 顶着中国媒体赠与他的桂冠“中国魔术师约翰”,去年第二轮40位湖人选中

    Dubbed "China's Magic Johnson" by domestic media, Sun was selected by the Lakers as the No 40 pick in last year's draft.


  • 自从三月份新闻发布后之后,杰克就再没有公开场合发表过言论,代表拒绝媒体安排采访

    Jackson has not spoken publicly since a March news conference and his representatives declined to make him available for an interview.


  • 当然杰克必须更加控制自己避免恐吓裁判也是为什么被迫利用媒体表达他的抱怨

    Jackson, of course, must show much more restraint in his attempts to intimidate refs - which is precisely why he's forced to use the media to give voice to his complaints.


  • 迈克·杰克台北演唱会一场媒体盛宴

    Michael Jackson's concert in Taipei was a multimedia extravaganza.


  • 塞缪尔·杰克2006年主演恐怖电影《航班患》的比较将不可避免出现社交媒体,影片中旅客数百剧毒毒蛇在航班中途斗争。 螉。

    Comparisons % with the 2006 Samuel L Jackson thriller Snakes on a Plane, which sees passengers battle hundreds of highly poisonous snakes in mid-flight, inevitably emerged on social media.


  • 中国媒体报道约翰及其随同人员于周二下午乘坐了北京地铁1线西单站公主坟乘坐

    Johnson nand his crew travelled on Beijing's no 1 line from Xidan to Gongzhufen in the afternoon, a total of five stops, according to Chinese media reports.


  • 2005年进行审判中的眩光世界媒体焦点杰克清除了童案起诉

    In the 2005 trial conducted in the glare of the world's media spotlight, Jackson was cleared of child molestation charges.


  • 媒体曾经引述杰克的话报道2013年表示说自己宁愿死刑:“希望一切在那时就能够结束甚至意味着可能已经死了。”

    Jackson was reported to have said in 2013 that he would have preferred a death sentence: "I wish it were over, even if it meant I were dead, 'he was quoted as saying at the time."


  • 杰克案中唯一陷害和抹黑的,就是——媒体

    In Jackson's case it was only the media which tarred him as guilty.


  • 杰克案中唯一陷害和抹黑的,就是——媒体

    In Jackson's case it was only the media which tarred him as guilty.


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